Anyone Who Thinks Another Person Deserves To Be Raped Is A Knob

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Well-known member
Staying married to retain a certain benefit does not equal getting married in order to obtain a certain benefit.

Yes, it does.

There is no fraud.

I disagree.

Also, the rape admittance was done tongue in cheek to show the absurdity of the changes in rape definition.

He never met any rape definition unless he was penetrated, so no humor, no evidence of absurdity and no point. Some of us realize his intent was to provoke rape victims with his comments, which is a form of sexual abuse, in my opinion.

His posting of the Jodi Foster rape scene and subsequent comments suggest he gets off on the aestheticization of violence and so might also find gratification in abusing rape victims with his comments and disturbing images.

Any conviction would require evidence and tongue in check non sincere satirical admittance is not evidence in any serious courtroom.

It's possible the DOJ wouldn't take an interest in a troll maligning their definition of rape while proclaiming numerous times he was raped by his wife according to that definition and that he raped his wife according to that definition. It's also possible that they might investigate considering how nutjobs these days post outrageous things online before they perpetrate evil.

You guys want to destroy a guy because you hate his beliefs.

He will destroy himself so I don't have to think like that.

Any person secure in himself would never be so vindictive.

Isn't that a logical fallacy?

You guys will do nothing anyway because you know its a joke.

I'm not convinced it's entirely a joke.


New member
Also, the rape admittance was done tongue in cheek to show the absurdity of the changes in rape definition.

It's not that simple. Look at page 86 of this thread again.

....when men sexually assault women, town calls it "rape" and a sin

perhaps we need to use a different term for what happens to a woman who has earned by her sinful actions the consequence of being sexually assaulted

ok, new definition to accommodate the pedantic girlyman

when a woman engages in sinful behavior and reaps the consequences of that behavior, we shall no longer call it "rape"

henceforth, we shall call it "being ravished"

somebody notify tardlyartie - women deserve to "be ravished"

past tense: ravished; past participle: ravished
seize and carry off (someone) by force.
synonyms: seize, snatch, carry off/away, steal, abduct
"her child was ravished from her breast"
fill (someone) with intense delight; enrapture.
"ravished by a sunny afternoon, she had agreed without even thinking"
synonyms: enrapture, enchant, delight, charm, entrance, enthrall, captivate
"you will be ravished by this wine"

Nah, not close to deserved and women don't deserve it !

jodie foster in The Accused:

does her character bear any responsibility for her behavior and the consequences that ensued?

He also said stripping and rape were 1:1 - indicating it was eye-for-eye justice, not really rape but deserved ravishment. Sick.

...You guys want to destroy a guy because you hate his beliefs....

I hate that he is promoting wicked and illegal behavior and his flippant attitude towards the magnitude of the crime in question.

God has His ways of dealing with such men, and we can only guess at the consequences for his actions here at TOL and elsewhere, aside from the natural spiritual consequences for crimes such as rape, and the promotion of such ideas.


Well-known member
of course not - the insurance company knew of our changed marital status (separated, not divorced) and allowed it

They can do that with a separation agreement.

there was no fraud

Staying married to obtain a financial benefit fits the definition of fraud whether or not it's recognized under law as a fraudulent act. It is the moral equivalent of getting married to obtain insurance benefits.

and this has been hashed out many times in the past

Not with me.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
what 1pm said i said:
He also said stripping and rape were 1:1

what i really said (to town):

doser said:
so you're looking for reasonable proportionality between the actions of the victim and the consequences that might accrue from those actions?



and i'll defend that

the actions of one degraded sexual pervert (the stripper) vs the actions of a second degraded sexual pervert (the rapist)


Well-known member
They can do that with a separation agreement.

Staying married to obtain a financial benefit fits the definition of fraud whether or not it's recognized under law as a fraudulent act. It is the moral equivalent of getting married to obtain insurance benefits.

Not with me.

Why don't you take this to the marriage rape thread instead of this one? Must you and your wife monopolize this one, too? The Dynamic Duo you're not, no matter what your own opinion of yourselves might be. :chew:


Well-known member
I'm afraid of being seen as your lapdog but I must say you have some brilliant posts lately. You arent shaken by all the misdirection and vilification and word twisting and outright lying. It seems to sharpen your focus even more.

God only knows what you'll be seen as. Whenever anyone with common sense speaks up, the dog pack descends on them with wild howls of indignation. ;)

Actually, you're with the few of us on this thread who sit firmly on the lap of Common Sense. I notice how those sitting firmly on the lap of Humanism are now claiming they have common sense. They like the term, but don't have a clue what it means. We base our understanding on what God has clearly shown us from the scripture, and they base their understanding on what they would do if they were God....what God should be doing.
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