“The Worst Elements of Society”: America’s Bolshevik Wannabes
“The Worst Elements of Society”: America’s Bolshevik Wannabes
They’ve attacked and beat up elderly people attempting to attend Trump-for-President rallies; attacked people with solid iron bicycle locks, bike racks, clubs, rocks, mace, baseball bats, and bottles filled with urine and feces. They threw cement blocks through storefront windows in D.C. on inauguration day, claiming it to be a protest against capitalism. They’ve set police cars, civilian cars, and buildings on fire to interrupt campus speeches by conservatives. They hospitalized a female university professor for the “crime” of inviting conservative political scientist Charles Murray to speak at Middlebury College.
They organize a riot whenever a conservative or libertarian is invited (by students, never by faculty) to speak at a university. They gather by the hundreds to scream F-bombs at those with whom they suspect they disagree on issues related to politics and government. They’ve firebombed Republican Party offices; shut down college campuses; thrown eggs at and spit on Trump supporters; fired gunshots at and punctured tires of cars with Trump bumper stickers. One of them shot a congressman at a baseball practice in D.C. Another shot several people at the Family Research Council headquarters in D.C. after being informed by the Southern Poverty Law Center, the preeminent purveyor of politically-inspired hate, that the pro-family organization, like so many other conservative and libertarian organizations, was supposedly a “hate group.” They often cover their faces with masks, wear helmets, and show up at public events armed with clubs, baseball bats, and guns.
They believe that the ends justify the means, the opposite of traditional morality, because they are self-proclaimed socialists and communists. They carry signs identifying themselves with Socialist International, Democratic Socialists of America, and other far-left communistic groups. When they vandalized the 225-year-old memorial to Christopher Columbus in Baltimore they videotaped the scene with a message condemning Columbus for bringing “European capitalism” to America, the greatest of all crimes.
They are clamoring for the demolition of the Washington Monument, Jefferson Memorial, and Mount Rushmore. Like the Taliban that has destroyed hundreds of religious monuments, they seek to destroy all monuments to Western civilization, which they have been taught is the root of all worldly evil. They are defended by their ideological brethren at CNN, which has declared in fine Orwellian fashion that these violent criminals “seek peace through violence”.
Many of them are extreme bigots and ignoramuses, loudly proclaiming that all white people, regardless of their character and behavior, are “Nazis,” “white supremacists,” or worse. They call for nothing less than genocide of “white European civilization.” For the past several decades, they have claimed that their guiding philosophy is the philosophy of “inclusion.” Of course, by “inclusion” these totalitarian-minded professional rioters mean using force and violence to impose their will on all of society. The vast majority of them, according to television and internet images, appear to be young twentysomethings or “millennials.”
They are a perfect example of what Nobel prize-winning economist F.A. Hayek called “the worst elements of any society” in the chapter of his classic book, The Road to Serfdom, entitled “Why the Worst Get on Top.” The chapter is a discussion of how societies that become more totalitarian are inevitably led by the most immoral among them, followed by a large mob of “the worst elements of society.”
“The Worst Elements of Society”: America’s Bolshevik Wannabes