Originally posted by Eowyn
It's not a moral dilemma to me. Many times doctors have told women that if they did not abort the baby they would die for sure and the woman did not abort and lived.
I'm sure that's true, but as the pregnancy advances under close observation, should the diagnosis prove true, the women still has the
moral right to terminate the pregnacy to save her own life. This obviously applies in a case by case basis.
Posted by Eowyn:
Also many times doctors say the baby will be severely deformed or impaired in some way and it turns out not to be. Doctors are not the end all and be all.
Severely deformed or impaired is not
moral justification for abortion.
Posted by Eowyn:
Regardless, murder never solves another problem. You don't murder someone because you might have the chance to save someone else. It can't be justified.
Of course there is morally justified killing. Would you use lethal force to protect a wife, husband, child, from a homicidal attacker bent on murdering your loved one?...