Anyone Who Thinks Another Person Deserves To Be Raped Is A Knob

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Well-known member
Eh, roughly translated you'll act like a pompous puritan who has no understanding of the traumatic effects of rape and will continue to act like a complete ignoramus. I would hope that nobody has the misfortune to be 'comforted' by you.

Yes, in your mind I'm sure that's all true.

The "traumatic effects of rape" are best found in young children, not in strippers, Artie, and I have more understanding of them than you ever will. Strippers will get no sympathy from me. I know that offends your sensibilities, but I'm not falling for your "poor little stripper" whine fest.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Yes, in your mind I'm sure that's all true.

The "traumatic effects of rape" are best found in young children, not in strippers, Artie, and I have more understanding of them than you ever will. Strippers will get no sympathy from me. I know that offends your sensibilities, but I'm not falling for your "poor little stripper" whine fest.

And once again you hone in on strippers as if that's the yardstick for the traumatic effects of rape, or as if that's what anyone else is actually going on about. If you had any familiarity with rape whatsoever you wouldn't be typing this type of crap out.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Oh, really dangerous. They were wrong about Job. I'm not wrong about strippers.
Yeah, you're sure and they were...not so different.
...There are consequences in this life whether our sins are forgiven by grace or not.
I've never said there weren't. I've said that you're not in a position to know and should leave it to God. And I've said, argued and illustrated why rape will never be an instrument of the good.
What you're claiming is that when our sins are forgiven we can freely go on our merry way without consequences in this LIFE.
Too broad. The fellow who repents of sin isn't accountable for it, but if you repent of the murder you've committed the court isn't going to let you go.
Surely, as a lawyer, you can see the fallacy in that line of "reasoning".
I see the fallacy of what you're attempting.
you were trusting me to always agree with you, then, yes, you were wrong to trust me,
I trusted you to act like a friend and to differ like one. Instead you behaved like who you actually were and I learned a lesson from it. Now there's a consequence for both of us.
I'm quite sure you're game. You love talking. Unfortunately, I don't enjoy all this drivel.
I get this sort of thing often from people who want to establish a superiority and are irked by the level of my education. It's the next step after the "fancier words" gambit you used earlier. Reminds me of old man Potter talking about George's father and his " of high ideas, so called" speech.
I don't really care to hear how sorry you feel for me and how disappointed you are in me.
How could you and not change something you're determined to hold onto?
I have better things to do with my time than listen to such nonsense. I can't stand that kind of "drama". I've had my fill of drama in this life.
Horrible the way everyone just keeps you here, talking about them and whatnot.
You're sorry that you can't "wound" me? Really? Surely you jest?
No, not even a little, but you have to understand the why and you're not interested in that, can't be and declaratively aren't, which I also noted. So it wouldn't mean anything to you.[
Do you think I should be so invested in myself and my self image that I can be wounded when I'm not thought of highly enough? That's very odd.
I think you are that demonstrably vested and what I'm speaking to is about a vesting in others. That's what wounds us. It's our care about someone and estimation of them that is wounded, not our pride.
I can and did read that into you. You have claimed you know what God will and will not allow
In the sense that someone who says "Thou shalt not murder" is doing it. Nothing more than that. Rape is a sin. Christ said a house divided won't stand. That settles the point for me. Evil will not do good and survive and the good likewise cannot remain itself and countenance evil. That's why we have a cross that was borne for us, not by us.
....just as humanists do. Even when Res showed you many examples that were clear as a bell that God had allowed all kinds of evil for His own purposes.
The devil can quote scripture. But he quotes it to his purpose.

And you were gutless when you left me unable to respond to your nonsense with you "closed thread". Your attempts to justify that were lame.
You're redefining the "gutless" now. Why? Because you first said it was gutless to talk about you to AB in this thread. Then when I noted you'd done as much you said it was different because I did it first. I noted that wasn't much of a virtue and then noticed you got even that part wrong, that you'd spoken of me first.

Now it's a new standard. Good grief. I don't respond in Quixote's anyway, which you know. I argue in the threads. Quixote's is a link to each thread discussed and a window to draw interest and/or entertain. If you don't care for it, as I've said prior, you aren't required to read it at all. Many don't. Many do. To each their own interest.
And if you don't want to be called a liar, then stop telling lies.
I haven't. That's why you're not quoting me and demonstrating it.
You make things up and attribute them to me by twisting my words.
I don't. More, when I got something wrong or someone I thought of as a friend said I did (see: your claim on empathy) I accepted it.

It's very clever, but WRONG, nonetheless.
That's more of that problem I noted prior (see: fancy words). You only grant the "clever" to set up what's really important to you, declaring me WRONG.
You do understand that we live in this world.....that when we do something wrong there are consequences right here in this world, don't you?
I've spoken to that. What you mistake is the idea that those consequences (in this life) are just ones. They frequently aren't, as I've noted. No man escapes justice, except by grace, but not all men accept that in this life and many of them prosper, as with the rich man in hell desiring to warn others, after the fact of his life.
Don't count on saving grace to keep you from suffering consequences tomorrow and the next day and the next.
God has already literally saved me from more than one I'd earned. I don't expect Him to be a genie, but I do know that He can and will deliver more than merely salvation, that His sacrificial love and its manifestation as aid outside of that can be astounding.

This would make a great thread on its on.
My children learned that at an early age....what in God's name were you taught? :wazzup:
Now you're disparaging my upbringing for a joke? You paragon you.
Golly, I think you've been taking lessons from Bybee. That's good because I've picked up a few gems from her as well.
She's one of the only people here I've ever read say, upon consideration and in the midst of an argument, that she had reconsidered her position.
No. I am not the victim. I've never given you a reason to make that accusation in spite of your skill at twisting facts.
A thing you invented, repeated a few times and now advance as a given. That's an old trick.
Therefore, you're lying again.
I can't do again what I haven't done the first time.
Good job. The stripper is a victim, but not without guilt of her own.
Again, she bears no responsibility for the act of another. But she has her own sin to answer for and, absent grace, she will. Rape isn't that answering.
You and your fellow do gooders are not doing that stripper any good by telling her she did nothing to deserve the suffering that came upon her.
You and your pack of self-appointed judges are doing no good for anyone by suggesting that her violation was in some fashion of God, a punishment.
You'd rather LIE and say her suffering was ALL some other guy's fault.
You don't appear to know a lie from the truth. And you think you're fit to judge?
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Well-known member
Meanwhile, rape remains a sin, contrary to God and to the law of the state

Not too smart, Town, you left something important out. Rape remains a sin, but so does stripping. And the act of one sinner does not annul the act of another sinner. I don't care how often men declare it to be so. Rape by one sinner does not wipe away the sin of the stripper. Rape does not magically make her clean of her immorality.

and no one who is raped bears any responsibility for the violative act of the actual offender.

Not once has anyone said the "one who is raped bears any responsibility for the violative act". Why do you keep making claims that have not been presented by anyone? Because you think it helps your case? It doesn't. It just makes you look incompetent.

The strippers "sin" is not rape.
It is an immoral act .....against God.

And whether she is forgiven for that sin or not, she must still suffer the consequences for that behavior in this life. The Lord may forgive you for committing adultery, but you will still suffer consequences in this life. How you can deny that, I will never know.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Only because I'm slumming over here in the REST. I'm not surprised in the least that you folks can't see that there are consequences in this life for our bad behavior.

The idea that suffering is used by God is a mystery to you folks, and the last thing you want to hear is that you will have consequences for your bad behavior ...that you don't get off scot free when you mess up. You cheat on your wife, and you'll suffer right here in this life.

So, go ahead and whine about how God isn't fair and how He lets you down, and how you simply can't believe that God has anything to do with suffering. If you can't even accept the simple fact that each of us is responsible for our own behavior, then there is no hope that you will listen to common sense. It's why I say there is no room in the liberal mind for common sense. So far you guys keep proving me right. :e4e:

Eh, ya finished bloviating yet? You go ahead and think you know what everyone else thinks and believes GD. Go ahead and label people liberals and humanists and all that insipid crap. One day you might just be acquainted with empathy and compassion, instead of bile.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Shoot, I missed this gem. Another wrong assumption.
Another empty declaration by you, of course.

And, you judged the "merit of the argument" my foot.
I did. Which is why until long past your personalization the only thing you could point to would be my not finding empathy in your position. And I moved on that point based on little more than your word, a courtesy you then failed to return in route to forcing me to reconsider accepting your own.

I'm not quoting you because you yap so much I wouldn't be able to find it much less recognize something you'd said as having "merit".
That's not even on the actual point you're pretending to respond to:

... you jumped right on that bandwagon ....judging those who were calling a stripper immoral and deserving of the consequences of her bad behavior.
I didn't. I judged the merit of the argument. That's why you're not quoting me, again.
I said, repeatedly, that not being any better at discerning than Job's friends (your impression of your abilities in comparison notwithstanding) we should refrain from making the judgment.

You've adulterated what scripture you've cited,
I haven't and you've never made any demonstration to back the claim, which is why you won't quote it either.

and ignored the verses that prove your error.
Also false. I've responded to your scripture, beginning with the Psalm and your overreaching use, as demonstrated by its inability to be reconciled to other scripture, the words of Christ.

Simply are not worth quoting, and you don't listen, besides. :blabla:
I think that robe is cutting off circulation to your noggin.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Not too smart, Town,
You're really consumed by that, aren't you, that comparison that begain with your "fancier words" and found purchase in your "scolding" comments.

you left something important out. Rape remains a sin, but so does stripping.
Who said stripping wasn't a sin? Not I. I said rape isn't a punishment for stripping and it isn't.

And the act of one sinner does not annul the act of another sinner. I don't care how often men declare it to be so. Rape by one sinner does not wipe away the sin of the stripper. Rape does not magically make her clean of her immorality.
Which would be one heck of a point if I'd ever remotely suggested it did, but I haven't since I don't believe it.

Not once has anyone said the "one who is raped bears any responsibility for the violative act".
You do when you say the rape is a punishment for the act. You forge the association. Because if she's being raped as punishment for her immoral act then the responsibility is established prima facie. There's literally no other rational posit.

Why do you keep making claims that have not been presented by anyone?
Rather, why haven't you sufficiently considered what you're saying to understand its ramifications?


Well-known member
Yeah, you're sure and they were...not so different.

I've never said there weren't. I've said that you're not in a position to know and should leave it to God. And I've said, argued and illustrated why rape will never be an instrument of the good.

Too broad. The fellow who repents of sin isn't accountable for it, but if you repent of the murder you've committed the court isn't going to let you go.

I see the fallacy of what you're attempting.

I trusted you to act like a friend and to differ like one. Instead you behaved like who you actually were and I learned a lesson from it. Now there's a consequence for both of us.

I get this sort of thing often from people who want to establish a superiority and are irked by the level of my education. It's the next step after the "fancier words" gambit you used earlier. Reminds me of old man Potter talking about George's father and his " of high ideas, so called" speech.

How could you and not change something you're determined to hold onto?

Horrible the way everyone just keeps you here, talking about them and whatnot.

No, not even a little, but you have to understand the why and you're not interested in that, can't be and declaratively aren't, which I also noted. So it wouldn't mean anything to you.

I think you are that demonstrably vested and what I'm speaking to is about a vesting in others. That's what wounds us. It's our care about someone and estimation of them that is wounded, not our pride.

In the sense that someone who says "Thou shalt not murder" is doing it. Nothing more than that. Rape is a sin. Christ said a house divided won't stand. That settles the point for me. Evil will not do good and survive and the good likewise cannot remain itself and countenance evil. That's why we have a cross that was borne for us, not by us.

The devil can quote scripture. But he quotes it to his purpose.

You're redefining the "gutless" now. Why? Because you first said it was gutless to talk about you to AB in this thread. Then when I noted you'd done as much you said it was different because I did it first. I noted that wasn't much of a virtue and then noticed you got even that part wrong, that you'd spoken of me first.

Now it's a new standard. Good grief. I don't respond in Quixote's anyway, which you know. I argue in the threads. Quixote's is a link to each thread discussed and a window to draw interest and/or entertain. If you don't care for it, as I've said prior, you aren't required to read it at all. Many don't. Many do. To each their own interest.

I haven't. That's why you're not quoting me and demonstrating it.

I don't. More, when I got something wrong or someone I thought of as a friend said I did (see: your claim on empathy) I accepted it.

That's more of that problem I noted prior (see: fancy words). You only grant the "clever" to set up what's really important to you, declaring me WRONG.

I've spoken to that. What you mistake is the idea that those consequences (in this life) are just ones. They frequently aren't, as I've noted. No man escapes justice, except by grace, but not all men accept that in this life and many of them prosper, as with the rich man in hell desiring to warn others, after the fact of his life.

God has already literally saved me from more than one I'd earned. I don't expect Him to be a genie, but I do know that He can and will deliver more than merely salvation, that His sacrificial love and its manifestation as aid outside of that can be astounding.

This would make a great thread on its on.

Now you're disparaging my upbringing for a joke? You paragon you.

She's one of the only people here I've ever read say, upon consideration and in the midst of an argument, that she had reconsidered her position.

A thing you invented, repeated a few times and now advance as a given. That's an old trick.

I can't do again what I haven't done the first time.

Again, she bears no responsibility for the act of another. But she has her own sin to answer for and, absent grace, she will. Rape isn't that answering.

You and your pack of self-appointed judges are doing no good for anyone by suggesting that her violation was in some fashion of God, a punishment.

You don't appear to know a lie from the truth. And you think you're fit to judge? Remarkable.

Just look at the length of this post. :doh:

Did I get your goat or what? ;)

I'm betting you have gone way over the post length limit.
Maybe someone will report you, and you'll have to reap the consequences of this bad behavior of being too wordy....of "over kill".....of protesting too much. I don't even need to read past the first line or two to see you don't have one single thing worth reading. One whine after another. :loser:

You're simply in love with yourself, Town. Now I understand why you were so upset that your great and wonderful posts were deleted. You have yourself on a pedestal, and your pontificating is a bad joke - where I used to think you were funny. Stick with taking pictures. You're really good at that, and I don't get tired of seeing your work in that area. As for this nonsense....YOU ARE A HUMANIST. You testified and now I can rest my case.


Well-known member
Eh, ya finished bloviating yet? You go ahead and think you know what everyone else thinks and believes GD. Go ahead and label people liberals and humanists and all that insipid crap. One day you might just be acquainted with empathy and compassion, instead of bile.

Ah, so you don't claim to know what I think and believe as I'm "bloviating", and you don't label me stupid and a fundy....with "bile" and "insipid crap"?

Ah, there's nothing like the smell of hypocrites in the morning. :thumb:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Just look at the length of this post. :doh:

Did I get your goat or what? ;)

I'm betting you have gone way over the post length limit.
Maybe someone will report you, and you'll have to reap the consequences of this bad behavior of being too wordy....of "over kill".....of protesting too much. I don't even need to read past the first line or two to see you don't have one single thing worth reading. One whine after another. :loser:

You're simply in love with yourself, Town. Now I understand why you were so upset that your great and wonderful posts were deleted. You have yourself on a pedestal, and your pontificating is a bad joke - where I used to think you were funny. Stick with taking pictures. You're really good at that, and I don't get tired of seeing your work in that area. As for this nonsense....YOU ARE A HUMANIST. You testified and now I can rest my case.

You can't argue with this TH. You're a humanist okay so deal with it cos GD says so, but hey, you take some good photos so it's not all bad...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Ah, so you don't claim to know what I think and believe as I'm "bloviating", and you don't label me stupid and a fundy....with "bile" and "insipid crap"?

Ah, there's nothing like the smell of hypocrites in the morning. :thumb:

Yeah, I hear they smell like a cross between lavender and strawberry cheesecake...



Well-known member
Christ said a house divided won't stand. That settles the point for me. Evil will not do good and survive and the good likewise cannot remain itself and countenance evil.

Here's a misapplication of what our Lord was saying. If He was saying what you seem to think, which you support by saying "the good likewise cannot remain itself and countenance evil" then why did God "countenance" the use of evil by Joseph's brothers? God meant that very evil "unto good" bring to pass.....a particular purpose.

Gen. 50:20
But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.​

What the rapist meant to be evil, God can most certainly mean "unto good" bring something to pass. That thing He may mean unto good could very well be her recognizing the error of her ways....causing her to turn from them. Are you going to turn a blind eye to this. You did once already. Will you continue to do so?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
...I don't even need to read past the first line or two to see you don't have one single thing worth reading.
You've said something like that a few times now. Which is funny when you consider it...though the thought of you considering something is funny enough.

You're simply in love with yourself, Town.
No, I know me too well, but Christ loves me. You don't appear to at all, which is a confounding shock given the raw power of your virtue as you've described and inferred it.

Now I understand why you were so upset that your great and wonderful posts were deleted.
Mostly disappointed that so many threads and people who were once important to this place disappeared with it. Don't mistake me, I had a lot of work in it too and I'd have liked to have some of it saved. But that's life.

You have yourself on a pedestal,
Not really. I don't have to think much of myself to think nearly nothing of you as you're being here, radiating virtue and empathy and whatnot.

As for this nonsense....YOU ARE A HUMANIST. You testified and now I can rest my case.
I'm not, but I dearly hope you got at least the last part right. That would be something. And shouting is a rules violation.

Man you must be conflicted about the lack of result/consequence.

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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Here's a misapplication of what our Lord was saying. If He was saying what you seem to think, which you support by saying "the good likewise cannot remain itself and countenance evil" then why did God "countenance" the use of evil by Joseph's brothers? God meant that very evil "unto good" bring to pass.....a particular purpose.

Gen. 50:20
But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.​
They meant to do evil, but no evil came of it. God used their attempt to do good. That's not at all like murder or rape, with or with out huge letters.


Well-known member
I thought I'd reduce this to its salient points, but then I thought it would be better if there was something after this line and credited a few others...

You should always start something like that with, "Dear Diary"...

I suppose it could be argued that answering you at all is protesting too much and that just a repost of your own nonsense should reasonably suffice. It's compelling, but cruel. I'll go another route.

You've said something like that a few times now. Which is funny when you consider it...though the thought of you considering something is funny enough.

Also, giant caps (in a few of your posts) are a rules violation, but I'm betting you don't suffer the consequence of it. And there you go.

Now that's vintage. You should try "retard" next. It's looking more and more like it would suit you.

No, I know me too well, but Christ loves me. You don't appear to at all, which is a confounding shock given the raw power of your virtue as you've described and infered it.

Mostly disappointed that so many threads and people who were once important to this place disappeared with it. Don't mistake me, I had a lot of work in it too and I'd have liked to have some of it saved. But that's life.

Not really. I don't have to think much of myself to think nearly nothing of you as you're being here, radiating virtue and empathy and whatnot.

I'm not, but I dearly hope you got at least the last part right. That would be something. And shouting is a rules violation.

Man you must be conflicted about the lack of result/consequence.

I was making a joke about the length of your post. The motives you ascribe to me are so out of touch with reality, that I'm literally amazed. I've never reported anyone for long posts. But, I have mentioned to you that your posts are way too long. Way too long. It's pointless for me to even try to answer them. I've tried breaking them up, but you have four more up there before I can even get to the next part of the one.

I'm not conflicted in the least about "the lack of results"....especially on this topic. Once someone donkeys down, they have too much invested to ever admit there is another side, much less that they might see the point.

I recognized right off the bat that the fact that I agreed with Doser could mean you might just jump on the bandwagon, and you did just that. Your knee jerks every time I use the loser emo.....and it doesn't matter that I have used it for years now. You simply refuse to believe that. You REFUSE to believe it. That's on you, Town. I'm actually embarrassed for you. Especially since anyone who has been posting with me for any length of time knows full well, I'm not copying anyone. I've always been mean. :chuckle:

You're so darn mad I can hear your teeth grinding from here. You feel betrayed because I dared to agree with Res. That I dared to say that God allows all kinds of evil things done by all kinds of evil people to come upon believers and unbelievers alike for His own purposes. You actually think that's debatable and insist you've won that debate. You've won nothing....except the stinker award.


Well-known member
They meant to do evil, but no evil came of it. God used their attempt to do good. That's not at all like murder or rape, with or with out huge letters.

Joseph was sold into slavery and never saw his father again. No evil came of it? How can you say that with a straight face? All those involved called it evil...that which they did unto him. But you say it was not evil? Not evil enough for you to call it evil? Very odd.

Gen. 50:15-17
And when Joseph's brethren saw that their father was dead, they said, Joseph will peradventure hate us, and will certainly requite us all the evil which we did unto him. And they sent a messenger unto Joseph, saying, Thy father did command before he died, saying, So shall ye say unto Joseph, Forgive, I pray thee now, the trespass of thy brethren, and their sin; for they did unto thee evil: and now, we pray thee, forgive the trespass of the servants of the God of thy father. And Joseph wept when they spake unto him.
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