Ann Coulter says Trump appears senile

john w

New member
Hall of Fame

Did not you write this on August 13, 1979, comrade Boris?:


The Barbarian

Ann Coulter writes:
"Trump was more than willing to sell out the base to solve a personal problem of his -- the Michael Wolff book -- but managed to not convince a single American that he's articulate, bright or a good leader."

More communist propaganda, from a left wing, liberal commie!

That would explain why she looks a little like Lavrentiy Beria in drag.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame

People only try to change the subject when they that they lack the facts, and/or the verbal skills, to mount an effective response!

The reality is that a 36% job approval rate for Trump is as good as its going to get, Republican politicians in the House and the Senate realize that, and short of a miracle, they need to start looking for alternate employment!

No-you "argued:"

If Trump can only achieve a job approval rating of 36%, despite a record economy and Republican majorities in the House and Senate, what happens when some and/or all of those supports are removed?

Poll on the Lord Jesus Christ-worldwide "approval" rating: 33%(And, if you exclude Roman Catholics, who are not really members of Christ's body, the figure is probably less than 10%).

Your point? Rhetorical q.

A Muslim, to a member of the boc:

Read it and weep, "Christians!"

Take your seat, liberal Roman commie.


Troll, you muse, Hop Sing? I'm a stock trader, and one of the most feared, respected gunslingers on TOL, having clout, authority, presence, respect; while you are quite irrelevant, a clown, in a parade of clowns, largely ignored. My evidence?:

Your page:This page has had 2,480 visits

Vs. my page:
This page has had 16,699 visits



Well, Hop Sing, I've forgotten more than you know about the stock market, as you would not know the difference between a stock trading on the market, and a stock boy at HD, or the difference between the chairman of the Federal Reserve, and Frank Sinatra..

Poor Hop Sing. Sit, comrade-you're beginning to bore me.Vy ponimayete,tovarishch?

Oh, my, I am so frightened, a TOL gunslinger

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Ann Coulter writes:
"Trump was more than willing to sell out the base to solve a personal problem of his -- the Michael Wolff book -- but managed to not convince a single American that he's articulate, bright or a good leader."

That would explain why she looks a little like Lavrentiy Beria in drag.

Vladimir Lenin/"Democratic" party slogan/quote/writes:

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth....The press should be not only a collective propagandist and a collective agitator, but also a collective organizer of the masses....The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation."


john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Give him his due. It's no small thing to get 16,699 visits.

I don't guess it is.

Next up from comrade Barbarian?:"Peace, bread and work!!!...We don't want nuclear weapons/we want tractors on our fields!...Lenin lived, Lenin lives, Lenin will live!...Three stages of communism: To catch up and get ahead! Keep up. Do not lose track.."

The Barbarian

Does this sound like a man who is going senile to you?

While President Donald Trump was giving his historic speech Wednesday to announce that the United States would recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, some on the internet focused on the manner in which he made his statement.
Toward the end of the news conference, some on Twitter and Facebook noted that the President's usual speech pattern changed and that he started to slur his words -- and they speculated about what it could mean.

Yes, it does.

The Barbarian

Does this sound like a man who is going senile to you?

Trump wasn’t always so linguistically challenged. What could explain the change?
Now, Trump’s vocabulary is simpler. He repeats himself over and over, and lurches from one subject to an unrelated one, as in this answer during an interview with the Associated Press last month:

“People want the border wall. My base definitely wants the border wall, my base really wants it — you’ve been to many of the rallies. OK, the thing they want more than anything is the wall. My base, which is a big base; I think my base is 45 percent. You know, it’s funny. The Democrats, they have a big advantage in the Electoral College. Big, big, big advantage. … The Electoral College is very difficult for a Republican to win, and I will tell you, the people want to see it. They want to see the wall.”

Sure does.

The Barbarian

That did indeed sound bizarre, but he remained cogent and didn't loose track of reading his lines so I'm not sure we can chalk that up to dementia.
Perhaps his dentures came loose?[/QUOTE]

Or more likely, he was getting tired and his stamina was flagging. We saw that in the debates where he'd start strong and get less and less effective as the evening went on.