Abortionist Tiller's Murder in Perspective

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New member
The disturbed are disturbed that a mass murderer met his untimely end, regardless of how just. Note they feel quite comfortable with the THOUSANDS of the innocent he savagely butchered. While Tiller was butchering they had no objections, but kill the murderer......
Try applying such abberant judgment to Pol Pot, Adolf Hitler, Saddam, etc. etc. Would you grieve for them and ignore their holocausts ?


New member
Hall of Fame
The disturbed are disturbed that a mass murderer met his untimely end, regardless of how just. Note they feel quite comfortable with the THOUSANDS of the innocent he savagely butchered. While Tiller was butchering they had no objections, but kill the murderer......
Try applying such abberant judgment to Pol Pot, Adolf Hitler, Saddam, etc. etc. Would you grieve for them and ignore their holocausts ?

You saying murder's all right so long as you can justify it?


New member
Godless deniers would have me explain a god they will not accept ? Play the fool but do not expect me to be a fellow player.

murder: Killing immoral/unjustified like the innocent

Killing: Ending a life justly and appropriately as morally needed esp by a society.
Obviously what God justifies means nothing to you and yet you would contend on a Christian website without God.
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New member
Tiller killed 60,000 people and he was going to work on Monday.
Now his shop is closed.
Roeder is a hero that sacraficed his freedom so that others might live.
The only reason the rest of us don't do what he did is because we're not willing to make the same sacrafice.

Roeder is no hero. He is an idiot who took law into his own hands, and in doing so has only succeeded in harming the pro-life movement. It doesn't matter that Tiller was murdered. Another person will just take his place. There are other morally depraved doctors out there who are willing to kill babies for exorbitant amounts of money. Trust me, another will come along and pick up right where Tiller left off. Pro-life organizations have fought so hard over the years to save innocent lives without resorting to violence. This has done nothing more than hinder their work. This is exactly what the pro-choicers have been waiting for. Some nut job to off an abortion doctor so they can blame it on the people who for years have defended the rights of the unborn, and have done so without violence.

Roeder didn't just murder Tiller, he made him into an icon.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Roeder is no hero. He is an idiot who took law into his own hands, and in doing so has only succeeded in harming the pro-life movement. It doesn't matter that Tiller was murdered. Another person will just take his place. There are other morally depraved doctors out there who are willing to kill babies for exorbitant amounts of money. Trust me, another will come along and pick up right where Tiller left off. Pro-life organizations have fought so hard over the years to save innocent lives without resorting to violence. This has done nothing more than hinder their work. This is exactly what the pro-choicers have been waiting for. Some nut job to off an abortion doctor so they can blame it on the people who for years have defended the rights of the unborn, and have done so without violence.

Roeder didn't just murder Tiller, he made him into an icon.
Roeder stood on his principles, Tiller killed 60,000 people by his own rekoning, Roeder killed one to stop him.
Have you been here?


New member
Roeder stood on his principles, Tiller killed 60,000 people by his own rekoning, Roeder killed one to stop him.
Have you been here?

Hi Fool,

Sorry I did not respond to this sooner. Yes, I have seen that atrocious site :vomit:

Yes, Tiller killed 60,000 children. However, he was able to do it because the state of Kansas allowed him to do so, and will allow any doctor to do so.

Did Tiller deserve to die for what he was doing? Yes he did. However, the sad truth remains that late-term abortion is legal in Kansas. What he was doing was legal. Horribly evil, malicious, vile, sick, and wrong, but still legal in that state.

What Roeder did was stupid. Killing Tiller will not solve anything. As I said, another will come along and take his place. What Roeder did was empower Tiller's image. Now the Left is making him into a martyr/hero and placing the blame on the people who have fought Tiller for years.
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Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Hi Fool,

Sorry I did not respond to this sooner. Yes, I have seen that atrocious site :vomit:
Powerful stuff huh?

Yes, Tiller killed 60,000 children. However, he was able to do it because the state of Kansas allowed him to do so, and will allow any doctor to do so.
That's Kansas' problem, you're allowed to protect someone from being killed so Kansas and the rest of this country have a contadiction in the law.

Did Tiller deserve to die for what he was doing? Yes he did. However, the sad truth remains that late-term abortion is legal in Kansas. What he was doing was legal. Horribly evil, malicious, vile, sick, and wrong, but still legal in that state.
And self defence is legal, so again it's not Roeder that has the problem it's society.

What Roeder did was stupid. Killing Tiller will not solve anything.
Yes it did, Tiller's is closed for business so now there's only two butchers sick enough to do what was done to Tess like you saw at that site.
As I said, another will come along and take his place.
People will be born that Tiller was scheduled to kill bacause they couldn't get an appointment with another butcher fast enough.
Roeder sacraficed his life so that others might live, where have I heard that before?

What Roeder did was empower Tiller's image.
What Roeder did was save countless victims from being delivered alive and having their brains vacumed out of their heads.
How's that for an image?
Now the Left is making him into a martyr/hero and placing the blame on the people who have fought Tiller for years.
Roeder did right and risked the concequences, just because he's rare dosen't make him wrong, he may be the only sane one amoung us.

Brother Vinny

Active member
Bin Laden for starters.


Not that I necessarily disagree, but you see Bin Laden as pretty close to evil incarnate, right?

Saul of Tarsus (later Paul) mercilessly persecuted the Church prior to his conversion. He presided over the first Christian martyrdom, and would go on to admit that his intent was to destroy the Church, and that he is chief of sinners.

Would an early Christian have been justified busting a cap in a preconversion Saul?

Oh wait, you're an atheist. :doh: Any Christians wanna take a swing at that?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame

Not that I necessarily disagree, but you see Bin Laden as pretty close to evil incarnate, right?

Saul of Tarsus (later Paul) mercilessly persecuted the Church prior to his conversion. He presided over the first Christian martyrdom, and would go on to admit that his intent was to destroy the Church, and that he is chief of sinners.

Would an early Christian have been justified busting a cap in a preconversion Saul?

Oh wait, you're an atheist. :doh: Any Christians wanna take a swing at that?
Apperently not so I will.


Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Personally, I agree with fool. And, I can't believe that, so far, only an atheist is stating this case for what it is. We all know what Tiller did for a living. He's killed thousands of babies. And, we know that had he not been stopped he would have been at work the following Monday killing more babies. Roeder did what he thought was necessary to save babies.

Yes. People will make Tiller into a martyr for women's rights. But, will that change the opinions of anyone who thought he was a monster? I know it won't change my own opinion of him.


New member

Not that I necessarily disagree, but you see Bin Laden as pretty close to evil incarnate, right?

Saul of Tarsus (later Paul) mercilessly persecuted the Church prior to his conversion. He presided over the first Christian martyrdom, and would go on to admit that his intent was to destroy the Church, and that he is chief of sinners.

Would an early Christian have been justified busting a cap in a preconversion Saul?

Oh wait, you're an atheist. :doh: Any Christians wanna take a swing at that?

Would an early Christian have been justified busting a cap in a preconversion Saul?

Of course.

If you're willing to twist Romans 13 and claim (as some do) that an unjust government (or law) does not have to be obeyed.

Bob Enyart

Staff member
Granite, would you have been so single-minded over von Rath?

Granite, would you have been so single-minded over von Rath?

God has granted everyone the right of self defense to use an escalation of force up to lethal action to protect oneself and one's neighbor from unjust, imminent harm and death. Of course abortionists have unjustly slaughtered countless innocent children. Yet here at Bob Enyart Live we do not condone the murder of Tiller, but we are thankful that he will never kill another child.

Uh huh.

This is a classic loves me/loves me not situation: we have the right to defend the innocent, buuuuuuuuuuuuuut you shouldn't kill abortionists. We're sorry Tiller was murdered buuuuuuuuuuuuuut we're glad he'll never perform another abortion.

Any kind of equivocation when it comes to this situation is unacceptable. Providing a straight answer shouldn't be so difficult.

Granite, are you one of those who criticize us for judging peoples' actions, and then turn around and judge our hearts? By now you should be suspect your own ability to reason logically, and you should be humble enough not to set yourself up as judge of other people's heart of hearts, against the evidence.

Jeffery Dahmer was beat to death in prison. There was no national mourning, and undoubtedly many of his victims' neighbors and loved ones said: we don't condone vigilantism, but we're thankful he will never murder again, and we're even thankful that he's dead. Would you have called them liars too? Perhaps you would set yourself up as their judge and condemn them for this; I would not.

BTW, Dahmer had an extraordinary conversion to Christ and reconciliation with his earthly father prior to his death.

When a Mafia hit man gets killed I assure you there is no public grieving, and when neighbors and loved ones of his victims are thankful, I would not judge and condemn them as secretly harboring fantasies of lawlessness. In Sicily, you probably would have the same reaction as me. But here in America, you're different, because you couldn't care less that precious children are brutally hacked to death. Because you are evil.

Hersch Grynszpan killed the German diplomat Ernst von Rath on Nov. 7, 1938 in revenge for the NAZI murder of his parents. Popular German anger at this empowered Hitler to order a night of mass arrests and killing of Jews called Kristallnacht. The couple's son, named Henry Grynszpan, was living in Paris. The boy was frantic with concern for his parents and felt that he needed to "do" something to publicize to the world what was happening to the Jews in Germany. This seventeen-year-old boy got a gun, walked to the German embassy in Paris, and shot the first man he saw- and an embassy official named Ernst Von Rath. Von Rath died. Undoubtedly, countless Jews knew this was an illegal act, and realized the retribution would be fierce, but I doubt many of them mourned, as perhaps you would do for a mass murderer, for the NAZI official. That vigilante act triggered a "spontaneous" uprising against the Jews. Of course this had been planned for quite a while, and this was just the pretext to put the plan into action.

This reminds us also of the aftermath of the the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich, Hitler's possible successor, although that was during the war and therefore different rules apply.

-Bob Enyart


New member
Hall of Fame
Granite, are you one of those who criticize us for judging peoples' actions, and then turn around and judge our hearts?

If and when the shoe fits, I do both.:cool:

By now you should be suspect your own ability to reason logically...

Why in the world would I do that?

and you should be humble enough not to set yourself up as judge of other people's heart of hearts, against the evidence.

When actions speak for themselves I come to my conclusions. Just like everyone else.

Jeffery Dahmer was beat to death in prison. There was no national mourning...

Not that anyone with their head on straight would ever have expected as much.

...and undoubtedly many of his victims' neighbors and loved ones said: we don't condone vigilantism, but we're thankful he will never murder again, and we're even thankful that he's dead.


Would you have called them liars too? Perhaps you would set yourself up as their judge and condemn them for this; I would not.

I would not have thought they were lying, and I would've agreed with them.

BTW, Dahmer had an extraordinary conversion to Christ and reconciliation with his earthly father prior to his death.

How touching. So did Bundy, supposedly. Of course Rader was a good self-professed Christian before he started murdering people, so go figure.

When a Mafia hit man gets killed I assure you there is no public grieving, and when neighbors and loved ones of his victims are thankful, I would not judge and condemn them as secretly harboring fantasies of lawlessness.

You've used this comparison with the press already, as though you think abortionists should simply anticipate getting whacked. If that's not an endorsement of domestic terrorism, or at least a cool indifference to it, I'm not sure what is.

But here in America, you're different, because you couldn't care less that precious children are brutally hacked to death. Because you are evil.

All due respect, that is simply an ignorant, totally uninformed, and foolish thing to say. Grew up in a pro-life household, have always been opposed to abortion. My parents were and are involved in the movement and have been since shortly after Roe. Next time you decide to take a shot at someone make sure you have your facts straight.

Hersch Grynszpan killed the German diplomat Ernst von Rath on Nov. 7, 1938 in revenge for the NAZI murder of his parents. Popular German anger at this empowered Hitler to order a night of mass arrests and killing of Jews called Kristallnacht.

I'm aware of what provoked Kristallnacht, but thanks for the recap.

This seventeen-year-old boy got a gun, walked to the German embassy in Paris, and shot the first man he saw- and an embassy official named Ernst Von Rath. Von Rath died. Undoubtedly, countless Jews knew this was an illegal act, and realized the retribution would be fierce, but I doubt many of them mourned, as perhaps you would do for a mass murderer, for the NAZI official. That vigilante act triggered a "spontaneous" uprising against the Jews. Of course this had been planned for quite a while, and this was just the pretext to put the plan into action.

You seem to have completely missed the point of this lesson from history.

This reminds us also of the aftermath of the the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich, Hitler's possible successor, although that was during the war and therefore different rules apply.

See above. FYI, the apples and oranges comparisons you are fond of relying on don't cut any ice with me.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Granite, are you one of those who criticize us for judging peoples' actions, and then turn around and judge our hearts? By now you should be suspect your own ability to reason logically, and you should be humble enough not to set yourself up as judge of other people's heart of hearts, against the evidence.

Jeffery Dahmer was beat to death in prison. There was no national mourning, and undoubtedly many of his victims' neighbors and loved ones said: we don't condone vigilantism, but we're thankful he will never murder again, and we're even thankful that he's dead. Would you have called them liars too? Perhaps you would set yourself up as their judge and condemn them for this; I would not.

BTW, Dahmer had an extraordinary conversion to Christ and reconciliation with his earthly father prior to his death.

When a Mafia hit man gets killed I assure you there is no public grieving, and when neighbors and loved ones of his victims are thankful, I would not judge and condemn them as secretly harboring fantasies of lawlessness. In Sicily, you probably would have the same reaction as me. But here in America, you're different, because you couldn't care less that precious children are brutally hacked to death. Because you are evil.

Hersch Grynszpan killed the German diplomat Ernst von Rath on Nov. 7, 1938 in revenge for the NAZI murder of his parents. Popular German anger at this empowered Hitler to order a night of mass arrests and killing of Jews called Kristallnacht. The couple's son, named Henry Grynszpan, was living in Paris. The boy was frantic with concern for his parents and felt that he needed to "do" something to publicize to the world what was happening to the Jews in Germany. This seventeen-year-old boy got a gun, walked to the German embassy in Paris, and shot the first man he saw- and an embassy official named Ernst Von Rath. Von Rath died. Undoubtedly, countless Jews knew this was an illegal act, and realized the retribution would be fierce, but I doubt many of them mourned, as perhaps you would do for a mass murderer, for the NAZI official. That vigilante act triggered a "spontaneous" uprising against the Jews. Of course this had been planned for quite a while, and this was just the pretext to put the plan into action.

This reminds us also of the aftermath of the the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich, Hitler's possible successor, although that was during the war and therefore different rules apply.

-Bob Enyart

Then on D-Day 195,000 guys went to France and....shot the first German they saw.
Sounds like that kid was just ahead of schedule.


Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
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Hi Nori! :wave:

you still on at the library?

No. The library opens at 10 AM, here ( according to the time stamp on your post, it was 9:48 AM). :jessilu: temporarily got my computer running. I just hope it runs until I can get a new one.
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