Anyone who thinks OK to murder children=disqualified 2b pres.


Hall of Fame
Ah, so you think it is OK for people who have been raped or molested to have to bring that foetus to term? Shame on you.

You believe that value of an unborn baby is determined by how the parent views him/her.

Shame on you.


Hall of Fame
No. I think the mental health of the mother is far more important than a foetus.

So you believe that those who claim mental illness should be encouraged or excused from intentionally killing other human beings?


Hall of Fame
A foetus is a potential human being.

IF you and others did not believe the foetus was a human being, there would be no reason to use the words human being OR potential as qualifiers.

In that case (following your logic), it would make no sense to support ANY pregnancies because they are all malignancies/growths/invaders, etc.


Well-known member
I fully support pregnancies where they are wanted. Further, I think it is the right of the woman to decide whether to carry to term. What I do NOT support is others making that decision for her.


Hall of Fame
I fully support pregnancies where they are wanted.

Indeed ... it doesn't make much sense for someone who is soooo opposed to having children to invite one into their body then, does it? Oh, and before you start droning on with the "butttt what about rape victims", everyone knows that is nothing more than a diversionary tactic.

Further, I think it is the right of the woman to decide whether to carry to term.

Easy to remedy. Don't get pregnant. You do understand how babies are made, correct? Seriously, there is no such thing as a Pregnancy Leprechaun.

What I do NOT support is others making that decision for her.

The decision to allow herself to become pregnant? Are you one of those people who needs to be convinced that 1 + 2 = 3?


New member
Indeed ... it doesn't make much sense for someone who is soooo opposed to having children to invite one into their body then, does it? Oh, and before you start droning on with the "butttt what about rape victims", everyone knows that is nothing more than a diversionary tactic.

Easy to remedy. Don't get pregnant. You do understand how babies are made, correct? Seriously, there is no such thing as a Pregnancy Leprechaun.

The decision to allow herself to become pregnant? Are you one of those people who needs to be convinced that 1 + 2 = 3?

My first child was unplanned. My wife got pregnant even though we took steps to prevent it. Of course, when we found out she was pregnant we got excited and went through with it and never had a thought otherwise. But they are not so easily preventable all the time.

Unless you are suggesting that married couples that do not desire kids should not have sex at all. . .


Hall of Fame
My first child was unplanned. My wife got pregnant even though we took steps to prevent it. Of course, when we found out she was pregnant we got excited and went through with it and never had a thought otherwise. But they are not so easily preventable all the time.

Unless you are suggesting that married couples that do not desire kids should not have sex at all. . .

I am suggesting that married couples (or single people) who have made the decision to never have children should find a method of permanent (surgical) birth control.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Not everyone who drives drunk desires to take out a family of four with their recklessness ...

This might be more funny?

Not everyone who drives drunk desires to take the family for a wreck.


Well-known member
Just like a baby is not a child. These are stages of human development. A foetus is a human

Which humans should not be offered a right to life as the most fundamental of all human rights?

Do you oppose all others or is this argument a red herring?

Abortion is better? What about punishing the human who is at fault rather than punishing the human that is not yet capable of guilt?

Let's test that. A woman is 8 months pregnant and decides she wants her foetus killed. Should this be a legal choice?

You ducked that earlier

Late-term abortions are most often medically mandated rather than choice driven but THINK for a moment, would you want someone who would abort an 8 month old foetus actually raising that child?

The foetus is not being punished, indeed before the brain links to the body at around 24 weeks, the foetus cannot feel anything. But please answer me this, why do you think the woman carrying a foetus conceived in an act of rape or molestation should be punished by having to carry to term?

Simple common sense tells you that, as far as God is concerned, there is no 'right to life. Fully 50% of fertilised zygotes do not even implant in the placental wall, of those that do a further percentage spontaneously abort (ie miscarry.)


New member
Late-term abortions are most often medically mandated rather than choice driven but THINK for a moment, would you want someone who would abort an 8 month old foetus actually raising that child?
1 word: adoption

Would that not be the best and most equitable solution for all parties involved?

The foetus is not being punished
The needless killing of said human is not a punishment? That's a semantic rationalization and nothing more. The result is the same.

I've asked you a rather direct and clear question twice now and you keep dodging it. Should it be legal to kill an 8-month-old foetus?

indeed before the brain links to the body at around 24 weeks, the foetus cannot feel anything.
8 months is how many weeks?

But please answer me this, why do you think the woman carrying a foetus conceived in an act of rape or molestation should be punished by having to carry to term?

How very typical. Do you realize what small percentage of abortions these scenarios make up? You're grasping.

Abortion should be illegal regardless of how conception came about. Why kill an innocent human for the crimes of his or her father?

Simple common sense tells you that, as far as God is concerned, there is no 'right to life.

I don't think I'll be listening to your opinion about God's concerns.

Fully 50% of fertilised zygotes do not even implant in the placental wall, of those that do a further percentage spontaneously abort (ie miscarry.)
Non sequitur
Do you understand the difference between natural death and one human purposely killing another? A lot of elderly people die. Does that mean it should be legal to kill the living ones?