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Well-known member
I personally consider St. Paul to be an apostle.

That's great news

I don't consider Judas an apostle of Christ.

Well, he was....there is no denying it.

I don't want to be called anything.

Um, not sure how to take that. You just want to be Popsthebuilder....If Jesus needs more from you, well don't call you an apostle.

What divides St. Paul from the others? I know he considers himself a prisoner of the Lord.

Weak! Answer.

He never saw Jesus the man; he witnessed Christ.

Same person, no matter what form Jesus decided to reveal Himself as.

Only One will judge me.

But your Israel by your own mouth. Scripture is clear, Jesus is clear, Israel will be judged by the 12 apostles (of which Paul is not a member of the 12). So what tribe do you belong to?


Well-known member
No, you lied. You quoted Peter, as your proof that I must answer any/all questions posed. That is your argument. I countered-Peter said no such thing. You misquoted him: He said:

Peter 3:15 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear.

Read it-You changed it, corrupted it, to

Peter 3:15 KJV But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and always give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear.

That is slick, deceitful.

Yes, you did-you argued "always answer"-no qualification/exception.

You changed your argument-moved the goal posts-you argued "always answer"-no qualification/exception.

I've never once said you must answer all my questions, I've even said you don't have to answer the question I asked, if you don't want to, and you haven't.

And that's it. I've only quoted Peter as written in the KJV Bible. I never added anything to that. Can you show me in which post I said that you have to give me an answer, or that I changed the wording of what Peter said?

I don't need to change his words, Peter says it clear enough.


Well-known member
That's great news

Well, he was....there is no denying it.

Um, not sure how to take that. You just want to be Popsthebuilder....If Jesus needs more from you, well don't call you an apostle.

Weak! Answer.

Same person, no matter what form Jesus decided to reveal Himself as.

But your Israel by your own mouth. Scripture is clear, Jesus is clear, Israel will be judged by the 12 apostles (of which Paul is not a member of the 12). So what tribe do you belong to?
The twelve and Paul are all apostles, Paul preached the same gospel as the other 12.

Can you tell me what you believe regarding the following, if that's ok? That the twelve didn't preach that Jesus died on a cross to save the world, if everyone needs to believe this, then why didn't they preach it? I hear people say this here, they keep saying that the same gospel wasn't preached and that the 12 didn't preach the cross to the Jews, why didn't they if the crucifixion is crucial for salvation? Thanks


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The twelve and Paul are all apostles, Paul preached the same gospel as the other 12.

The Bible says that 12 Apostles will rule over the twelve tribes of the nation of Israel.

Will Paul rule over the Body of Christ? or is he a part of the Body of Christ, with Christ alone as the head? Does Paul ever say he will rule over Christians?

Can you tell me what you believe regarding the following, if that's ok? That the twelve didn't preach that Jesus died on a cross to save the world, if everyone needs to believe this, then why didn't they preach it? I hear people say this here, they keep saying that the same gospel wasn't preached and that the 12 didn't preach the cross to the Jews, why didn't they if the crucifixion is crucial for salvation? Thanks

"Mystery" :think:


Well-known member
The Bible says that 12 Apostles will rule over the twelve tribes of the nation of Israel.

Will Paul rule over the Body of Christ? or is he a part of the Body of Christ, with Christ alone as the head? Does Paul ever say he will rule over Christians?

"Mystery" :think:
Mystery? What do you mean? Thanks


New member
Here, but don't try to use it unlawfully. (I know you will try).

Romans 3:27 Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? Nay: but by the law of faith.​
Thank you; I knew it sounded familiar.

What did you mean by "don't abuse it " or whatever?

Do you mean like so many abuse it to mean one need not do any works whatsoever?

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk


New member
That's great news

Well, he was....there is no denying it.

Um, not sure how to take that. You just want to be Popsthebuilder....If Jesus needs more from you, well don't call you an apostle.

Weak! Answer.

Same person, no matter what form Jesus decided to reveal Himself as.

But your Israel by your own mouth. Scripture is clear, Jesus is clear, Israel will be judged by the 12 apostles (of which Paul is not a member of the 12). So what tribe do you belong to?

Let me make it a little more clear for you since I missed the mark the first time.

I do not care what any man calls me or things of me ultimately.
That in no way means I would not respond to the call of our Lord for whatever He required of me what so ever.

Same GOD no matter what form; very good, so why think He came and brought some third testament or separate gospel of salvation? Same One Lord; same one Gospel.

I already said St. Paul is an apostle. And I'm pretty sure you are aware that he was too a Jew.

You should try to understand that there aren't separate tribes any longer. The Jew has been spread throughout the world.

Your question about tribe is irrelevant to me. What is your point?

If you agree St. Paul is an apostle then why do you say he is not?

And when I say only One will judge me; I mean it. Do you really think the apostles will be judging separate from the Christ or contrary to His Will?

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk

Greg Jennings

New member
Are you expecting me to believe that you are here to be converted? I don't.

I don't expect to "convert" anyone. It's not in my power to do so. I can only share God's word and the Gospel, and leave the converting to the Spirit of God. Those who refuse to hear are exposed. The rest is simply a love of studying the word of God with like-minded folks.

I wasn't born into a Christian family. I was born into a disfunctional family with a father who beat my mother and ran off with her younger sister...leaving her with three babies under four years old. I wasn't saved in a church at all.

Was your family Christian? Not in behavior, I mean did you go to church when you were little with the fam? I'm thinking so. And if that's true then you were raised as a Christian. No two ways about that.

And I don't need you to convert ME. I've been converted for years. You're just too overzealous to notice when you're speaking to one of your own