Post #15
You have the God-given right to not be raped. Your right acts as a "trump" against everybody, even your husband.
There are tons of ways, to be raped. "John 'JR' Ewing" rape is anything from leveraging a power disparity, to blackmail, to the direct use of force (once with his wife Sue Ellen), though not so exceptionally brutal that it ever left a mark (through season 11 anyway, caveat).
Rape in all but the most exceptionally brutal cases is basically unprovable in court, it can feel like, so who cares? might be a thought someone's experiencing. You can say all you want that it can't be proven in court. Thomas Jefferson and JR Ewing were rapists, and that means that they were rights violators. This means immoral, in the most grave sense possible within American morality. They never left a mark, just like how a felony perjurer isn't going to leave a mark falsely accusing someone of raping her; but they're both rights violators.
And who cares anyway, about whether it can be proven, or how easy it is to be criminally defamed and slandered by a determined perjurer? That has nothing to do with the absolute God-given right to not be raped, Thomas Jefferson style rape, or any other way. You might find that you yourself are a rights violator, you should take it seriously. You're never going to be arrested and charged, for a variety of reasons, but it's still morally obligatory that you stop violating someone's God-given right. You know, like right now. Like, "Thomas Jefferson stop that." "JR Ewing, knock it off right now."