Another wolf is marked/exposed/identified.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I don't too much care about how many people view my thread or agree with me. The amount of views on a particular thread has little to do with the truth; unless you simply think majority rules and herd mentality is a thing to aspire for.

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Translation? You were high, and not qualified to weigh in, and have the honor, of me recognizing you, when you asserted, incorrectly, just to draw my fire:
Your fame?

Someone is full of themselves.

No, pops-you're not in my league, both in the realm of biblical knowledge, respect on TOL, and humility. I'm one of the most feared, respected gunslingers, ombre's on Dodge TOL-and humble. Do me this favor. I won't forget it. Ask your friends in the TOL neighborhood about me. They'll tell you I know how to return a favor.

saint Don John Waleone

Greg Jennings

New member
You aren't the judge. God is. You are merely a human and fall prey to the same faults we all do.

I'm glad it makes you feel big to attack another. That's what Jesus would've done, right? Smh

Follow our Lord's example. Don't make a mockery of him


You aren't the judge. God is. You are merely a human and fall prey to the same faults we all do.

I'm glad it makes you feel big to attack another. That's what Jesus would've done, right? Smh

Follow our Lord's example. Don't make a mockery of him



Well-known member
I don't too much care about how many people view my thread or agree with me. The amount of views on a particular thread has little to do with the truth; unless you simply think majority rules and herd mentality is a thing to aspire for.

The truth is that John W knows who our Lord Jesus Christ is, and preaches the Gospel of Salvation, and is more than able to teach from the Scripture those things you are only guessing at. So, don't defend your lack of visits too vigorously, you are simply being exposed as having no standing.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You aren't the judge. God is. You are merely a human and fall prey to the same faults we all do.

1.Sophistry. Christians are commanded, by the Lord God, to judge false doctrine, and those who spread it, despite your sound byte that you read somewhere, and thought, "Well, that makes me sound so caring, 'non judgmental,', cultured, so I will impres everyone by saying it, although it is not in the bible.......," and all that jazz.

2. You just made a judgment, not to judge, which is a self refuting "argument."

Take your seat, Col. Klink.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You unwittingly justifying any and all sorts of atrocity via your doctrine is not phycho babble.

It's good to see your true motives shine through again though.

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Thanks for the Oprah impression again, pops-weighty. Anything else, Hop Sing?

If not, please take your seat, until I decide to recognize you, again. But you're beginning to bore me.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
The truth is that John W knows who our Lord Jesus Christ is, and preaches the Gospel of Salvation, and is more than able to teach from the Scripture those things you are only guessing at. So, don't defend your lack of visits too vigorously, you are simply being exposed as having no standing.

Exactamundo, from the always wise, calming, reasonable(Isiah 1:18 KJV), d of g!


New member
Translation? You were high, and not qualified to weigh in, and have the honor, of me recognizing you, when you asserted, incorrectly, just to draw my fire:

No, pops-you're not in my league, both in the realm of biblical knowledge, respect on TOL, and humility. I'm one of the most feared, respected gunslingers, ombre's on Dodge TOL-and humble. Do me this favor. I won't forget it. Ask your friends in the TOL neighborhood about me. They'll tell you I know how to return a favor.

saint Don John Waleone
My friends?

Why would I care what any other persons opinion is about a person I know to be full of them selves and also vile?

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1.Sophistry. Christians are commanded, by the Lord God, to judge false doctrine, and those who spread it, despite your sound byte that you read somewhere, and thought, "Well, that makes me sound so caring, 'non judgmental,', cultured, so I will impres everyone by saying it, although it is not in the bible.......," and all that jazz.

2. You just made a judgment, not to judge, which is a self refuting "argument."

Take your seat, Col. Klink.

You guys are so good at repeating the same o clichés.

Do you feel so good to be supported by all those proud Christians?


Well-known member
You aren't the judge. God is. You are merely a human and fall prey to the same faults we all do.

I'm glad it makes you feel big to attack another. That's what Jesus would've done, right? Smh

Follow our Lord's example. Don't make a mockery of him

Those in the body of Christ are to judge all things. That means you don't know what you're talking about, oh whited sepulchre filled with dead men's bones. :eek:linger:


New member
The truth is that John W knows who our Lord Jesus Christ is, and preaches the Gospel of Salvation, and is more than able to teach from the Scripture those things you are only guessing at. So, don't defend your lack of visits too vigorously, you are simply being exposed as having no standing.
I'm defending a woman who had been wrongly accused.

I couldn't care less about my own standing among the proud.

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New member
Thanks for the Oprah impression again, pops-weighty. Anything else, Hop Sing?

If not, please take your seat, until I decide to recognize you, again. But you're beginning to bore me.
I'm not here for your entertainment oh proud self proclaimed fame of tol.

Love that chair?

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk


Here is Marhig's word you are calling "wolf".

She knows the heart of Christianity.

And you call her wolf.

Unsaved people? With respect, you can't judge who is and who isn't saved? Those who are being saved are those who are living by the will of God and overcoming their flesh through Christ by the power of the Spirit. And only God can judge who will be eternally saved and who won't. God looks at the heart not the denomination. Jesus didn't say follow a denomination, Jesus said follow me! And those who truly follow him and live by the will of God are those who will enter the kingdom of heaven, according to Jesus.