Advice for Bowie Fans, Hillary & the NFL


TOL Subscriber
The act of believing is doing something. When you believe, actions follow.
Our salvation is not based at all on anything that we have done or will do (Romans 4:5 KJV, Ephesians 2:8-9 KJV, Titus 3:5 KJV). You religious, but lost self appointed fruit inspectors hate that as you reject the grace of God. You spend all of your time frustrating it instead.

God's Word is morally superior.
The scripture shows you just exactly what dwelleth in your flesh and that all come short of the glory of God. I knew you wouldn't look at it.

Let the verse dropping begin.
I notice you have nothing to offer from the scriptures. Why is that "Christian"?


New member
Hall of Fame
Our salvation is not based at all on anything that we have done or will do (Romans 4:5 KJV, Ephesians 2:8-9 KJV, Titus 3:5 KJV). You religious, but lost self appointed fruit inspectors hate that as you reject the grace of God. You spend all of your time frustrating it instead.

The scripture shows you just exactly what dwelleth in your flesh and that all come short of the glory of God. I knew you wouldn't look at it.

I notice you have nothing to offer from the scriptures. Why is that "Christian"?

The last person on TOL I can remember watching work through their (obvious) sexuality was Just Tom. He hasn't been around in a while, though the closet he was trapped in was apparent to everyone here but him. Hopefully he finally just admitted who and what he was and is happier for it.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
The act of believing is doing something. When you believe, actions follow.

Our salvation is not based at all on anything that we have done or will do (Romans 4:5 KJV, Ephesians 2:8-9 KJV, Titus 3:5 KJV). You religious, but lost self appointed fruit inspectors hate that as you reject the grace of God. You spend all of your time frustrating it instead

David Bowie was definitely a fruit (the "B" in the LGBTQ acronym). If you believe that he accepted God's grace (one either accepts it or rejects it, and there are actions that follow when you become a follower of Christ...memorizing Scripture thinking that will impress God isn't one of them) make your case.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
God's Word is morally superior.

The scripture shows you just exactly what dwelleth in your flesh and that all come short of the glory of God. I knew you wouldn't look at it.

God set rules for man to live by. Will they buy that person a ticket to Heaven? NO! But that doesn't mean that those rules (laws and cultural mores') aren't of the utmost importance to societies.

How do you feel about 58 million unborn babies being murdered in the womb in a 43 period heir? How do you feel about children being indoctrinated to the ways of sexual perversion and contracting deadly incurable diseases before their 15th birthday, or do you try not to think about those "dwelleth in the flesh" things?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Let the verse dropping begin.

I notice you have nothing to offer from the scriptures. Why is that "Christian"?

My favorite is Jesus' greatest commandments:

Matthew 22:36-40

I can't help but notice how well you bond with proud and unrepentant sinners (the former? Satanist ^ is a prime example). Are you sharing the gospel with them? (if so, I must have missed your sermons).


TOL Subscriber
David Bowie was definitely a fruit (the "B" in the LGBTQ acronym). If you believe that he accepted God's grace (one either accepts it or rejects it, and there are actions that follow when you become a follower of Christ...memorizing Scripture thinking that will impress God isn't one of them) make your case.
I don't know what he believed, but the implication from BEL (and you who sound an awful lot like them) is that "He is in hell right now" for what he did in his flesh. Nothing can be further from the truth!

You want the case? Here it is: Salvation is by grace through the faith and finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ in our place. If anyone (as God will have all men to be saved 1 Timothy 2:4 KJV), no matter who they are or what they were doing while they were there; trusts the Lord believing the gospel that is the power of God to save (1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV) they are saved, period! Their works NEVER entered the picture for salvation. And since we are not saved by our works, you cannot say a person is not saved based on what they have done, do, will do or refrain from doing!

You disqualify yourself from discussing anything pertaining to the gospel of our salvation as you believe not the glorious gospel of Christ (2 Corinthians 4:3-4 KJV). IOW, don't quit your day job!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
You have no idea what you are talking about.

A friend of mine for forty some years, lost her Catholic Dad, when he
died a few years back. He was not a nice guy and not a member of
the Body of Christ. However, she had the opportunity to witness the
Grace Gospel to him at the 11th hour, three weeks before his death.
He became a member of the Body of Christ.

A lady she visited in the hospital who was dying and couldn't speak.
(this lady wasn't a Christian) That same friend of mine witnessed
Christ to her and all this dying lady could do was squeeze my friends
hand to let her know, she had placed her faith in Christ. The Lady died
that evening.

Nobody has the right to judge anyone to Hell. For all we know, Bowie
could have placed his faith in Christ right before he died?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I don't know what he believed, but the implication from BEL (and you who sound an awful lot like them) is that "He is in hell right now" for what he did in his flesh. Nothing can be further from the truth!

You want the case? Here it is: Salvation is by grace through the faith and finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ in our place. If anyone (as God will have all men to be saved 1 Timothy 2:4 KJV), no matter who they are or what they were doing while they were there; trusts the Lord believing the gospel that is the power of God to save (1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV) they are saved, period! Their works NEVER entered the picture for salvation. And since we are not saved by our works, you cannot say a person is not saved based on what they have done, do, will do or refrain from doing!

You disqualify yourself from discussing anything pertaining to the gospel of our salvation as you believe not the glorious gospel of Christ (2 Corinthians 4:3-4 KJV). IOW, don't quit your day job!



TOL Subscriber
A friend of mine for forty some years, lost her Catholic Dad, when he
died a few years back. He was not a nice guy and not a member of
the Body of Christ. However, she had the opportunity to witness the
Grace Gospel to him at the 11th hour, three weeks before his death.
He became a member of the Body of Christ.

A lady she visited in the hospital who was dying and couldn't speak.
(this lady wasn't a Christian) That same friend of mine witnessed
Christ to her and all this dying lady could do was squeeze my friends
hand to let her know, she had placed her faith in Christ. The Lady died
that evening.
PTL! The preaching of the cross is the power of God! 1 Corinthians 1:18 KJV


This is one of those rare threads where I agree with every single thing STP and heir have posted.

Good job STP & heir.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

David Bowie was definitely a fruit (the "B" in the LGBTQ acronym). If you believe that he accepted God's grace (one either accepts it or rejects it, and there are actions that follow when you become a follower of Christ...memorizing Scripture thinking that will impress God isn't one of them) make your case.

I don't know what he believed,...

If David Bowie had repented and accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior, the moral degenerates that gave him accolades would have known it and would have spit on his grave. People don't live a life of proud sinful behavior and take their repentance silently to the grave with them.

That being said: I swear I asked you some questions that went unanswered. In case they mysteriously disappeared, here they are again:

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
God set rules for man to live by. Will they buy that person a ticket to Heaven? NO! But that doesn't mean that those rules (laws and cultural mores') aren't of the utmost importance to societies.
How do you feel about 58 million unborn babies being murdered in the womb in a 43 period heir? How do you feel about children being indoctrinated to the ways of sexual perversion and contracting deadly incurable diseases before their 15th birthday, or do you try not to think about those "dwelleth in the flesh" things?

And then this one:

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I can't help but notice how well you bond with proud and unrepentant sinners (the former? Satanist ^ is a prime example). Are you sharing the gospel with them? (if so, I must have missed your sermons).


David Bowie was definitely a fruit

Every sin David Bowie committed was paid for at the cross.

In fact, every sin David Bowie committed, God didn't remember.

The problem with you, is that you think you are less of a sinner than David Bowie.

Take a good look at the following pics of David Bowie. You are no better than he was when it comes to sin. In fact, you may even a bigger sinner than David Bowie:





Every sin David Bowie committed was paid for at the cross.

Provided he asked for God's forgiveness (repented).

(Let's see heir outdo that number of verses).

In fact, every sin David Bowie committed, God didn't remember.

Provided he asked for God's forgiveness (repented).

The problem with you, is that you think you are less of a sinner than David Bowie.

Three things:

1). I've never been proud of my sinful behavior and purposely lead others into sin, something that David Bowie did while he was alive.

2). If you want to identify with a cross dressing bisexual (the "B" in the LGBTQ acronym), be my guest. I'm better than that.

3). I've accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. David Bowie didn't.

Take a good look at the following pics of David Bowie.

No need to. I see proud and unrepentant sinners like David Bowie everyday here in Sodomy and Gonorrhea North (Seattle WA).

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The last person on TOL I can remember watching work through their (obvious) sexuality was Just Tom. He hasn't been around in a while, though the closet he was trapped in was apparent to everyone here but him. Hopefully he finally just admitted who and what he was and is happier for it.

He actually admitted it some years back. He re-emerged on here as 'Iconoclast' but unfortunately was still pretty much the same. Hopefully he's come to terms with things by now.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
If David Bowie had repented and accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior, the moral degenerates that gave him accolades would have known it and would have spit on his grave. People don't live a life of proud sinful behavior and take their repentance silently to the grave with them.

Funny, I thought you said it was only God who knows what's in men's hearts and yet here you are acting as spokesperson as to how any fan of Bowie would react if he were to have believed.

I think you'll find that most fans would still enjoy what he contributed without any need to 'spit on his grave' as you seem intent on doing.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
If David Bowie had repented and accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior, the moral degenerates that gave him accolades would have known it and would have spit on his grave. People don't live a life of proud sinful behavior and take their repentance silently to the grave with them.

Funny, I thought you said it was only God who knows what's in men's hearts and yet here you are acting as spokesperson as to how any fan of Bowie would react if he were to have believed.

Tell us how you would have reacted if David Bowie had made the following public announcement while alive:

"Homosexuality is morally wrong. Those who engage in it are desperately in need of God's guidance to overcome a behavior that has brought nothing but disease, misery and death to those that partake in it."

Go ahead and tell us that you'd be Bowie's #1 fan Art.

I think you'll find that most fans would still enjoy what he contributed without any need to 'spit on his grave' as you seem intent on doing.

When I get a note from "most fans" saying that you speak for them Art, I'll take your words seriously.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Tell us how you would have reacted if David Bowie had made the following public announcement while alive:

"Homosexuality is morally wrong. Those who engage in it are desperately in need of God's guidance to overcome a behavior that has brought nothing but disease, misery and death to those that partake in it."

Go ahead and tell us that you'd be Bowie's #1 fan Art.

I'd say you hacked into his twitter account or something as only you can sound as pompously self righteous and fixated as that.

I'm hardly his #1 fan anyway even if he were to say something remotely akin to your wind bag statements. I'd still enjoy what I like of his output though and wouldn't slate the man, like you do.

When I get a note from "most fans" saying that you speak for them Art, I'll take your words seriously.

Eh, I doubt anyone takes you seriously enough to care to send you one doofus.


Provided he asked for God's forgiveness (repented).


His sins were paid for at the cross no matter what.

Salvation is by faith alone, and has nothing to do with sins.

(Let's see heir outdo that number of verses).

All sins were paid for at the cross.

To bring up someone's sins again, would be double jeopardy.

Provided he asked for God's forgiveness (repented).

Again, all sins were paid for at the cross. No one has to ask for forgiveness, they were paid in full.

Salvation is by faith and faith alone.
1). I've never been proud of my sinful behavior and purposely lead others into sin, something that David Bowie did while he was alive.

As a sinner, you are no better, and no different than David Bowie.

In fact, you may even be a bigger sinner than David Bowie.

2). If you want to identify with a cross dressing bisexual (the "B" in the LGBTQ acronym), be my guest. I'm better than that.

No you are not.

You are no different than David Bowie when it comes to sin.
3). I've accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. David Bowie didn't.

Good for you (I mean that sincerely). I have no idea if David Bowie believed in Christ Jesus. However, what I do know is that David Bowie's sins have nothing to do with whether he did or not.

I see proud and unrepentant sinners like David Bowie everyday here in Sodomy and Gonorrhea North (Seattle WA).

You are a sinner, and are no better than they are.

Take a tip from the Apostle Paul. Consider yourself the biggest sinner there is, and you won't come across as such a self-righteous, legalistic, Bible thumper.

I consider myself a much bigger sinner than David Bowie. I commit whopper sins everyday. Thank goodness, by grace, I have been saved by faith in Christ Jesus.


TOL Subscriber
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

David Bowie was definitely a fruit (the "B" in the LGBTQ acronym). If you believe that he accepted God's grace (one either accepts it or rejects it, and there are actions that follow when you become a follower of Christ...memorizing Scripture thinking that will impress God isn't one of them) make your case.
I made the case and it's case closed for religious believe notters such as yourself who refuse to admit that salvation is by grace through faith and that the gospel of Christ (1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV) is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth (Romans 1:16 KJV although no longer to the Jew first, but to all men as the man Christ Jesus gave Himself a ransom for all 1 Timothy 2:4-6 KJV). Salvation is not a list of religious things YOU or anyone else requires of someone. You show who are the "perverts" here every time you imply someone goes to hell for what they do in the flesh! They don't! You are an enemy of the cross! (Philippians 3:18-19 KJV).

If David Bowie had repented and accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior, the moral degenerates that gave him accolades would have known it and would have spit on his grave. People don't live a life of proud sinful behavior and take their repentance silently to the grave with them.
Once again, you speak like an ignorant fool. Repentance is not the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth. The gospel of Christ is (1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV). Get it through that thick skull of yours.

That being said: I swear I asked you some questions that went unanswered. In case they mysteriously disappeared, here they are again:
Your questions have nothing to do with the issue of salvation. You have no gospel. You are nothing more than a tinkling cymbal. I'm not answering any of your questions that are designed to change the topic. The topic is salvation.