Ann Coulter says Trump appears senile

The Barbarian

Ignore the racist comment reports. No audio yet that I've heard, only an unnamed anonymous Democrat staffer, reportedly.

Notice, the WH isn't denying what he said. The defense has fallen back on "no big thing." And the shills are seeking a distraction.

It's just a desperate preemptive distractor from this, which is truly yuge:

Recycled rumor. I guess you make do with what you have, um?


Well-known member
Barbie, your stamina in the face of always being wrong is truly astounding. But you keep on preaching the narratives they feed you.

Produce audio of Trump's comment, or the name of the person saying it.


Well-known member
Watch Andy, his reactions are symbolic of how the Father must feel when Tol gunslingers start boasting:shocked:.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Hey Barb, I notice you like to take swings at Trump's age? I suppose it's because you're such a youthful and energetic young character? I can see that in your picture. Oh to be young like you, again. How do you do it? Plastic surgery, Liposuction or just plain pounds of make-up?

The Barbarian

Hey Barb, I notice you like to take swings at Trump's age?

No. None of us knows when we might become senile as we get older. It's not Trump's fault that he's getting increasingly confused. But it's serious concern, because he's got the potential to do a lot of damage to the country.

When Reagan was showing the same symptoms, he had a strong and devoted wife who helped him and did her best to protect him. Trump has no such advantage. And given the cutthroat politics in the Trump WH, whoever speaks to him last, wins.

As Coulter pointed out; one person after another spoke to him in that meeting with opposing viewpoints, and he agreed with all of them in turn.

It's not that he's old; it's that he's increasingly confused and fickle about what he wants to do.

I suppose it's because you're such a youthful and energetic young character?

Well, my fitbit says that my fitness is on the border between "good" and "very good" for my age. But I was an athlete as a young man, and I've been fortunate to have great genes for cholesterol. And my resting pulse rate remains in the low 60s. Until I was 70, I never even had an ER visit. Still have my hair, too, without Trumpish comb-overing.

So not too bad for a fat old guy.

I can see that in your picture.

Well, that's a few years old. I finally got gray. And I got more wrinkles. And apparently, I've got a touch of arthritis in my knee. (About 4 years ago, I was taking pictures on a bluff, and my trip down was a lot faster than it took me to get up there; apparently, I damaged something)

After that, Mrs. Barbarian forbids me to get on a ladder unless she's there to spot. And when it came time to build a shed, she made me get someone to frame it and put on the roof. I got to finish it out, though, and I'm about to get a solar power system installed.

Mrs. B always wanted a potting table, so I built one from 2x3 lumber. I had an old stainless steel sink, which I set into the table. When she cleans up potting soil, she sweeps it into the sink, were it falls into a plastic tub below to be reused.


So I'm pretty good right now.

You know what I hate that happens to old people? They get started on one thing, and then they go off into something completely different. I'm sure glad that doesn't happen to me.

Oh to be young like you, again.

Not Tired Yet
I’m not tired yet
I’m old and gray I can’t do things I used to do.
But I’m not tired yet

When I think of dying and leaving you
Or you leaving me
It makes no sense at all
I haven’t seen all of you there is to see
Each day is still new for us

When I was young and lost
In that dark valley where God is a distant maybe
You did what you had to do
And it saved me
Even when all I could see was betrayal
At last I see

I’m not tired yet
I’m old and gray I can do things I once couldn’t do
And I’m not tired yet
Let’s rebuild your closet
Or drive to Seattle

I’m not tired yet
Someday I’ll welcome it
But not yet no not yet

How do you do it?

Embrace the grey, Grosnik, embrace the grey. :)

Plastic surgery,

Probably would have been better to have that done when I was young. My wife says that I'm handsome in a unique kind of way. But I wasted my summers as a youth driving spikes on track gangs, so I'm pretty leathery from all that sun.

Liposuction or just plain pounds of make-up?

You see what it does for Trump. That "reverse raccoon" look from too much makeup/bottled tan?



Well-known member
Barbie takes no notice of Clinton spazzing out in front of cameras more than once, or falling down and being hauled into an SUV like a sack of potatoes while Mr. EpiPen is always within arm's reach. "But that's different."


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Barbie takes no notice of Clinton spazzing out in front of cameras more than once, or falling down and being hauled into an SUV like a sack of potatoes while Mr. EpiPen is always within arm's reach. "But that's different."

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Ah, I'm afraid you must prepare to be wrong. I know it's difficult for a "Far-left Dem" to face the reality of a loss, however, trust me, it's best you just accept the truth. After all, you'll sleep better at night.

Funny thing, that "Far-left Dem" bit. Fact is, I'm a life-long registered Republican. Never bought into the Trump con game, though. There's quite a few of us out there.


Ignore the racist comment reports. No audio yet that I've heard, only an unnamed anonymous Democrat staffer, reportedly. It's just a desperate preemptive distractor from this, which is truly yuge:


Graham: I said my piece to Trump directly

Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said Friday that he said his piece directly to President Trump at a White House meeting on immigration reform the previous day where Trump reportedly disparaged several nations as "shithole countries."

Graham was present at the bipartisan meeting in the Oval Office where Trump reportedly referred to Haiti, El Salvador and several African nations as "shithole countries" after lawmakers suggested that immigrants from the countries be provided protections.

"Following comments by the President, I said my piece directly to him yesterday. The President and all those attending the meeting know what I said and how I feel. I've always believed that America is an idea, not defined by its people but by its ideals," Graham said in a statement on Friday.

Graham neither confirmed nor denied the controversial remarks attributed to Trump, but the GOP senator said he appreciated statements from Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.).

Durbin, the only Democrat at the meeting Thursday, said he heard Trump make the crude remarks and praised Graham for speaking up and rebuking the president at the time.

"My colleague [Graham] spoke up and made a direct comment on what the president said," Durbin said Friday, according to MSNBC. "For him to confront the president as he did, literally sitting next to him, took extraordinary political courage and I respect him for it."

"I appreciate Senator Durbin's statements and have enjoyed working with him and many others on this important issue," Graham said in his statement.

"Diversity has always been our strength, not our weakness. In reforming immigration we cannot lose these American ideals."

... Two of Graham's Republican colleagues, Sens. Tom Cotton (Ark.) and David Perdue (Ga.), issued a statement Friday saying they did not recall Trump explicitly making the "shithole" comments as reported.

Senator Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) reported the comment, and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), who was also present in the Oval Office, made no effort to contradict Durban's version!

Two other Republican Senators, Tom Cotton (Ark.) and David Perdue (Ga.), both stated that they could not recall President making such a comment, but neither did they rush to Trump's defence confirming that he made no such statement!
Last edited:

The Barbarian

Barbie takes no notice of Clinton spazzing out in front of cameras more than once, or falling down and being hauled into an SUV like a sack of potatoes while Mr. EpiPen is always within arm's reach. "But that's different."

Hey, Musty. Clinton lost. Trump won. Get used to it.

If Clinton is getting senile it doesn't matter. Trump getting confused and senile is a big problem.

The Barbarian

Ooh, now show us Obama's college transcripts!

That's what Trump said. But when he was asked to show his...

...well,you know.

What we do know is that Trump lied about being at the top of his class in college:

For decades, the national media has reported that Trump graduated "first in his class" at Wharton, often confusing his undergraduate degree with the Ivy League university's top-ranked MBA program.

1968 Wharton graduate Jon Hillsberg added that there was no indication on the 1968 Commencement Program that Trump graduated with any honors. A copy of the program acquired from the Penn Archives lists 20 Wharton award and prize recipients, 15 *** laude recipients, four magna *** laude recipients and two summa *** laude recipients for the Class of 1968. Trump’s name appears nowhere on those lists.

“If he had done well, his name would have shown up,” Foxman said.

Given that there are 366 listed 1968 Wharton graduates on QuakerNet, Penn’s alumni database, the Dean’s List of 56 students represents approximately the top 15 percent of the class. The omission of Trump’s name suggests that his academic record at Penn was not as outstanding as he has claimed.

Penn spokesperson Ron Ozio said the University cannot release the academic records of alumni other than to confirm date of graduation, degree and major.

“[This] does not change because an alumnus is famous or holds a public position,” he said in a written statement.

Obama graduated from Columbia University in 1983 with a degree in political science and graduated magna *** laude from Harvard Law School in 1991. He was also the first black president of the Harvard Law Review.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Barbie takes no notice of Clinton spazzing out in front of cameras more than once, or falling down and being hauled into an SUV like a sack of potatoes while Mr. EpiPen is always within arm's reach. "But that's different."

I noticed it. Clinton was absent from the public spotlight for whole weeks during her campaign for president. Team Trump declared she was ill (while she lied through her teeth and denied it), and I believed it. No, Hitlery did not have the "stamina" to run for the White House, imo.

But the election is over, and Trump is the prez. I take no glee in the prospect that Trump may be experiencing mental decline before our very eyes. To me, it is tragic. But people across the political spectrum are taking note of this apparent development. We all should. If it continues to become more apparent, we'll eventually end up with President Pence. Sounds like a healthy improvement to me. Why is that such a bad prospect, in your opinion?

User Name

Greatest poster ever
That's what Trump said. But when he was asked to show his...

...well,you know.

What we do know is that Trump lied about being at the top of his class in college...

There you go, telling truths again.

So far as I'm aware, no president has released his college transcripts. Dubya refused to release his--although they were leaked to the press by someone who had access. Turns out he was a "C" student. People were shocked to find out that he was that smart.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
There you go, telling truths again.

So far as I'm aware, no president has released his college transcripts. Dubya refused to release his--although they were leaked to the press by someone who had access. Turns out he was a "C" student. People were shocked to find out that he was that smart.
