Allah Islam Muslim


You were already banned.

Changing your nic does not fool anyone.

I've made no attempt to hide. And you mistake my getting banned as affirmation of your edited verses. No matter what my name is, what you're doing is wrong. And worse still, I can't see what positive result can come from comvincing anyone of your fallacies


New member
This has been pointed out many times by others already, but the pagan roots are the Canaan god El, which is where the El of Judaism comes from and also Allah. Elohim and Allah have the same origin

IL and EL is the NAME of no one. They are titles. Allah is the contraction of Alilah. Al / il / ah Alilah was the morning sun. The Hebrew word Allah is not related to Allah of the Koran.


IL and EL is the NAME of no one. They are titles. Allah is the contraction of Alilah. Al / il / ah Alilah was the morning sun. The Hebrew word Allah is not related to Allah of the Koran.

Last time I'm posting this. Read it and quit spreading purposeless bigotry.
Elohim has the same pagan roots. In fact El was THE chief Canaanite deity.
"The word Elohim occurs more than 2500 times in the Hebrew Bible, with meanings ranging from "god" in a general sense (as in Exodus 12:12, where it describes "the gods of Egypt"), to a specific god (e.g., 1 Kings 11:33, where it describes Chemosh "the god of Moab", or the frequent references to Yahweh as the "elohim" of Israel), to demons, seraphim, and other supernatural beings, to the spirits of the dead brought up at the behest of King Saul in 1 Samuel 28:13, and even to kings and prophets (e.g., Exodus 4:16).[3] The phrase bene elohim, usually translated "sons of God", has an exact parallel in Ugaritic and Phoenician texts, referring to the council of the gods.[3]"

Elohim translated:

Aramaic: ʼĔlāhā
Syriac: Alaha
Arabic: ʾIlāh

Aramaic was the spoken language of Jesus' region around this time. Syriac, or Middle Aramaic, was the specific dialect used by many Christian churches starting in 100 AD. From 100-300 AD almost all Christians east of modern Lebanon wrote and used this language.

Your confusion is coming from the fact that both Elohim and Allah have different meanings in the Hebrew Bible when subtle changes are made

Elohim capitalized and ʾIlāh [Allah in English] refer to 'the one' God.
elohim and alīha are plural and refer to any other gods, demons, etc.


New member
Last time I'm posting this. Read it and quit spreading purposeless bigotry.

Ilah is Aramaic for "The god." Il is Aramaic for "god." Ancient Hebrew and Aramaic did not use e for a vowel. Allah in Hebrew is not a related word to the Allah in the Koran. The reason for the confusion is because the word "Allah" is borrowed from the (Chaldean / Babylonian) language. Again, the Hebrew Allah is not related to the Babylonian Allah, which is contracted from Alilah.


New member
I've made no attempt to hide. And you mistake my getting banned as affirmation of your edited verses. No matter what my name is, what you're doing is wrong. And worse still, I can't see what positive result can come from comvincing anyone of your fallacies

Most bans are temporary to begin with....couldn't you wait...?

Further, the exegesis behind my correct renderings is completely verifiable by anyone willing to do so. we can plainly see, most followers of islam, such as yourself, are completely inept at defending their own book of all of your training goes into pathetic polemics launched against Christianity and the Holy Bible, and not into exegetically defending the Arabic.

Just face don't have what it takes to exegetically refute my assertions regarding your Koran.

No follower of islam does.



Most bans are temporary to begin with....couldn't you wait...?

Further, the exegesis behind my correct renderings is completely verifiable by anyone willing to do so. we can plainly see, most followers of islam, such as yourself, are completely inept at defending their own book of all of your training goes into pathetic polemics launched against Christianity and the Holy Bible, and not into exegetically defending the Arabic.

Just face don't have what it takes to exegetically refute my assertions regarding your Koran.

No follower of islam does.


What Apple7 claimed the Quran says:
1.2 The praise (be) to ‘allah’, the lord of the jinn, and of mankind.

What the Quran actually says:
1:2 (Asad) All praise is due to God alone, the Sustainer of all the worlds,

What Apple7 claimed the Quran says:
41.9 Say: Truly you denied with whom he created the earth in two days, and you truly set up his idols, this, the Lord of the jinn, and of mankind?

What the Quran actually says:
Say: Is it that ye deny Him Who created the earth in two Days? And do ye join equals with Him? He is the Lord of (all) the Worlds. 41:9

Post a link to EVEN JUST ONE source that says the Quran says what you claim it does.

Until you do that you are a proven liar and Hell is waiting for you


New member
What Apple7 claimed the Quran says:
1.2 The praise (be) to ‘allah’, the lord of the jinn, and of mankind.

What the Quran actually says:
1:2 (Asad) All praise is due to God alone, the Sustainer of all the worlds,

What Apple7 claimed the Quran says:
41.9 Say: Truly you denied with whom he created the earth in two days, and you truly set up his idols, this, the Lord of the jinn, and of mankind?

What the Quran actually says:
Say: Is it that ye deny Him Who created the earth in two Days? And do ye join equals with Him? He is the Lord of (all) the Worlds. 41:9

Post a link to EVEN JUST ONE source that says the Quran says what you claim it does.

Until you do that you are a proven liar and Hell is waiting for you

Rather than hiding behind someone else's us the Arabic word rendered as....'the sustainer of all the worlds'....


Ilah is Aramaic for "The god." Il is Aramaic for "god." Ancient Hebrew and Aramaic did not use e for a vowel. Allah in Hebrew is not a related word to the Allah in the Koran. The reason for the confusion is because the word "Allah" is borrowed from the (Chaldean / Babylonian) language. Again, the Hebrew Allah is not related to the Babylonian Allah, which is contracted from Alilah.

No. Elaha is Aramaic. Ilah is old Arabic. If Ilah was okay when you falsely believed it to be Aramaic, then it should be okay now


Rather than hiding behind someone else's us the Arabic word rendered as....'the sustainer of all the worlds'....

The literal translation is "lord of worlds."

You claimed it said, "lord of the jinn."

Which is closest?

Run as fast as you like. Your lies will catch you


New member
The literal translation is "lord of worlds."

You claimed it said, "lord of the jinn."

Which is closest?

Run as fast as you like. Your lies will catch you

Here's the revealing classic lexical definition that sets the pace for the rest of your book of faith...

رب العلمين = “rabbi alAAalameena”

“rabbi alAAalameena” definition:

The Lord of the jinn, or genii, and of mankind: the Lord of all created beings.

It comes from the root “alama”, which means to mark, sign, and distinguish. He knew it; or he was, or became, acquainted with it; or he knew it truly, or certainly. He knew a thing intuitively and inferentially. He marked it. He, a man, had a fissure in his upper lip; or in one of its two sides. Knowledge.

An Arabic-English Lexicon, E.W. Lane, volume five, pp. 2138 - 2142
The Dictionary of the Holy Qur’an, 1st edition, Abdul Mannan Omar pp. 383 - 385

Occurrences of “rabbi alAAalameena” in the Koran: 34

Locations: 1.2, 5.28, 6.45, 6.162, 7.54, 7.61, 7.67, 7.104, 10.10, 10.37, 26.16, 26.23, 26.77, 26.98, 26.109, 26.127, 26.145, 26.164, 26.180, 26.192, 27.8, 27.44, 28.30, 32.2, 37.182, 39.75, 40.64, 40.65, 41.9, 43.46, 45.36, 56.80, 59.16, 69.43, 81.29

Thus, the ancient (and apparently forgotten!) primary meaning pertains to your god "allah" as emanating from the god satan - as we already acknowledge that satan (iblis), is the leader of the demonic jinns - so is he also referenced quite plainly as your god "allah", as well.

This really comes as no great surprise to Christians, as all throughout the Koran, the "allah" of the Koran is frantically attempting to cloak himself with the Biblical deity previously ascribed unto the Biblical Lord Jesus Christ.

It must, however, cut Muslims to the heart...


Here's the revealing classic lexical definition that sets the pace for the rest of your book of faith...

رب العلمين = “rabbi alAAalameena”

“rabbi alAAalameena” definition:

The Lord of the jinn, or genii, and of mankind: the Lord of all created beings.

It comes from the root “alama”, which means to mark, sign, and distinguish. He knew it; or he was, or became, acquainted with it; or he knew it truly, or certainly. He knew a thing intuitively and inferentially. He marked it. He, a man, had a fissure in his upper lip; or in one of its two sides. Knowledge.

An Arabic-English Lexicon, E.W. Lane, volume five, pp. 2138 - 2142
The Dictionary of the Holy Qur’an, 1st edition, Abdul Mannan Omar pp. 383 - 385

Occurrences of “rabbi alAAalameena” in the Koran: 34

Locations: 1.2, 5.28, 6.45, 6.162, 7.54, 7.61, 7.67, 7.104, 10.10, 10.37, 26.16, 26.23, 26.77, 26.98, 26.109, 26.127, 26.145, 26.164, 26.180, 26.192, 27.8, 27.44, 28.30, 32.2, 37.182, 39.75, 40.64, 40.65, 41.9, 43.46, 45.36, 56.80, 59.16, 69.43, 81.29

Thus, the ancient (and apparently forgotten!) primary meaning pertains to your god "allah" as emanating from the god satan - as we already acknowledge that satan (iblis), is the leader of the demonic jinns - so is he also referenced quite plainly as your god "allah", as well.

This really comes as no great surprise to Christians, as all throughout the Koran, the "allah" of the Koran is frantically attempting to cloak himself with the Biblical deity previously ascribed unto the Biblical Lord Jesus Christ.

It must, however, cut Muslims to the heart...

First off, I am not Muslim. But more importantly, you corrected your earlier translation

Earlier you claimed it to say, "lord of the jinn" incorrectly.

Now you have it as, "the lord of the jinn and of mankind: the lord of all created beings."

It's good that you FINALLY posted a credible translation. And it is clearly stated that Allah is the "lord of all created beings." That includes jinn.

Does God not have dominion over Satan? As I have said this whole time, everything points to God and Allah as the same.

Here are several more translations by Quranic Theologians:

Translation - English - Dr. M. Muhsin Khan / Dr. M. Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilali
He is the Ever Living, La ilaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He), so invoke Him making your worship pure for Him Alone (by worshipping Him Alone, and none else, and by doing righteous deeds sincerely for Allah's sake only, and not to show off, and not to set up rivals with Him in worship). All the praises and thanks be to Allah, the Lord of the 'Alamin (mankind, jinns and all that exists).(65)

Translation - English - Pickthall
He is the Living One. There is no Allah save Him. So pray unto Him, making religion pure for Him (only). Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds!(65)

Translation - English - Sahih International
He is the Ever-Living; there is no deity except Him, so call upon Him, [being] sincere to Him in religion. [All] praise is [due] to Allah, Lord of the worlds.(65)

Translation - English - Yusuf Ali
He is the Living (One): There is no god but He: Call upon Him, giving Him sincere devotion. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds!(65)

The first translation is nearly identical to your own. It's clear that Allah and God both are lord over all created beings.


New member
First off, I am not Muslim.

And the Pope is not Catholic...

But more importantly, you corrected your earlier translation

Earlier you claimed it to say, "lord of the jinn" incorrectly.

Now you have it as, "the lord of the jinn and of mankind: the lord of all created beings."

It's good that you FINALLY posted a credible translation. And it is clearly stated that Allah is the "lord of all created beings." That includes jinn.

The classic definition has not changed.

The primary definition has always been lord of the jinn....of which, are demons.


New member
Does God not have dominion over Satan? As I have said this whole time, everything points to God and Allah as the same.

What are we to think of a book of faith that opens with the statement to worship the Devil – and then ends with a chapter entitled “Hell”…in which the writer literally screams out in a plea for help?

Observe the formula set forth in the second to last chapter of the Koran, aptly named “Hell”…

قل أعوذ برب الفلق

Qul aAAoothu birabbi alfalaqi

113.1 Say: "I seek refuge from Hell's Lord."

This same exact formula is carried over into the final chapter of the Koran…

قل أعوذ برب الناس

Qul aAAoothu birabbi alnnasi

114.1 Say: "I seek refuge from the people's lord."

In context…

114.1-6 Say: "I seek refuge from the people's lord, the people’s king, the people’s god, from the evil whisperer, the devil, whom he whispers in the people's heart, from the jinn and the people.

Sura 114 lists-out the things that the writer seeks refuge from:

• From the people’s lord
• From the people’s king
• From the people’s god (lower case…“allah”)
• From the evil whisperer, the devil
• From the jinn (demons)
• And from the people, themselves

All of these things listed in these ayat are the evil things, from which, refuge is sought.


What kind of a book of faith is this?


New member
Here are several more translations by Quranic Theologians:

Translation - English - Dr. M. Muhsin Khan / Dr. M. Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilali
He is the Ever Living, La ilaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He), so invoke Him making your worship pure for Him Alone (by worshipping Him Alone, and none else, and by doing righteous deeds sincerely for Allah's sake only, and not to show off, and not to set up rivals with Him in worship). All the praises and thanks be to Allah, the Lord of the 'Alamin (mankind, jinns and all that exists).(65)

Translation - English - Pickthall
He is the Living One. There is no Allah save Him. So pray unto Him, making religion pure for Him (only). Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds!(65)

Translation - English - Sahih International
He is the Ever-Living; there is no deity except Him, so call upon Him, [being] sincere to Him in religion. [All] praise is [due] to Allah, Lord of the worlds.(65)

Translation - English - Yusuf Ali
He is the Living (One): There is no god but He: Call upon Him, giving Him sincere devotion. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds!(65)

The first translation is nearly identical to your own. It's clear that Allah and God both are lord over all created beings.

Do they supply a tafsir....?


And the Pope is not Catholic...

More than a few here have told me that he's the anti-christ, so take it up with them.

Unless there's a Protestant Methodist sect of Islam, I don't count

The classic definition has not changed.

The primary definition has always been lord of the jinn....of which, are demons.

No it hasn't. The primary definition is, as YOU put in your last post:
The Lord of the jinn, or genii, and of mankind: the Lord of all created beings.

You don't get to pick the one part of the three and stand it alone by itself. That removes necessary context.


New member
More than a few here have told me that he's the anti-christ, so take it up with them.

Unless there's a Protestant Methodist sect of Islam, I don't count

Methodists are inherently protestant...if you were one, then you not have to mention 'protestant' in the first place....again showing that you are a follower of islam.

No it hasn't. The primary definition is, as YOU put in your last post:


The definition has not changed.

Perhaps, in your rage, you are just now taking the time to actually read it...for the first time...

You don't get to pick the one part of the three and stand it alone by itself. That removes necessary context.

Then you agree with my definition.

Not that you could produce one on your own, that is...


What are we to think of a book of faith that opens with the statement to worship the Devil – and then ends with a chapter entitled “Hell”…in which the writer literally screams out in a plea for help?

Observe the formula set forth in the second to last chapter of the Koran, aptly named “Hell”…

قل أعوذ برب الفلق

Qul aAAoothu birabbi alfalaqi

113.1 Say: "I seek refuge from Hell's Lord."

This same exact formula is carried over into the final chapter of the Koran…

قل أعوذ برب الناس

Qul aAAoothu birabbi alnnasi

114.1 Say: "I seek refuge from the people's lord."

In context…

114.1-6 Say: "I seek refuge from the people's lord, the people’s king, the people’s god, from the evil whisperer, the devil, whom he whispers in the people's heart, from the jinn and the people.

Sura 114 lists-out the things that the writer seeks refuge from:

• From the people’s lord
• From the people’s king
• From the people’s god (lower case…“allah”)
• From the evil whisperer, the devil
• From the jinn (demons)
• And from the people, themselves

All of these things listed in these ayat are the evil things, from which, refuge is sought.


What kind of a book of faith is this?

As I've never heard this before I'll have to research it before answering either way. I'll do this now.

However, I must know what good you think is being achieved by purposefully manipulating words to paint a false picture of God in the Quran. As I'm sure you know, people who agree with your anti-Islam worldview don't check facts for themselves. You are purposefully spreading hate speech via corruption of a holy book's text.

Would you be okay with someone using John 12:31 in the same manner?

"31 Now is the time for judgment on this world; now the prince of this world [Satan] will be driven out."

This is just one of several Biblical references to Satan as having dominion over Earth.

Every religion, and every book of such age, will have flaws and textual contradictions. Remember that every time you point out what you see as another faith's folly, they can just as easily find folly with yours

Hate begets hate. And only Satan wins


New member
As I've never heard this before I'll have to research it before answering either way. I'll do this now.

Seems that everything that I state is the first that you have heard of it.....yes?

Take your time...

However, I must know what good you think is being achieved by purposefully manipulating words to paint a false picture of God in the Quran. As I'm sure you know, people who agree with your anti-Islam worldview don't check facts for themselves. You are purposefully spreading hate speech via corruption of a holy book's text.

Everything that I state can be verified by those wishing to do so.

However, most people fall into the willfully ignorant category, such as yourself, and can only express their rage and disapproval....of which, cannot alter the facts...

Would you be okay with someone using John 12:31 in the same manner?

"31 Now is the time for judgment on this world; now the prince of this world [Satan] will be driven out."

This is just one of several Biblical references to Satan as having dominion over Earth.

Actually, Satan is stated to be the lower-case 'theos' of the world in scripture....and, so what?

What matters for you, is that this lower-case god is the one that you personally worship.

Every religion, and every book of such age, will have flaws and textual contradictions. Remember that every time you point out what you see as another faith's folly, they can just as easily find folly with yours

Hate begets hate. And only Satan wins

Dig up more of the Islamic propaganda if you think that it helps-out your agenda...


Methodists are inherently protestant...if you were one, then you not have to mention 'protestant' in the first place....again showing that you are a follower of islam.

It was an attempt at making obvious the differences between Methodism and Islam. However it makes no difference to me whether you believe me or not. All that matters is that I have shown you to be a bigot, a liar, a perverter of truth, and one who will knowingly lead others down a false path to satisfy his own sinful hatred of anyone different.

I'll pray for you. You'll need it.


The definition has not changed.

Perhaps, in your rage, you are just now taking the time to actually read it...for the first time...

Then you agree with my definition.

Not that you could produce one on your own, that is...

No I do not have an Arabic translator on hand, which would call into question your charge of me being Muslim, but I digress.

I agree with the translation that Allah is "lord of jinn and mankind: lord of all created beings."

Although the translation by two Professors of Arabic Language and Muslim Theology differs from yours slightly: "Allah, the Lord of the 'Alamin [mankind, jinn, and all that exists]"....... is close enough in meaning and obviously shows that Allah is lord over not only the jinn, but lord of ALL of creation