anticatholics: please list the "false doctrines of Catholicism"


New member
Nice Non Sequitur Fallacy (I thought you supposedly used to be Catholic?). Rather, the sacred statues of people represent actual people. Try again.
Cruciform - you obviously are astute and well educated in the Roman Catholic faith.

My concern for the laity is that so many of them are truly worshipping Mary and the saints, because I've heard them say that they are. A very close friend continues to proclaim, "We can get to Jesus through Mary."

So, do you have this concern, given that what the Magisterium actually teaches is not getting to the laity?

Are you concerned that many are idolizing through these statues?

The concern is for each soul who may be putting Mary and saints above the Holy Trinity, for worship.

Any thoughts on this?

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
So true. He was clear, concise, orderly in speech and manner, and quite the wolf in sheep's clothing.

Did you ever watch or listen to Fulton Sheen?

I have seen Sheen, but never really payed much attention to what he said. I could not get past his costume. He seemed too much like a cartoon character to me, like if Batman was a priest.


New member
I have seen Sheen, but never really payed much attention to what he said. I could not get past his costume. He seemed too much like a cartoon character to me.
He talked to the common man about forgiveness of sin through the Cross of Christ. Brought the basics and was genuine while doing so.

He was often televised in bars and would say that drunks (alcoholics) are sinning and they must turn to Jesus Christ to stop drinking. It was so cool. He did not support the 12-step idea of alcoholism as a disease.


New member
I make no appeal to the imagined authority of any man made religion...
Sure you do, every time you appeal to the interpretations and opinions that you've derived from your preferred recently-invented, man-made non-Catholic sect(s), and propagate them as "the Christian truth."

There is only one Authority regarding matters if faith.
Which is...? (Wait for it...)

This rings false.
Of course it does---just the result that the instruction you've received from your chosen recently-invented, man-made non-Catholic sect(s) is intended to achieve.

You choose a bunch if men in Rome while I choose God.
Rather, I choose the authoritative teachings of Christ's one historic Church, while you choose the interpretations and opinions of your preferred recently-invented, man-made non-Catholic sect(s).

In any case, you have yet to rebut any refutal of Catholic doctrine I have posted...
If you ever post an actual refutation of any Catholic doctrine whatsoever, I'll be sure to rebut it.

...and you have yet to produce a post where I impose theology on anybody.
Already answered above.

Gaudium de veritate,



Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Sure you do, every time you appeal to the interpretations and opinions that you've derived from your preferred recently-invented, man-made non-Catholic sect(s), and propagate them as "the Christian truth."

Which is...? (Wait for it...)

Of course it does---just the result that the instruction you've received from your chosen recently-invented, man-made non-Catholic sect(s) is intended to achieve.

Rather, I choose the authoritative teachings of Christ's one historic Church, while you choose the interpretations and opinions of your preferred recently-invented, man-made non-Catholic sect(s).

If you ever post an actual refutation of any Catholic doctrine whatsoever, I'll be sure to rebut it.

Already answered above.

Gaudium de veritate,


So, yet again, you have nothing of substance to offer. That is the best your men in Rome can do.

I am truly sorry that you don't know Who the One Authority is. I will pay that you merry Him one day. Really, I will.

Add to the rest, I never really expected you to offer a substantial reply to challenges against your doctrine. I both admire and pity your faith in the RCC.


New member
So, yet again, you have nothing of substance to offer. That is the best your men in Rome can do.

I am truly sorry that you don't know Who the One Authority is. I will pay that you merry Him one day. Really, I will.

Add to the rest, I never really expected you to offer a substantial reply to challenges against your doctrine. I both admire and pity your faith in the RCC.

yrs ago, i somewhat blurted out a half baked thought to a relative:

ex Catholics are the WORST...

and you know...

out of the mouths of "blurter outers" with half baked thoughts...

i now believe this fully baked thought 100%

thanks for (with the content of your posts) affirming it



New member
So, yet again, you have nothing of substance to offer. That is the best your men in Rome can do.
Feel free, then, to actually disprove my statements in Post #271 above. No? That's what I thought.

I am truly sorry that you don't know Who the One Authority is.
I wasn't sure if you would answer "the Bible," or whether your answer would be "God." In any case, your actual authority is merely the interpretations and opinions of your preferred recently-invented, man-made non-Catholic sect(s) which---since even you admit is decidedly NOT Christ's one historic Church---carry no doctrinal authority whatsoever. So much for your presuming to place your sectarian traditions of men over the authoritative teachings of Christ's one historic Church, which actually DOES possess the inherent doctrinal authority of Jesus Christ himself (Lk. 10:16; 1 Tim. 3:15).

Gaudium de veritate,



New member
So, yet again, you have nothing of substance to offer. That is the best your men in Rome can do.

I am truly sorry that you don't know Who the One Authority is. I will pay that you merry Him one day. Really, I will.

Add to the rest, I never really expected you to offer a substantial reply to challenges against your doctrine. I both admire and pity your faith in the RCC.

you are an accuser of the Brethren

ever read Matthew 25:31-46?

i dont consider u a Christian

you are dishonest (among other things)



Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Feel free, then, to actually disprove my statements in Post #271 above. No? That's what I thought.
I already did. Or rather your responses and lack there of have.

I wasn't sure if you would answer "the Bible," or whether your answer would be "God." In any case, your actual authority is merely the interpretations and opinions of your preferred recently-invented, man-made non-Catholic sect(s) which---since even you admit is decidedly NOT Christ's one historic Church---carry no doctrinal authority whatsoever. So much for your presuming to place your sectarian traditions of men over the authoritative teachings of Christ's one historic Church, which actually DOES possess the inherent doctrinal authority of Jesus Christ himself (Lk. 10:16; 1 Tim. 3:15).

Gaudium de veritate,

Can you point to one post where I have appealed to any authority on Earth? You always post a link to your earthly authority. Please show us where I have done similar.


New member
I guess you just aren't much up for conversation today? Or maybe these topics are tiresome for you? I don't know.

I do know that I didn't get much out of that. I came for a debate. All I got were tracts. :grave:


Welcome Jarrod, and take my advice, put him on ignore NOW. He's a huge waste of time and effort.


New member
I already did.
So, then, you've offered no disproof whatsoever. Noted.

Can you point to one post where I have appealed to any authority on Earth?
The simple fact is that none of us creates his beliefs and ideas ex nihilo, out of whole cloth. Rather, we derive our beliefs and ideas from innumerable informational sources (doctrinal traditions) by which we are influenced over the course of our entire lives. This is simply the way that human beings form their individual mindsets and establish their particular worldviews. You are certainly no exception to this fundamental reality. Thus, my prior comments stand exactly as posted.

You always post a link to your earthly authority. Please show us where I have done similar.
No need for you to post any links, as has been observed just above.

Gaudium de veritate,
