It has an essentially man-made theology based on the assumptions and opinions of entirely non-authoritative laymen whose historically novel
sect was invented by mere men more than
eighteen centuries after the time of Christ.
You would begin by talking to them about
ecclesiatical discipline? (That, after all, is what Mt. 18:20 is discussing, specifically the exercise of discipline by apostles/bishops of Christ's one historic and hierarchical
In any case, if someone came to me in my church and asked about something they'd seen,
too, would simply explain it to them. Problem solved. Your complaint/concern here thus simply falls flat and, again, simply doesn't apply in the real world.
I don't doubt you on this. We have a few sacred statues (and other sacred objects) in my church, but I've never seen anyone kneeling before them.
I thought that Europe was so secularized by now that no one even
went to church any more! :chuckle:
Sadly, the same process is at work in the U.S.
course you do. You could accurately learn what the Catholic Church
actually teaches about such things. But you can't seem to be bothered with that.
This is your fundamental error, which has been fed to you by your preferred recently-invented, man-made non-Catholic
sect, which you have uncritically swallowed, and have merely regurgitated here.
The funny thing is that you have
already been decisively answered on this very point in various past threads, including
here. This certainly demonstrates your well-established inability (unwillingness?) to learn and retain any information that fails to comport with your present anti-Catholic sectarian assumptions and opinions. Please read the cited information carefully and thoroughly, and at least
try to commit it to memory.
Well, the above post is no longer available, so I'll re-state it here (it's concise, brief, and easy to remember). With respect to your sect's interpretation/application of the biblical text above:
This is an example of Hebrew parallelism in which two clauses that mean the same thing are placed together for emphasis. The Hebrews are commanded not to make images or objects for the purpose of "bowing down to" or ("that is") "worshiping" them as gods. To "bow down" to something and to "worship" it are the very same thing.
Again, God does not forbid the making and religious use of images and objects per se---otherwise, He would have contradicted Himself when He went on the command the Hebrews to make and use religious images and objects. Thus, your sect's interpretation/application results in God directly contradicting Himself, a practical impossibility. Your sect's proposed interpretation/application of Ex. 20:4-5 is equally impossible, and must be rejected by all biblically-obedient believers.
For more info, see
Gaudium de veritate,