Anyone who thinks OK to murder children=disqualified 2b pres.


New member
I am suggesting that married couples (or single people) who have made the decision to never have children should find a method of permanent (surgical) birth control.

they shouldn't have a chance to change their minds?

the Catholic Church is against permanent sterilization (or any sterilization, probably)

there is nothing wrong with teaching young people how to CONTROL themselves...

how not to force sex on females... things like that...

there are Ethics classes in college... Why is there no class called Sexual Ethics?

that is the only kind of sex ed I would approve of... Of course, u know how it goes... anything that promotes Christian or Christian-like values is... anathema

promoting self destruction (fornication/abortion)... no prob!!!!!



Ah, so you think it is OK for people who have been raped or molested to have to bring that foetus to term? Shame on you.

you remind me of another scumbag who claims to be a Christian:



New member
but THINK for a moment, would you want someone who would abort an 8 month old foetus actually raising that child?


u libs and your 2 wrongs make a right nonsense

it's like "Well, this woman would have killed her baby so she is unfit to raise the child which means we have to kill it

geez... Take a Logic 101 class

Ethics 101 might be good also
