a whore for the republican party


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
you like hillary are trying to use trump to discredit me and the republican party

No, the republican party has discredited themselves...in fact what your boy Mitch McConnell & the country club lush Boehner have done as of yesterday with this sham nuke deal vote, has done more to damage the republican name than any candidate including Trump could do...They deserve to be thrown out on their ears for their treason to the country. The people will not forget next November, no RINO will see a nomination and the house will be swept clean of the traitors on both sides.


New member
I'm seriously considering leaving the Republican Party. Time and time again it has shown itself to be worthless. The GOP establishment doesn't care about traditional values or economic freedom, they only care about war and benefits for corporations.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
the democrats are blocking a vote on the iran deal
the democrats are blocking conservative judges
the democrats are blocking defunding of planned parenthood
the idiots here will blame one republican judge
not the four democrats who made it happen
the idiots here will blame the republicans
not the 42 democrats who can block anything they want to
not the president who can veto anything
the idiots are not who they say they are
they are shills for the democratic party
only idiots will believe what they say
they are trump supporters
trump has a deal with hillary

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
betcha don't even know who these guys are:



Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
So tell it to a *lefty* ... which would pretty much describe anyone who turns a blind to a thrice, married adulterer known as Trump ...

I just did...you are the one that claims to be "more left than right" that means lefty...


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Simple ... they have a daughter together, and she doesn't wish to bash him in public.

Or maybe thirty years ago things were a lot more tense during a bitter divorce, not only did she not bash him she hailed him...ignoring the source of your fact base (Ivana) shows either your bias or ignorance of what she claims publicly she & Donald's relationship to be now, and her reasons for emotional responses then.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
the democrats are blocking a vote on the iran deal
the democrats are blocking conservative judges
the democrats are blocking defunding of planned parenthood
the idiots here will blame one republican judge
not the four democrats who made it happen
the idiots here will blame the republicans
not the 42 democrats who can block anything they want to
not the president who can veto anything
the idiots are not who they say they are
they are shills for the democratic party
only idiots will believe what they say
they are trump supporters
trump has a deal with hillary

No, that turd McConnell allowed this thing to go thru with virtually no fight at all, the fix was in from the beginning...Republicans make a bad name for themelves every day on capital hill, showing they are part & parcel of the problems that plague this country and the reason no RINO will be nominated in 2016.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
republicans need votes from:
religious wackos

trump has already insulted the first two groups
he will soon insult the religious people


Well-known member
republicans need votes from:
religious wackos

trump has already insulted the first two groups
he will soon insult the religious people
Trump isn't even a real candidate. He's a professional celebrity. He's using this phony 'campaign' to jack up his media recognition. And saying outrageous and insulting things gets him lots of media attention. He couldn't care less what voters he's insulting because he ISN'T RUNNING FOR OFFICE. He's only pretending to run.

By this time next year Trump will be busy with some new TV show, and he will have nothing to do with the election. And none of his insults will have had any effect on anyone but the idiots who are already his fans.

The problem for republicans is that they are the party of the rich. They always have been and they still are. But they can't get elected if only the rich people they actually serve, vote for them. So they have to trick other voting blocks into voting for them, too. I say "trick" because they will not serve those voting blocks once they are elected unless doing so also serves the purposes of the rich. Because that's the republican party's raison d'être: doing the will of the wealthy elites. Always has been, and it always will be.

Unfortunately, when they have to lie to those other voting blocks over and over and over again just to win elections, and they then do not do any of the things that they lied and said they would do, even the stupidest blocks of voters eventually become suspicious. And then it requires more and more outrageous claims and behaviors to trick them into voting for republicans yet again. Which is why the republican field of potential candidates looks like a cast of cartoon characters out of Mad Magazine, and why they are each trying to top each other in spouting off absurd, insulting, and idiotic comments and proclamations so they can get noticed standing next to a candidate that isn't even a real candidate, but is just a media hog pretending to run for election.

The absurdity of it all would be funny if it was a Mad Magazine schtick instead of real life. But it is real life and it's beyond pathetic. How this country has sunk so low, politically, in just the last 35 years is mind-boggling. And how the American people keep allowing this pathetic parade of idiotic behavior to continue is even a bigger mystery to me.

Man! How the mighty hath fallen!


New member
ding ding ding!

canada's in the throes of an election cycle

i'll bet it doesn't get any play south of the border

Just wondering, are you Canadian?

Anyway, few in America know anything about what goes on in other countries. There was some coverage of the Israeli elections and some coverage of the British elections along with the Scottish referendum.

Compare this to most Europeans I know, who at least know the countries in their own continent. In 2014, 84% of Americans couldn't find Ukraine on a map. Some literally thought that it was in the North Pole.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
i live four miles from the border, in northern ny

i'm closer to their national capitol than my state capitol

and closer to their major population centers of Montreal and Toronto than NYC

and i listen to the CBC on radio almost exclusively

no tv - unplugged eleven years ago


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
republicans need votes from:

Latest polls show that women don't seem to care.

Fallacy created by the RINO leadership because they want to pander to & keep their illegal slave labor pool.

religious wackos

This group would vote for Trump before they would vote for Jeb...the polls show that ...:hammer:

trump has already insulted the first two groups

For every person he has insulted he has steadily increased his lead so, I am not sure what data you are looking at...maybe just more of that RINO wishful thinking you are plagued with.

he will soon insult the religious people

Anything is possible...I wonder if he will rise in the polls then as well. :chuckle:


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Trump isn't even a real candidate.

You keep telling yourself that, he is more of a "real" candidate than that worn out old socialist hippie Bernie Sanders will ever be...Talk about desperate democrat voters. :chuckle:

Get Real...or realistic anyway.


like marbles on glass
You keep telling yourself that, he is more of a "real" candidate than that worn out old socialist hippie Bernie Sanders will ever be...Talk about desperate democrat voters. :chuckle:

Get Real...or realistic anyway.

How real is his plan to deport 11 million people in 18 months - 2 years?