ECT Another verse that proves MAD is a lie.Rom.16:7 Leave the cult and follow Jesus.


New member
Will this clear up the 1% that I'm off?

Lol, I had said that in jest; knowing what's his name would jump on it.

Sure enough: as he ever so predictably does; he did :D

Fact is, til any of your group put out a book as extensive as Baker's 600 page "A Dispensational Theology" who knows what percentage your Hybrid view is actually off in.

Personally I find that of the three major Mid-Acts Pastor-Teacher training curriculums out there; many of my findings align on much with those of the Pastor-Teachers of Grace School of the Bible.

The other two major schools being Baker's and Stam's (Baker's curriculum having originally been the result of Baker, Stam, and O'Hair's efforts).

Those three schools are the basis of most Mid-Acts Pastor-Teachers and assemblies out there (Bush; Johnson; Finck, and so on).

None of which matters if it does not line up with the Scripture.

Lol - which is where our respective point of departure is, bro: our obviously different approach, whatever that may be.

Personally, I find this all fascinating, and have learned from all of it.

The animosity and double-standard and even ugliness on the part of some here and there toward anyone who does not agree with them on one thing or another - well, that is just their dis-obedience of faith - for we have not so learned...Christ.


TOL Subscriber
Lol, I had said that in jest; knowing what's his name would jump on it.

Sure enough: as he ever so predictably does; he did :D

Fact is, til any of your group put out a book as extensive as Baker's 600 page "A Dispensational Theology" who knows what percentage your Hybrid view is actually off in.

Personally I find that of the three major Mid-Acts Pastor-Teacher training curriculums out there; many of my findings align on much with those of the Pastor-Teachers of Grace School of the Bible.

The other two major schools being Baker's and Stam's (Baker's curriculum having originally been the result of Baker, Stam, and O'Hair's efforts).

Those three schools are the basis of most Mid-Acts Pastor-Teachers and assemblies out there (Bush; Johnson; Finck, and so on).

None of which matters if it does not line up with the Scripture.

Lol - which is where our respective point of departure is, bro: our obviously different approach, whatever that may be.

Personally, I find this all fascinating, and have learned from all of it.

The animosity and double-standard and even ugliness on the part of some here and there toward anyone who does not agree with them on one thing or another - well, that is just their dis-obedience of faith - for we have not so learned...Christ.
So your approach is all your opinion and that of others. Got it.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Neither is Bullingerism, but that hasn't stopped you from being a follower of E.W. Bullinger.

Please give us another "Darby...Bullinger" spam, admitted Christ rejecting Flavey Joe/Josephus follower, admitted Church of Christ J. Stuart Russell/Max King follower, and admitted Catholic follower Craigie...Please? Teach us, sweetie....Please?

Loser. Clown.

And get saved, admitted, on record Jew hater, anti-Semite.


New member
Neither is Bullingerism, but that hasn't stopped you from being a follower of E.W. Bullinger.

Lol - you said it.

She and STP have both stated they learned their (hybrid) view from others.

In fact, in one post they went on about how ecstatic they'd been upon finding said teachers: triple exclamation point from heir; of course, lol

D-O-U-B-L-E S-T-A-N-D-A-R-D is what their ways amount to.

By the way, you have all sorts of things wrong, Tel.

Bullinger was Mid-Acts until he read Anderson's "The Silence of God."

That book "about," (a great book nevertheless) and the writings of another individual who's name escapes me at the moment: who predates Welch and who Welch basically took credit for said individual's Acts 28 Position.

Typical "church" history.

And you have yet to mention anyone before Darby - even IP once pointed some of those people out to you; to your usual deaf ear.

But as the Apostle Paul himself put it of ordinarily an unsound witness on a nevertheless valid point of his who most on here would not have given the time of day to - "this witness is true" Titus 1:12-13.

That should ever be one's bottom line on these things.

Not who likes or dislikes who, or who has been right, or wrong, or who belongs to what fool club, or who is who's pal, and all the rest of that nonsense.

That is exactly why the actual history of one thing or another often ends up sold out - cronism in all it's forms.


Well-known member
McLean (yet another MAD paradigm) says something about Jordan denying that Jesus knew He was Christ until His baptism, or something like that.


New member
McLean (yet another MAD paradigm) says something about Jordan denying that Jesus knew He was Christ until His baptism, or something like that.

lol - I just knew you would come along, with your two cents, bro - you never disappoint :chuckle:

Not sure if this is what you are referring to but I recall Jordan putting out a two part message "When Did Christ Learn the Mystery" having to do with Christ not having known The Mystery during His Earthly Ministry because He had basically emptied Himself of His Diety Attributes when He was born as the Son of Man, that He might fully be subservient to the Father.

D. Note - which is what the JWs and all other sorts of Trinity deniers ever remain willfully blind and clueless to.

Anyway, per that message, only after He ascended back unto The Father: was all that restored back unto Him.

D. Note - which is what His having "earned" this and that, as referred to in Scripture about Him, is about.

McLean, of course, went town with that, lol

But Jordan is very much aware of Luke 2:49 and has taught on the Lord's childhood, so I doubt what you are saying you remember hearing is correct.

And actually, McLean is very much Acts 9.


New member
Not making a point, just tossing it out there. Everybody disagrees with everybody about something or other.

lol - sort of like when I mistakenly asserted your having asserted a thing it turned out you had not and you took great issue with it.

You might want to recall what that felt like when "just tossing" a thing "out there."

And all I said in the above was that I just knew you would come along...and you did.

I swear, bro, you and I have ended up at some kind of a need for ever an at arm's length "well, tell him I said such and such" :chuckle:


New member

Thanks for the link.

I'll listen to it again, but I distinctly recall Jordan not only never having said that Jesus did not know He was the Son of God; but I also distinctly recall not only agreeing with what Jordan did say throughout that message even as I was listening to it; but accompanied by various passages stored up in my own inward man, that would come up into my consciousness as a sort of a "yep, and this or that other passage is also evident of that..."

(Recollection of related passages due to their same context acting as a context marker for their instant recollection, etc.)

Colossians 3:16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.