Advice for Bowie Fans, Hillary & the NFL


New member
Hall of Fame
Make up your mind.

You can't quote the Apostle Paul saying "I wasn't talking about unbelievers", and then claim Bowie wasn't saved at the same time.

Worth pointing out he also called himself chief of all sinners, a humility hard to imagine coming from someone as self-obsessed as acw.


With a proud and unrepentant atheist (Granite) currently posting in this thread, I can't think of a better time for heir and tetelestai to share God's Word with him.

(Or maybe that's not part of their agenda?).


With a proud and unrepentant atheist (Granite) currently posting in this thread, I can't think of a better time for heir and tetelestai to share God's Word with him.

Actually, Granite knows the gospel, and the Bible better than most people on TOL who call themselves Christians.

He has had the gospel shared to him by many, and understands it.

However, he has chosen not to accept it.

Why don't you call him a bunch of names, tell him he's going to hell, go on and on about how all homosexuals, Muslims, abortionists, atheists, evolutionists, Democrats, illegal immigrants, and others should be killed.......that will really make him want to be a Christian like you.


New member
Hall of Fame
Actually, Granite knows the gospel, and the Bible better than most people on TOL who call themselves Christians.

He has had the gospel shared to him by many, and understands it.

However, he has chosen not to accept it.

Why don't you call him a bunch of names, tell him he's going to hell, go on and on about how all homosexuals, Muslims, abortionists, atheists, evolutionists, Democrats, illegal immigrants, and others should be killed.......that will really make him want to be a Christian like you.

I'd recommend instead he go to his stylist and get catty during a manicure.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
With a proud and unrepentant atheist (Granite) currently posting in this thread, I can't think of a better time for heir and tetelestai to share God's Word with him.

Actually, Granite knows the gospel, and the Bible better than most people on TOL who call themselves Christians.

He has had the gospel shared to him by many, and understands it.

However, he has chosen not to accept it.

So like a good Christian, you give up on him? Maybe he just didn't hear it right by the many people who shared it with him?

Why don't you call him a bunch of names, tell him he's going to hell, go on and on about how all homosexuals, Muslims, abortionists, atheists, evolutionists, Democrats, illegal immigrants, and others should be killed.......that will really make him want to be a Christian like you.

I'm all for sharing God's Word with all of the above. But since I don't know it (you and heir have told me repeatedly that I don't), why don't you give testimony?

Oh how I look forward to your sermons tele and heir.

When will you start?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
With a proud and unrepentant atheist (Granite) currently posting in this thread, I can't think of a better time for heir and tetelestai to share God's Word with him.

(Or maybe that's not part of their agenda?).

Heir can give a good testimony of the Grace Gospel. TeT, not so much,
if at all?


I'm just amazed at the number of atheists that embrace heir and tele's 'Christianity'. One would think that if they were really sharing God's Word that they'd be scorned by proud and unrepentant sinners like Granite and alwight.

John 15:18

Now the question is:

What should society do with proud and unrepentant sinners (in this case homosexuals and bisexuals like David Bowie) who refuse to accept God's Word as the absolute Truth and go about living destructive lives and legislating things that Satan approves of?

Do we allow them to do so tele and heir, or did God design civil government to help thwart evil acts? (and in the long run, help those morally confused people).

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
I'm just amazed at the number of atheists that embrace heir and tele's 'Christianity'. One would think that if they were really sharing God's Word that they'd be scorned by proud and unrepentant sinners like Granite and alwight.

No, you are thinking of Joel Osteen.

Heir could not draw 50 people to come hear her proclaim the rightly divided word of truth.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Joel just tries to make people feel good about themselves. He's no
preacher of the Grace Gospel. His another Robert Sculler/Norman
Vincent Peale.

Someone once said: "The Apostle Paul was appealing and the Apostle
Peale is appalling."


What should society do with proud and unrepentant sinners (in this case homosexuals and bisexuals like David Bowie) who refuse to accept God's Word as the absolute Truth and go about living destructive lives and legislating things that Satan approves of?

Absolutely nothing.

The Apostle Paul tells us not to judge the world.

(1 Cor 5:12) What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? ...

We are to preach the gospel to unsaved people, not judge them.

If they don't accept the gospel, it isn't our job to judge them, that's God's job

(1 Cor 5:13) God will judge those outside.....

If you could get every homosexual to stop practicing homosexuality, and stop every abortion, it would mean nothing as far as salvation.

Why are you obsessed with judging those outside the church, when the Apostle Paul makes it clear that that's not your job, it's God's job?


TOL Subscriber
The scripture says this about ALL men!

Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

Romans 5:12 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:

Galatians 3:22 But the scripture hath concluded all under sin, that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe.

What are the religious. but lost to do?


Do we allow them to do so tele and heir, or did God design civil government to help thwart evil acts?

(Rom 13:1) Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.

Was President Obama's authority established by God?


Maybe he just didn't hear it right by the many people who shared it with him?

How does someone not "hear it right" the gospel?

I would bet Granite knows the gospel better than you do.

In fact, I would even say Granite acts more "Christ like" than you.

I don't see Granite wanting to kill everyone who disagrees with him like you. I don't see Granite wanting to nuke people like you do.


Nah, that was quite a compliment. Coming from a Steelers fan, no less.:):devil:

Maybe if Brady and the Patriots win a few more Super Bowls, you will become a believer. :chuckle:

Tom Brady on New England Patriots Team Chaplin Jack Easterby:

"Easterby is one of the main reasons for the Patriots' success this past year." - Tom Brady, right before last year's Super Bowl.
