Aimiel, can you elaborate on your title as "prophet"?

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Based on your lack of substance and judgemental tone, I've ignored your insults, which are nearly as feeble as the rest of your writing.


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Originally posted by Sozo

You've sure fooled us!
I wasn't trying to fool anyone. If I were to hurl insults back at you, you'd probably be in tears by now. :ha:


New member
Originally posted by Aimiel

If I were to hurl insults back at you, you'd probably be in tears by now. :ha:

Wait a minute... let me get my Kleenex.

Okay... I'm ready... go ahead

The Berean

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Re: Re: Aimiel, can you elaborate on your title as "prophet"?

Re: Re: Aimiel, can you elaborate on your title as "prophet"?

Originally posted by Aimiel

Do you need a dictionary definition, a description of my belief of what a 'modern day' prophet is or why I believe prophets are still in existence, as are pastors, evangelists, teachers and apostles?


Sorry it took me so long to respond. I would humbly request all the above that you listed. I haven't posted much on TOL and I just wanted to know your beliefs. I do have some questions, though.

1) In your view do "modern day" prophets differ from the OT prophets?

2) How do you respond to the cessationist view that the office of prophet and apostle were part of the foundation of the Church and thus no longer needed today?

3) What are we to do with "modern-day" prophets that give false prophecies?


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Re: Re: Re: Re: Aimiel, can you elaborate on your title as "prophet"?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Aimiel, can you elaborate on your title as "prophet"?


Originally posted by Aimiel

Yes, and there are many more false prophets such as yourself, than there are true, such as myself.

The following comments are not meant to be an attack at you or to disrespect you.

I don’t believe you are a prophet because a true prophet would not defend his calling like you do. The office of a prophet is something that becomes evident when it’s demonstrated rather than the prophet trying to convince people he is one by reasoning or much less arguing and exchanging insults with them.

A true prophet or a modern day prophet becomes evident by his works, rather than his words alone. Words will definitely be part of his prophetic calling, but these by themselves prove nothing. The demonstration of the power of God accompanying the words is what makes a true prophet evident, so much so that he would no longer have to prove he is one, but he would not be able to prove he isn’t.

You may be called to be one, but at this time it’s very doubtful you have been released and sent by God to be one.

God is good!


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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Aimiel, can you elaborate on your title as "prophet"?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Aimiel, can you elaborate on your title as "prophet"?

Originally posted by jeb888


The following comments are not meant to be an attack at you or to disrespect you.

I don’t believe you are a prophet because a true prophet would not defend his calling like you do. The office of a prophet is something that becomes evident when it’s demonstrated rather than the prophet trying to convince people he is one by reasoning or much less arguing and exchanging insults with them.

A true prophet or a modern day prophet becomes evident by his works, rather than his words alone. Words will definitely be part of his prophetic calling, but these by themselves prove nothing. The demonstration of the power of God accompanying the words is what makes a true prophet evident, so much so that he would no longer have to prove he is one, but he would not be able to prove he isn’t.

You may be called to be one, but at this time it’s very doubtful you have been released and sent by God to be one.

God is good!
Let's be both fair and biblical in this. Maybe someone could list some of the prophecies of Amiel so to prove he is not a prophet of God.
Many who disagree with his views or sees any human frailties in him will typically judge him false. Should we also throw out Elijah, Jeremiah, and Johah for their times of weakness?


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Hall of Fame
Without judging Aimiel specifically, do some of you believe in a five-fold ministry in the local church? Or do you just have a problem with Aimiel being one of them? If pastors, teachers, evangelists are valid today, why not apostles and prophets? There is no exegetical reason to cut 2/5. It is a preconceived theology that does not recognize these gifts/offices.

Nice to not be sozo's punching bag at the moment.


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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Aimiel, can you elaborate on your title as "prophet"?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Aimiel, can you elaborate on your title as "prophet"?

Originally posted by STONE

Let's be both fair and biblical in this. Maybe someone could list some of the prophecies of Amiel so to prove he is not a prophet of God.
Many who disagree with his views or sees any human frailties in him will typically judge him false. Should we also throw out Elijah, Jeremiah, and Johah for their times of weakness?

Could you list some of these? I'm open, would not want to be the one to touch the anointed of God, or even come close to it. And definitely I would not want to mess with Elijah, Jeremiah, or Johah. :)

God is good!


New member
Originally posted by godrulz

Without judging Aimiel specifically, do some of you believe in a five-fold ministry in the local church? Or do you just have a problem with Aimiel being one of them? If pastors, teachers, evangelists are valid today, why not apostles and prophets?

Absolutely, and they (apostles and prophets) should be part of the local church, but sadly in most local churches they are not. I see nothing in the NT that would even hint to me that they would “exist until a certain day in history and after this we will only have pastors, evangelist and teachers.” Maybe we just needed an excuse for not having any around.

And I don’t have a problem with Aimiel being one, or anyone else for that matter. Like Stone pointed out, prophets are human and sometimes you could get on their nerves and make them do stupid things and behave in an unprophetic manner. :)

God is good!


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Re: Re: Re: Aimiel, can you elaborate on your title as "prophet"?

Re: Re: Re: Aimiel, can you elaborate on your title as "prophet"?

Originally posted by The Berean


Sorry it took me so long to respond. I would humbly request all the above that you listed (... a dictionary definition, a description of my belief of what a 'modern day' prophet is or why I believe prophets are still in existence, as are pastors, evangelists, teachers and apostles? ). I haven't posted much on TOL and I just wanted to know your beliefs. I do have some questions, though.
Well, I would refer you to your favorite dictionary for its definition of the word, "prophet." My personal belief is that prophets, as apostles, pastors, evangelists and teachers, are a 'five-fold' ministry gift to The Body of Christ. He also told us how long these ministry gifts would last:

He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things.) And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ: that we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; but speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ: from whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.

You'll notice that The Body of Christ has not yet come into the unity of the faith, etc., etc. Many people don't notice this, but agree with their faithless denomination's dogma of un-scriptural belief that the ministry gifts of prophet and apostle have passed away. They have not.
1) In your view do "modern day" prophets differ from the OT prophets?
Yes and no. They are different, in that John was the last of the 'Old Testament' type of prophet, and Jesus said that the least in The Kingdom was greater than he. What would be so great if there were no prophecy?
2) How do you respond to the cessationist view that the office of prophet and apostle were part of the foundation of the Church and thus no longer needed today?
See answer above. I try to keep religionists from clouding my view of scriptures and Truth.
3) What are we to do with "modern-day" prophets that give false prophecies?
The same thing that we do with Pastors who give a bad sermon, teachers that teach an error or evangelists that abscond with the cash. Rebuke, correct and edify them. There isn't one that we can reject, since Jesus said, "...whosoever will, let him come unto Me..." We're not expected to treat prophets or apostles as gods, and believe that every word they say is from God. Neither are we to throw out the baby with the bath-water. The point is, when we disregard The Lord, Who still anoints prophets and apostles, we've placed ourselves in jeopardy. He wants us to discern not only apostles and prophets, but those other gifts, which we simply say are who they profess to be, without any question. He wants us to discern who really is a pastor, evangelist or teacher, because these offices are really more important than the other two, which get so much attention because of the conceived power they carry. Yes, it is a great and terrible thing to speak for The Lord and to open your mouth as the oracle of God and say what He wants people to hear, but that is not to be our focus or our stumblingblock, whichever way we decide. We are to focus on Him, and when we do, He will give us discernment, and that is more important than most people realize. It is one of the most important things a Christian can nourish. We need to have our 'senses' exercised to discern good and evil.


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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Aimiel, can you elaborate on your title as "prophet"?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Aimiel, can you elaborate on your title as "prophet"?

Originally posted by jeb888

I don’t believe you are a prophet because a true prophet would not defend his calling like you do.
What do you think I should do, deny the truth? I don't wear a badge, or indiscrimanetly tell people, "I am a Prophet!!!" If I were to deny it, I would be lying.
The office of a prophet is something that becomes evident when it’s demonstrated rather than the prophet trying to convince people he is one by reasoning or much less arguing and exchanging insults with them.
You are correct, but, again, God does not perform on cue. He does as He wills.
You may be called to be one, but at this time it’s very doubtful you have been released and sent by God to be one.
You don't even know me, and you believe you can say this with authority? I'm sorry, but I've learned to believe all things, hope all things and endure all things; and I haven't found failure yet. God has many times warned me, in advance, when someone is using Christianity (most times those professing to be one of the five-fold ministry gifts) as a scam to bilk people of money, and it is a plague on The Body of Christ. That doesn't cause me to walk around assuming or presuming that someone isn't what they profess. It causes me to believe them, and agree, except God tells me otherwise. Besides, if you're still listening to your mind, you're still carnal. Those who would be called The Sons of God are to be led by The Spirit of The Lord, not their suspicions. :angel:


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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Aimiel, can you elaborate on your title as "prophet"?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Aimiel, can you elaborate on your title as "prophet"?

Originally posted by STONE

Let's be both fair and biblical in this. Maybe someone could list some of the prophecies of Amiel so to prove he is not a prophet of God.
That would be very interesting, since God has not once released me to give a single prophecy on TOL. I've done many elsewhere, but here there isn't faith to receive them, and He is always watching out to keep from stepping on someone's toes with His Power. He will never cause someone to offend one of His Lambs. :thumb:


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Do you function out of a local church in your gift? Does the word 'presbytery' mean anything to you (a group of prophets who travel together to prophesy over people and set ministries in place; Restoration Movement/Tabernacle of David/Portland, Oregon= Bible Temple)? Do you function individually, or with 2 or 3 other prophets for balance? Do you tend to give personal prophecies, or more to a group? Are some of your prophecies more words of knowledge or discernment (scammers?).


Well-known member
Originally posted by godrulz

Do you function out of a local church in your gift?
Yes, mostly.
Does the word 'presbytery' mean anything to you (a group of prophets who travel together to prophesy over people and set ministries in place; Restoration Movement/Tabernacle of David/Portland, Oregon= Bible Temple)?
To me, presbytery doesn't mean any specific denomination.
Do you function individually, or with 2 or 3 other prophets for balance?
If by 'function' you mean speak, I have yet to see more than one person give the same word at the same time, though nothing that God does would surprise me. I have 'heard' what someone else was prophecying to a congregation one time, which was God showing me how accurate the prophecier was.
Do you tend to give personal prophecies, or more to a group?
More personal, but those given to congregations are more memorable. Often knowledge shared (in my heart) during a prophecy is 'taken away' immediately. Most often that type of 'knowledge' which, I believe, The Lord gives to make the tone more clear and allow the prophecy to be aimed better by the speaker, is shown to be 'disposable' (meaning it will be erased) when it is given. I have often been surprised by the depth, amount and privacy of this type of knowledge, but, knowing that God is doing it, am always confident that He knows what He's doing, and always find that it has been removed with no side-effects, no matter how hairy it might seem at the time of the gifting of it.
Are some of your prophecies more words of knowledge or discernment (scammers?).
I have had words of knowledge, and wisdom. Discernment is something that every Christian needs. One day, I believe, Christians will have to use this gift just to survive.


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Would you agree that there is a difference between the office of the prophet (Acts; Eph. 4) and the isolated gift of prophecy as the Spirit moves on any member of the Body (I Cor. 12-14)?


Well-known member
Originally posted by godrulz

Would you agree that there is a difference between the office of the prophet (Acts; Eph. 4) and the isolated gift of prophecy as the Spirit moves on any member of the Body (I Cor. 12-14)?
Of course.
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