Allah Islam Muslim


New member
any idea when that might be?

Yahuah=Yahwah. Hebrew did not have an e vowel until about 200AD. In Hebrew howa means evil. There is no vowel between Yah and Wah.

This Info comes from many different sources. Did you have a specific question? The original consonants for God's name is IHUH.

The spelling "Yahweh" is an error because it leads a person to mispronounce the name as Yahway. There is no vowel between Yah and Wah because "Yah" is given as a FIRST name. God's name is two verbs with both vowels being "a." The modern letter Y is a acceptable replacement for the letter "I" in pronouncing the name. The modern letter W is also a proper replacement for the {double u} [UU] sound. The letter V should not be used in God's name because it is not the correct equivalent sound for the U.

Translated, God's name means, Life Began. Its origins are in the Proto Semitic starting with the Aramaic. It was the Rabbi's who made changes to the Aramaic which became the Hebrew language; both ancient and modern.


New member
This angel (messenger) requested Michael to show him the hidden name, that he might enunciate it in an oath, so that those might quake before that name and oath...

Matthew 5:34
But I tell you, do not swear an oath at all: either by heaven, for it is God’s throne;

Matthew 5:36
And do not swear by your head, for you cannot make even one hair white or black.

James 5:12
Above all, my brothers and sisters, do not swear—not by heaven or by earth or by anything else. All you need to say is a simple “Yes” or “No.” Otherwise you will be condemned.
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Yahuah=Yahwah. Hebrew did not have an e vowel until about 200AD. In Hebrew howa means evil. There is no vowel between Yah and Wah.

This Info comes from many different sources. Did you have a specific question? The original consonants for God's name is IHUH.

The spelling "Yahweh" is an error because it leads a person to mispronounce the name as Yahway. There is no vowel between Yah and Wah because "Yah" is given as a FIRST name. God's name is two verbs with both vowels being "a." The modern letter Y is a acceptable replacement for the letter "I" in pronouncing the name. The modern letter W is also a proper replacement for the {double u} [UU] sound. The letter V should not be used in God's name because it is not the correct equivalent sound for the U.

Translated, God's name means, Life Began. Its origins are in the Proto Semitic starting with the Aramaic. It was the Rabbi's who made changes to the Aramaic which became the Hebrew language; both ancient and modern.

1God4All pretty much laid it out there for you on the last page


Well-known member
Yahuah=Yahwah. Hebrew did not have an e vowel until about 200AD. In Hebrew howa means evil. There is no vowel between Yah and Wah. ...

Where do you know this from?
I am not aware of the addition of an "e" vowel around 200 AD.

Nor do I know of "howa" meaning "evil"- unless I can't figure out what Hebrew word that is supposed to be.

Vowels are generally not written in Hebrew. A system for recording vowels was introduced relatively late. Torah scrolls, for example, do not have vowels.



New member
Where do you know this from?
I am not aware of the addition of an "e" vowel around 200 AD.

Nor do I know of "howa" meaning "evil"- unless I can't figure out what Hebrew word that is supposed to be.

Vowels are generally not written in Hebrew. A system for recording vowels was introduced relatively late. Torah scrolls, for example, do not have vowels.

Some of this info comes from studying the history of the Hebrew and English language.


New member
Respectfully, there isn't much to agree on. What he said is proven



New member
This is what Islam does when they are able to get away with it: The Forgotten Genocide: April 24 marks the “Great Crime,” that is, the Armenian genocide that took place under Turkey’s Islamic Ottoman Empire, during and after WWI. Out of an approximate population of two million, some 1.5 million Armenians died. If early 20th century Turkey had the apparatuses and technology to execute in mass—such as 1940s Germany’s gas chambers—the entire Armenian population may well have been annihilated. Most objective American historians who have studied the question unequivocally agree that it was a deliberate, calculated genocide: More than one million Armenians perished as the result of execution, starvation, disease, the harsh environment, and physical abuse. A people who lived in eastern ...

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