Anyone Who Thinks Another Person Deserves To Be Raped Is A Knob

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Hall of Fame
You still think that some woman deserve it. Your position has not improved.

It's also obvious that a double standard is at play here. How long would the profession of stripping be around if not for those virtuous men who frequent STRIP CLUBS?

Did you know there are actually MEN who do *not* frequent strip clubs? Those must be the one's who are not dragged there kicking and screaming by a bunch of mean women.


New member
I have been to a few parties where there were women drunk and dressed in clothing designed to show off. Why is it when you see these women your first thoughts are of rape and my first thoughts are of how to get her home safely?

......and not a word of warning about her behavior huh? Guess you could care less when 30 years down the road she is dumpster diving and her veins are tore up from needle overuse? You would probably never see her again but would require a visit from the ghost of "Christmas past" (Charles Dickens) before some non PC compassion kicked in and you felt real shame.


New member
Do you realize you are setting the gossip wheel to start turning again? Do you realize how I was savaged almost two years ago by a lynch mob of whom some are already starting to get the gossip brewing? That set in motion several flame outs for me and several bannings. Why do you want me to be lynched again?

I've been reading and I thought you'd realized you were already outed. Your style is just too hard to miss after a while. People have explained they saw who you were without my help at all. And surely this is no secret to mods. Why would it be? My inbox is readable to them. I'm sorry - I'm not interested in giving you grief, but you are acting confused and double-minded from where I sit.

You've forgotten who your friends are and who are your enemies, that is for sure. My husband and I care about your well being very much, but you have to see that supporting a rape culture (you don't have to be one to support it by spreading wrong ideas) is as bad as supporting an abortion culture. And the two actually have a connection...


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
......and not a word of warning about her behavior huh? Guess you could care less when 30 years down the road she is dumpster diving and her veins are tore up from needle overuse? You would probably never see her again but would require a visit from the ghost of "Christmas past" (Charles Dickens) before some non PC compassion kicked in and you felt real shame.

Some conversations are best had once a person is sober and the hang over gone.


Hall of Fame
It would appear that you think that getting somebody home safely includes sexually assaulting them. You have a very scary mind.

Which actually fits in with the discussion topic. A decent man's only motive would be getting her home safely. A sexual assault would never cross their mind.


New member
Is lying about yourself and your previous identity an *honorable thing to do*?

Why did it take 1PM confronting you to get you to admit your prior history on TOL?

I thought he'd already outed himself based on what others here were saying. And it's not a secret to TOL if the pm box is used to announce who you are. Mods read that, and anyway, I just expect us all to use TOL fair and square. A new start and membership is one thing, but why pretend to keep it top secret when it's not really, anyway? That's just making things too hard for everyone. Be yourself already.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
right - they are usually used to indicate something that someone else has said

they were your words

It is your implication that we are discussing. Well, we would be discussing if you were honest.

By the way, you didn't answer my other question regarding reward or punishment. Avoiding that for some reason?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
It is your implication that we are discussing. Well, we would be discussing if you were honest.

By the way, you didn't answer my other question regarding reward or punishment. Avoiding that for some reason?

why should i go off on one of your bunny trails when you haven't addressed your lie here?
I have been to a few parties where there were women drunk and dressed in clothing designed to show off. Why is it when you see these women your first thoughts are of rape and my first thoughts are of how to get her home safely?


New member
I've been reading and I thought you'd realized you were already outed. Your style is just too hard to miss after a while. People have explained they saw who you were without my help at all. And surely this is no secret to mods. Why would it be? My inbox is readable to them. I'm sorry - I'm not interested in giving you grief, but you are acting confused and double-minded from where I sit.

You've forgotten who your friends are and who are your enemies, that is for sure. My husband and I care about your well being very much, but you have to see that supporting a rape culture (you don't have to be one to support it by spreading wrong ideas) is as bad as supporting an abortion culture. And the two actually have a connection...

I'm not talking about being outed. My enemies were on to me almost instantly. Its sad though you have joined forces with people who want me destroyed on this board. How can you be so blind? I wasn't trying to hide myself from my enemies. I knew they would recognize me. I tried ignoring them but they kept harassing me about my past anyway. I was trying to keep a low profile in hopes tol management would not kick me right off. My enemies did their best to have me banned anyway and here you are being part of the lynch mob. Surely you see what you are doing?

This last thing you did with bringing up huge parts of my private life was inexcusable. My enemies were already aware of it all but were content to leave it alone. Why bring it all out in the open again?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I'm not talking about being outed. My enemies were on to me almost instantly. Its sad though you have joined forces with people who want me destroyed on this board. How can you be so blind? I wasn't trying to hide myself from my enemies. I knew they would recognize me. I tried ignoring them but they kept harassing me about my past anyway. I was trying to keep a low profile in hopes tol management would not kick me right off. My enemies did their best to have me banned anyway and here you are being part of the lynch mob. Surely you see what you are doing?

This last thing you did with bringing up huge parts of my private life was inexcusable. My enemies were already aware of it all but were content to leave it alone. Why bring it all out in the open again?

CS - don't let 'em get to you

this what they want, to goad you into an unwise reaction

be better than them
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