Anyone who thinks OK to murder children=disqualified 2b pres.


New member
Anyone who thinks OK to murder children=disqualified 2b president

I have said this before and I have not changed my mind in the least. If a person thinks it is OK, even if "only" in rape or incest, to mutilate and murder a child, effectively meting out the death penalty for crimes of the parents, that person is NOT fit to be president.

Yes, I know, that will not stop a pro-abortion person from getting into office. Yes, that is obvious..

But Rs who think abortion is OK had better watch their step. If it weren't for Christians, they wouldn't have enough voters to WIN

It is when someone becomes a Christian that s/he sees the wisdom of the Republican party's ECONOMIC practices...

When you are not a Christian... you couldn't care less about good economic practices OR the sanctity of human life



Well-known member
Ah, so you think it is OK for people who have been raped or molested to have to bring that foetus to term? Shame on you.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
You are going to murder a baby because his father is a criminal? Shame on you.


New member
The Berean said:
Now we have politicians who have had abortions and admit it. And the ignorant press labels her a "hero" for having an abortion.
I didn't find the "hero" label in that link. It didn't even mention the word "brave".

Your intellectual curiosity is certainly lacking

Ten women's health heroes who inspired us in 2013

Lucy Flores:
"Flores' decision to share her story was brave"

Is the press that labels her a hero ignorant or not?


Well-known member
You are going to murder a baby because his father is a criminal? Shame on you.

Right beause in this case murdering an unborn child is ok. I see you promote murder. Good to know. By the way Lucy Flores was not raped.


Your intellectual curiosity is certainly lacking

Ten women's health heroes who inspired us in 2013

Lucy Flores:
"Flores' decision to share her story was brave"

Is the press that labels her a hero ignorant or not?

1: A foetus is not a baby.
2: Most abortions take place long before a foetus is anything other than a simple clump of cells.
3: In the case of rape and molestation / incest; bringing the foetus to term is, imo, akin to punishing the woman.
4: It is the woman's decision, no one elses.


New member
1: A foetus is not a baby.

Just like a baby is not a child. These are stages of human development. A foetus is a human

Which humans should not be offered a right to life as the most fundamental of all human rights?

2: Most abortions take place long before a foetus is anything other than a simple clump of cells.

Do you oppose all others or is this argument a red herring?

3: In the case of rape and molestation / incest; bringing the foetus to term is, imo, akin to punishing the woman.

Abortion is better? What about punishing the human who is at fault rather than punishing the human that is not yet capable of guilt?

4: It is the woman's decision, no one elses.

Let's test that. A woman is 8 months pregnant and decides she wants her foetus killed. Should this be a legal choice?

You ducked that earlier

patrick jane

1: A foetus is not a baby.
2: Most abortions take place long before a foetus is anything other than a simple clump of cells.
3: In the case of rape and molestation / incest; bringing the foetus to term is, imo, akin to punishing the woman.
4: It is the woman's decision, no one elses.

is this why you came to TOL ? i saw when you started and you gravitated towards murder quickly. now it's exclusive with you. ABORTION - pro-choice- what YOU are doing is helping to show the stupidity and ignorance of "choice" - :patrol:

View attachment 19409

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
OAN is reporting a woman cut the head off of her 3 month old baby. So what. "Doctors" dismember children daily in the USA. Why are the neighbors surprised or shocked? They voted for Obama who said infanticide should be lawful.
Anyone who thinks OK to murder children=disqualified 2b president

I have said this before and I have not changed my mind in the least. If a person thinks it is OK, even if "only" in rape or incest, to mutilate and murder a child, effectively meting out the death penalty for crimes of the parents, that person is NOT fit to be president.

Yes, I know, that will not stop a pro-abortion person from getting into office. Yes, that is obvious..

But Rs who think abortion is OK had better watch their step. If it weren't for Christians, they wouldn't have enough voters to WIN

It is when someone becomes a Christian that s/he sees the wisdom of the Republican party's ECONOMIC practices...

When you are not a Christian... you couldn't care less about good economic practices OR the sanctity of human life


If you truly believe this then you should read:


New member
Anyone who thinks OK to murder children=disqualified 2b president

I have said this before and I have not changed my mind in the least. If a person thinks it is OK, even if "only" in rape or incest, to mutilate and murder a child, effectively meting out the death penalty for crimes of the parents, that person is NOT fit to be president.

Yes, I know, that will not stop a pro-abortion person from getting into office. Yes, that is obvious..

But Rs who think abortion is OK had better watch their step. If it weren't for Christians, they wouldn't have enough voters to WIN

It is when someone becomes a Christian that s/he sees the wisdom of the Republican party's ECONOMIC practices...

When you are not a Christian... you couldn't care less about good economic practices OR the sanctity of human life


Does this include murdering children collaterally in war, or just in exam rooms?

In other words, are you against murdering kids, or just selectively murdering them?


New member
Now we have politicians who have had abortions and admit it. And the ignorant press labels her a "hero" for having an abortion. :doh:


she is a liar. It was not the right decision and she does NOT, at least not ALWAYS feel that way.

there is no way you can take the life of your child and NEVER, absolutely never feel any regrets ... or guilt or whatever.. no sense of what might have been... WHO might have been..

But even if that were the case, that does not make murder right (it should go w/o saying...)
