anticatholics: please list the "false doctrines of Catholicism"


New member
(1) The supposed equal authority of the tradition of the 'church' vs. Holy Scripture.

(2) The supposed equal authority of the 'magistrum' vs. Holy Scripture.

(3) The exclusive authority and power of the 'church' to interpret and apply Holy Scripture.

(4) The exclusive authority and power of the 'church' to control the distribution of Holy Scripture to laymen, the masses, and non-Christians.

(5) The exclusive authority and power of the 'church' to forbid others to share, interpret, and apply Holy Scripture.

(6) The exclusive authority and power of the 'church' to determine who may or may not enter the 'church' and the power to 'excommunicate'
members of the body of Christ from the 'church'.
You bring up some good points, but I would like to discuss 6.
Didn't the earliest apostles say to cast out from amongst themselves the sexually disobedient?

(7) The nonsense that breaking of bread between Christians is some kind
of magic ritual 'sacrifice' more significant than a memorial tradition.

(8) The substitution of alcoholic drugs for the grape-juice of the Passover.
Evidence for this? "Wine" in the Bible is spoken of as causing men to get drunk. Do you believe the passover wine was mere grape juice?
(9) The forbidding of priests to marry, which is against the Torah.

(10) The collection of worldy wealth, when the Apostles rejected wealth.


New member
Works salvation
Infant baptism
Mary worship
Graven images
Calling the priest "father"

Should I keep going?

no, b/c you don't understand what you are talking about. You set up a straw man and then try to pretend it's... an actual man...

you don't understand Catholicism and that doesn't even bother you, will NOT keep you from opining on the subject...

i find that highly distasteful... presumptuous... ignorant




New member
no, b/c you don't understand what you are talking about. You set up a straw man and then try to pretend it's... an actual man...

you don't understand Catholicism and that doesn't even bother you, will NOT keep you from opining on the subject...

i find that highly distasteful... presumptuous... ignorant



You don't believe in or do any of those things?


New member
:yawn: We aren't anti-Catholic. :freak: We are anti-lies, deceit, homo/pedophile rapists, etc. Ga 5:9


you are, objectively speaking, anti-Christ's-Church

There was only ONE founded by Him... ONE

not 60,000 all teaching different theologies

God is not the author of confusion

man (the devil... same thing) is..

which explains why there was only ONE Christian Church in the world and now b/c of a "man" (Luther)... there is a huge divide...

60,000 different "denominations"

confusion reigns in Christendom



Well-known member
Anticatholics: please list the "false doctrines of Catholicism" I hear it all the time, that the RCC has false doctrines, but strangely, no anti-Catholic here ever, ever lists them, much less discusses them... so, please list them so we can discuss.
All of them. All doctrines held 'sacred' by the RCC which contradict a simple cursory reading of Scripture. All the ones which the RCC has decided they don't want to admit to their heresy in inventing.


New member

you are, objectively speaking, anti-Christ's-Church

There was only ONE founded by Him... ONE

not 60,000 all teaching different theologies

God is not the author of confusion

man (the devil... same thing) is..

which explains why there was only ONE Christian Church in the world and now b/c of a "man" (Luther)... there is a huge divide...

60,000 different "denominations"

confusion reigns in Christendom


The Catholic church stays united. They just change their doctrine when they feel like it.


New member
The Catholic church stays united. They just change their doctrine when they feel like it.


It's ironic that no anticatholic on TOL ever... and i mean EVER

attacks what is REALLY wrong in the Cathlic Church

and of course, How could they?

they don't know a thing about what is going on in the Church.

I've been in the Church off/on all my life, mostly IN. On top of that i have studied Catholicism (from reliable sources... true Catholics)

and yet you anticatholics think you know more about it than i do

presumptuous... ignorant...




New member


It's ironic that no anticatholic on TOL ever... and i mean EVER

attacks what is REALLY wrong in the Cathlic Church

and of course, How could they?

they don't know a thing about what is going on in the Church.

I've been in the Church off/on all my life, mostly IN. On top of that i have studied Catholicism (from reliable sources... true Catholics)

and yet you anticatholics think you know more about it than i do

presumptuous... ignorant...



People in TOL are hesitant to say what is really wrong with the RCC because they don't want to be TOO offensive.

Aside from being a false religion, the real problem with the RCC is that the hierarchy is an organized pedophile ring that operates outside the bounds of the law. If the RCC were a secular organization, it would be shut down and its leadership imprisoned. The RCC is a criminal syndicate and arm of Satan. That is the problem with the RCC.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame


It's ironic that no anticatholic on TOL ever... and i mean EVER

attacks what is REALLY wrong in the Cathlic Church

and of course, How could they?

they don't know a thing about what is going on in the Church.

I've been in the Church off/on all my life, mostly IN. On top of that i have studied Catholicism (from reliable sources... true Catholics)

and yet you anticatholics think you know more about it than i do

presumptuous... ignorant...



I was a Roman, member of the religious prostitute, the Roman Catholic Organization, for 42 years, studied it, for years, comparing t to "the volume of the book," and thus know more about this poser/fraud organization, than most others, including you, and most Catholics, so stuff your emotional, condescending, made up "We are mis understood...You just don't understand us...You are ignorant....You have not studied Catholicism...I know more about it than you do" jazz. And a second grader can figure out the satanic "doctrine" of the RCO, just by reading official, RCO statements, that are clear, w/o some alleged "insider," windbag such as yourself, allegedly "setting us straight," and allegedly "splainin' it" to us, Lucy.

So, save the diatribe, and have a seat.

patrick jane

I was a Roman, member of the religious prostitute, the Roman Catholic Organization, for 42 years, studied it, for years, comparing t to "the volume of the book," and thus know more about this poser/fraud organization, than most others, including you, and most Catholics, so stuff your emotional, condescending, made up "We are mis understood...You just don't understand us...You are ignorant....You have not studied Catholicism...I know more about it than you do" jazz. And a second grader can figure out the satanic "doctrine" of the RCO, just by reading official, RCO statements, that are clear, w/o some alleged "insider," windbag such as you, to "set us straight," and allegdly "splain" it to us, Lucy.

So, save the diatribe, and have a seat.

yeah, what saint john said -


New member
People in TOL are hesitant to say what is really wrong with the RCC because they don't want to be TOO offensive.
Many on TOL don't seem to be too overly concerned with being offensive, especially when it comes to Catholics and their faith.

Aside from being a false religion...
Your wholly unsubstantiated assertion is noted. Post your proof.

...the real problem with the RCC is that the hierarchy is an organized pedophile ring...
Here you merely demonstrate your own vast ignorance of the topic on which you've presumed to comment. You have no real idea what you're talking about. Please adequately educate yourself before embarrassing yourself further.

Gaudium de veritate,



New member
Do you contend, then, that the one historic Church founded by Jesus Christ himself, and against which He declared that the gates of Hades would never prevail (Mt. 16:18-19)---and whose teachings Jesus equated with His very own in truth and authority (Lk. 10:16; 1 Tim. 3:15)---could ever actually teach formal doctrinal error (heresy)? :think:

Gaudium de veritate,


There were many Christian congregations in the disciples day, even more than seven congregations. The original Christians were killed off by the Catholics, and their scriptures were burned. The Catholics replaced them with their own versions of scriptures.


New member
All of them. All doctrines held 'sacred' by the RCC which contradict...Scripture.
Or rather, "which contradict Aimiel's preferred interpretations of Scripture." Big difference there.

All the ones which the RCC has decided they don't want to admit to their heresy in inventing.
You must be thinking of such unbiblical doctrines as, for example, sola scriptura, the Eucharist as a mere memorial, sola fide, anti-sacramentalism, etc.---Protestant inventions all.

Gaudium de veritate,
