anticatholics: please list the "false doctrines of Catholicism"


New member
Celibacy is demanded for ALL Roman Catholic priests.
You're simply mistaken. (Again.)

It a vow they take at ordination, a sacrament and thus a doctrine taught by the Magisterium.
Nope. You're confusing the sacrament (Holy Orders) with the ecclesial discipline of clerical celibacy. The former is a Catholic doctrine (dogma), the latter is not.

Clerical celibacy within the RCC cannot be separated from the sacrament of Holy Orders.
Your ignorance of Catholic teaching is showing. Every example of a married Catholic priest refutes your claim here.

Gaudium de veritate,



New member
The Apostles and Elders of the early Christian church did not hear confession, offer absolution, or prescribe penance.

They insisted that forgiveness comes through faith in Christ.


New member
Quote 'The Book of Galations' Unquote.
Exactly where in the Epistle to the Galatians does it state that the idea that "the Roman Catholic Church teaches that they have Salvation" is "a false doctrine"? Chapter-and-verse, please.


New member
The Apostles and Elders of the early Christian church did not hear confession, offer absolution, or prescribe penance.
Already answered---and corrected---in Post #105 above (see cited source).

They insisted that forgiveness comes through faith in Christ.
Forgiveness DOES come through faith in Christ.

Gaudium de veritate,



Exactly where in the Epistle to the Galatians does it state that the idea that "the Roman Catholic Church teaches that they have Salvation" is "a false doctrine"? Chapter-and-verse, please.

Forgot that Peter came before Paul, so the Catholics don't have to follow what Paul taught.

By grace through faith. Not of ourselves. A gift from God. Not of works.

Cruciform, by what work have you gained access to God? What gives you the right to speak for God?


New member
By grace through faith. Not of ourselves. A gift from God. Not of works.
Amen. The Catholic Church was teaching "justification by grace through faith" for a millennium-and-a-half before a single Protestant ever managed to stumble onto the scene.

Cruciform, by what work have you gained access to God?
Certainly not by "the works of the law" (i.e., the Mosaic Law). However, faith cannot be separated from faithfulness (obedience), which is simply a part of the "faith" that saves, according to St. James. For biblical details, see this and this.

What gives you the right to speak for God?
I don't presume to speak for God in any sense beyond merely explaining and defending the teachings of Jesus Christ as they have been communicated in and through the authoritative doctrines of Christ's one historic Church.

Gaudium de veritate,



New member
Once again, you have no idea what you're talking about.

The Glories of Mary by St. Alphonsus Liguori has the seal of approval of the RCC where Mary is said to be the Savior of the world.

Does Cruciform reject the proofs that your own religion, the RCC, espouses?

Jesus HATED RELIGION --- brood of vipers, blind leading the blind, etc.

The religious leaders of the religion of Jesus' day were intent in assassinating Him, and they didn't stop trying until finally they successful and they thought they had eliminated the Creator of the universe.

If Jesus came physically today, the religious leaders would assassinate Him all over again, no question about it, because HIS TRUTH would expose their lies, exactly as it did when He was physically present in ancient times. HIS TRUTH shone on their lies and they couldn't stand it and they assassinated Him instead of repenting and accepting Him. Exactly as it happens today.

Jesus is being assassinated every day when people participate of the mass, transubstantiated blood, etc.

The non-Catholic religions do not stand too far behind her.

Jeremiah say: “Come out of her, my people! Run for your lives! Run from the fierce anger of the LORD."

The One in Revelation confirms it: "Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.”

Religion kills.
Jesus Christ and what He did gives life.


New member
The Glories of Mary by St. Alphonsus Liguori has the seal of approval of the RCC where Mary is said to be the Savior of the world.
There's your error (one of many). An imprimatur is not the seal of approval "of the RCC." Rather, it is the statement of a single bishop that a particular document is free from doctrinal or moral error. The imprimatur has no formal authority in the Catholic Church. Sorry for your confusion.

Jesus is being assassinated every day when people participate of the mass, transubstantiated blood, etc.
Nope. Try again.

Gaudium de veritate,


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Let me count the ways:

1) Having a holy father (the Pope)
2) Idolatry
3) Praying to Mary and the saints
4) Confessing your sins to a priest
5) Creating a place called Purgatory
6) Giving the last rights (as if that will help?)
7) Refusing priests and nuns to get married
8) Pre-written prayers
9) Too much standing up and down during your service
10) Water baptism of babies and grown ups
11) Believing that works/deeds will allow you entrance
into eternal life
12) Not preaching Paul's Gospel (The Grace Message)

How about that for a starter?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Notice to Catholics if you desire eternal life:

1) Get rid of the office of the Pope
2) Get rid of the office of the priests and nuns
3) Get your statues (idols) out of your church
4) Preach Paul's Gospel (The Grace Message only)
5) Once you hear Paul's Gospel, place ALL your
faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior
6) Once you've done that, the Holy Spirit will
indwell and seal you, and baptize (not by water)
you into the Body of Christ
7) Forsake the idea of Purgatory, which doesn't
exist anyway
8) Open your Bible and read it cover to cover, word
for word, and name by name
9) Do a read and study of Paul's Epistles (Romans
through Philemon)
10) Understand that we're living in the "Dispensation
of Grace." A time in which God is offering His mercy,
forgiveness, and eternal life through faith in Jesus
Christ and His death and resurrection. It's a gift to
all who place their faith in His Son
11) Both Jew and Gentile can receive God's Gift
12) Realize we're ALL sinners in need of a Savior
and that Savior is Jesus Christ who died for the
sins of ALL mankind and was raised from the dead
13) Even though He died for the sins of ALL, we
still must place our faith in Him alone, not our
church, good works/deeds, water baptism, etc, in
order to receive God's Gift of eternal life.
14) Those who reject God's Gift will be judged
by their "works" and be cast into, "The Lake of
Fire" with the Devil and his angels.


New member
Let me count the ways:

1) Having a holy father (the Pope)
2) Idolatry
3) Praying to Mary and the saints
4) Confessing your sins to a priest
5) Creating a place called Purgatory
6) Giving the last rights (as if that will help?)
7) Refusing priests and nuns to get married
8) Pre-written prayers
9) Too much standing up and down during your service
10) Water baptism of babies and grown ups
11) Believing that works/deeds will allow you entrance
into eternal life
12) Not preaching Paul's Gospel (The Grace Message)

How about that for a starter?
Been there, done that. Since these have all been answered dozens of times on this forum, I'll let you choose the three strongest examples (in your opinion) from your list, and I'll answer those. Which three, then, do you consider your strongest examples of supposed "false doctrines" taught by the Catholic Church?

Gaudium de veritate,



New member

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Been there, done that. Since these have all been answered dozens of times on this forum, I'll let you choose the three strongest examples (in your opinion) from your list, and I'll answer those. Which three, then, do you consider your strongest examples of supposed "false doctrines" taught by the Catholic Church?

Gaudium de veritate,


How about answering ALL of them? I have a friend I've known
for 40 some years and she was a Catholic for MANY years.
So, I believe what she's told me. She's been a Grace Believer
now, for years. She left the Catholic Church years ago.