A Peculiar Kind of Gospel

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Christians are not under the ceremonial laws of the OT. Jesus summed up the moral law as loving God supremely and others equal as themselves. We are under a 'law' of love and liberty.

Trust and obedience are not mutually exclusive. Genuine faith (Romans) will be evidenced by works (James). This does not mean we are saved by works or the law. Genuine love will involve submissive obedience. There is no reason to think that right choices and obedience have anything to do with works salvation, unless we do it apart from the power and for the glory of God.

Law does not have to be a dirty word. God's revelation of laws that help us love God and others in relationship are not suspended or of the devil. The law of love trumps all. We are not lawless. We live under the law of gravity and God's moral law.

"We do nothing but sin, yet are free from sin." ?!How does this fit with the NT command to be holy as He is holy? The context includes exhortations to right motives, thoughts, and actions.

I understand we are not perfect in ourselves and cannot make ourselves perfect. We are righteous in Christ, but this does not mean we live like the devil and think God is deaf, dumb, and blind.


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by lighthouse

Don't like potshots being taken at you, eh?
Who's taking potshots? If you're talking about your little barbs, I don't lose much sleep over such silliness. :yawn:

No I didn't. Salvation has nothing to do with obedience.
Then how come the Christian Satan isn't saved. He has allegedly known the deity since before time. If anyone "knows Christ" it's likely to be him...

It is by Christ living in us that we live in Him. And that is subsequent to slavation, not the means of.
Slavation, eh? A bit of Freudian slip, perhaps? :chuckle:

Apart from the ones about God, and worship, do you follow the commandments? Or do you murder, commit adultery, and the like?
Which commandments, the decalogue?

I generally follow the laws of the society in which I live.

I do not commit murder because I think sin is to uncessarily cause pain to another human being. Murder does that, so I don't do it.

I love my spouse and promised her fidelity during our wedding covenant decades ago, so I do not commit adultery as it would cause her unecessary pain.

... and so on. No religious reasons needed. :thumb:

I wasn't trying to convince you. 'm just saying that He is not silent, you're simply not listening.
If it were just me, I'd think you had a valid position. But I am merely one of billions, all allegedly designed by him (according to you Christians), yet incapable of hearing him... doesn't sound like a very reasonable way to run a universe to me... :think:

You've never left bondage, Zak.
Pretty big talk for a sheep waiting to be fleeced and butchered. :devil:


New member
Originally posted by godrulz

Christians are not under the ceremonial laws of the OT.
Christians are not under ANY laws of the OT.
Jesus summed up the moral law as loving God supremely and others equal as themselves.
Jesus did no such thing. He never referred to it as a "moral" law. This is why you are so confused. You disannul the work of Christ trying to resubmit the law, by dressing it up in "moral" garb. Either it is His shed blood that removes our sin (all of it), and His life that makes us righteous, or it is our ability to perform that qualifies us to be in God's grace.
We are under a 'law' of love and liberty.
Do you know what those two words mean? I seriously doubt it. You have absoluetly NO capacity to love. Love is from God. Liberty, means that you are free from ALL moral and mortal liability.

True responsibilty can only come from someone who has no liability.

godrulz... I don't know how to talk to you without insulting you, even though I truly wish I could. The next few comments of yours are so infuriating, and so anti-Christ, that I cannot speak to them without referring to you in the same way Paul and Jesus referred to the religious leaders of their day. I will refrain :shut:
"We do nothing but sin, yet are free from sin." ?!How does this fit with the NT command to be holy as He is holy?
Jesus wanted to bring men to the end of themselves, not put them under a yoke of getting their act together and be like God. Only a self-righteous person would take Jesus words and think that they can actually fulfill them. "Ok Jesus, I got it, you just watch me, because I am going to be as Holy as God" :rolleyes:
I understand we are not perfect in ourselves and cannot make ourselves perfect. We are righteous in Christ, but this does not mean we live like the devil and think God is deaf, dumb, and blind.
But, godrulz, it is YOU who is deaf, dumb, and blind if you think that you are not living like the devil, based on the very thing that reveals sin... The Law.

Sin is revealed by the Law, and anyone who looks at the Law, and claims that they are in fact more righteous in their behavior than the adulterer, murderer, homosexual, thief, rapist, slanderer, etc., is self-righteous!


Well-known member

24 O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death? 25 I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin.

If you have faith, you want to keep the law in spirit. Not because you have to, but WANT to.


New member
Originally posted by keypurr


24 O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death? 25 I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin.

If you have faith, you want to keep the law in spirit. Not because you have to, but WANT to.

keypurr... the bible does not teach that, and you are adding to what Paul says. You are obsessed with your flesh trying to be a "keypurr" of the Law. Your mind is set on the flesh, and you are dead to God. Read the next few verses. It is not the Law (Ten Commandments etc), but the law of the Spirit of life!

"Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, on the one hand I myself with my mind am serving the law of God, but on the other, with my flesh the law of sin. There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death."


New member
Quote: godrulz
Law does not have to be a dirty word. God's revelation of laws that help us love God and others in relationship are not suspended or of the devil. The law of love trumps all. We are not lawless. We live under the law of gravity and God's moral law

We are not lawless, you say?

I beg your pardon, I am Lawless! :D

Well........actually so are sozo, and lighthouse too....:doh:


The Dark Knight
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Originally posted by godrulz

"We do nothing but sin, yet are free from sin." ?!How does this fit with the NT command to be holy as He is holy? The context includes exhortations to right motives, thoughts, and actions.

I understand we are not perfect in ourselves and cannot make ourselves perfect. We are righteous in Christ, but this does not mean we live like the devil and think God is deaf, dumb, and blind.
You answered yuor own question. To be holy, as He is holy we must do but one thing: accept that He has made us holy. And the very truth is that He has done so, despite our sin, despite our continuance to fall short. We are holy/perfect, despite our failings at being holy/perfect in thought, motive and deed. And those whom He has made holy will not live in sin, for it is not they that live, but Christ living in them, and He does not live in sin. It is only by understanding this that walking away from 'sin' is as easily done as it is said.


The Dark Knight
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Originally posted by Zakath

Who's taking potshots? If you're talking about your little barbs, I don't lose much sleep over such silliness. :yawn:
Then why do you get so defensive?

Then how come the Christian Satan isn't saved. He has allegedly known the deity since before time. If anyone "knows Christ" it's likely to be him...
Satan knows who Christ is, but he does not know Him. Nor is he in Him. Neither is Christ in Satan.

Slavation, eh? A bit of Freudian slip, perhaps? :chuckle:
Typo. However, I don't mind admitting that I am a slave to righteousness.

Which commandments, the decalogue?

I generally follow the laws of the society in which I live.
Why? Because of the legalities, or because you truly believe that they are right and just?

I do not commit murder because I think sin is to uncessarily cause pain to another human being. Murder does that, so I don't do it.
Do you feel murder is wrong, apart from that? Do you not commit murder out of love, or just because you don't want to cause someone unecessary pain?

I love my spouse and promised her fidelity during our wedding covenant decades ago, so I do not commit adultery as it would cause her unecessary pain.
But have you ever desired to commit this act? Or do you so love your wife that the thought would never enter your mind?

... and so on. No religious reasons needed. :thumb:
But is love needed? What about right and wrong? Or is it just about legalities and promises?

If it were just me, I'd think you had a valid position. But I am merely one of billions, all allegedly designed by him (according to you Christians), yet incapable of hearing him... doesn't sound like a very reasonable way to run a universe to me... :think:
I never said you were incapable of hearing Him. Nor is anyone else. Whoever does not hear God is not listening. That does not mean that they are incapable.

Pretty big talk for a sheep waiting to be fleeced and butchered. :devil:
The only fleecing done was the removal of my sin. And I've already been made dead. But He also brought me to life!


The Dark Knight
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Originally posted by keypurr


24 O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death? 25 I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin.

If you have faith, you want to keep the law in spirit. Not because you have to, but WANT to.
Keep the law in spirit? No such thing. But the law of the Spirit, now that there be. Yet you would be very mistaken to keep this law. Why? Because you can not. Only Christ can keep it. And if He is in you, then He keeps it in you, and keeps you in it.


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Originally posted by lighthouse

Keep the law in spirit? No such thing. But the law of the Spirit, now that there be. Yet you would be very mistaken to keep this law. Why? Because you can not. Only Christ can keep it. And if He is in you, then He keeps it in you, and keeps you in it.

Is this totally passive with no volitional element? If so, why all the exhortations to walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh as we used to before conversion? When you looked at porn as a believer, was Christ not in you keeping you holy despite the lust? True holiness manifests in reality. Being in Christ does not remove our ability to look, think, do things contrary to what Christ in us would do. Christ in us frees us to live for Him compared to life apart from Christ, but it does not guarantee that we will walk in the light as He is in the light. The Bible emphasizes our standing with God, but it does not divorce it from a life that is truly pleasing to God and a testimony of His transforming power. Theory and practice should not be discordant.


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by lighthouse

Then why do you get so defensive?
How so?

Defending one's point of view in a discussion isn't what I think of when I think "defensive". What are you trying to communicate.

Satan knows who Christ is, but he does not know Him. Nor is he in Him. Neither is Christ in Satan.
I beg to differ.

Jesus claimed to have seen Satan fall like lightning from heaven...

Paul claimed Jesus created Satan.

The book of Job claims that Satan came before YHWH to speak with him. If the Christian claim that Jesus and YHWH are one is correct, then he knew Jesus long before the incarnation.

Because of the legalities, or because you truly believe that they are right and just?
I obey laws I think are right and just and work to change those I think are wrong or unjust.

Do you feel murder is wrong, apart from that? Do you not commit murder out of love, or just because you don't want to cause someone unecessary pain?
I do not murder because it goes against my sense of moral correctness. It's the same reason I try to avoid doing what I described as "sin".

But have you ever desired to commit this act? Or do you so love your wife that the thought would never enter your mind?
Been subject to desire? Certainly. Acted on the desire? Never.

But is love needed? What about right and wrong? Or is it just about legalities and promises?
Love is a good motivator, but when love is absent, a sense of duty or obligation works well in its stead. Covenants and oaths are built to bind men knowing emotions are fickle and sometimes transitory. Covenants may be based on duty as well as emotion. I'd certainly prefer my covenants based that way. Duty is what gets the rent payment in on time when love grows cold.

I never said you were incapable of hearing Him. Nor is anyone else. Whoever does not hear God is not listening. That does not mean that they are incapable.
But the deity of the Bible does not always speak to men... sometimes there is nothing to hear, even if he were to exist.

The only fleecing done was the removal of my sin. And I've already been made dead. But He also brought me to life!
If you're an example of "Christian life" it appears a poor bargain to me. ;)


The Dark Knight
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Originally posted by godrulz

Is this totally passive with no volitional element? If so, why all the exhortations to walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh as we used to before conversion? When you looked at porn as a believer, was Christ not in you keeping you holy despite the lust? True holiness manifests in reality. Being in Christ does not remove our ability to look, think, do things contrary to what Christ in us would do. Christ in us frees us to live for Him compared to life apart from Christ, but it does not guarantee that we will walk in the light as He is in the light. The Bible emphasizes our standing with God, but it does not divorce it from a life that is truly pleasing to God and a testimony of His transforming power. Theory and practice should not be discordant.
Yes, Christ was in me, keeping me righteous in spirit, despite my actions in the flesh. However, when I was addicted to porn, it was when I believed that I had to be holy in the flesh, and I couldn't do it. I believed that I was still a slave to my sin, and that I was condemned for my sins. It was when I learned the truth that my addiction disappeared.

It was only when I knew that I was holy that I lived it outwardly. Christians are in the light, period. Because we can not be in the light, and in the dark. And when Christ is in us, we are in the light. End of story. If we believe that we can be in both, at the same time, or even beleive that we can be in the dark when Christ is in us, then we will live like that. It is only when we know the truth that we live it. You don't know the truth, and that is why you don't see how it is lived. It is not lived by voliton, it is lived by Christ...and it is merely us being us. We live, and what we live is right. When we are in Christ we will not have to choose right over wrong, because we won't even desire that which is wrong.


The Dark Knight
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Originally posted by Zakath

How so?

Defending one's point of view in a discussion isn't what I think of when I think "defensive". What are you trying to communicate.
You get defensive when I take a shot at you. Or when anyone does.

I beg to differ.

Jesus claimed to have seen Satan fall like lightning from heaven...

Paul claimed Jesus created Satan.

The book of Job claims that Satan came before YHWH to speak with him. If the Christian claim that Jesus and YHWH are one is correct, then he knew Jesus long before the incarnation.
I'm not talking about knowing personally. I'm talking about knowing Him the way best friends/siblings know each other. Satan does not know Christ as Christians do.

I obey laws I think are right and just and work to change those I think are wrong or unjust.

I do not murder because it goes against my sense of moral correctness. It's the same reason I try to avoid doing what I described as "sin".
Any other reason you think it's wrong?

Been subject to desire? Certainly. Acted on the desire? Never.
Why not? Because of the promise you made, or something more?

Love is a good motivator, but when love is absent, a sense of duty or obligation works well in its stead. Covenants and oaths are built to bind men knowing emotions are fickle and sometimes transitory. Covenants may be based on duty as well as emotion. I'd certainly prefer my covenants based that way. Duty is what gets the rent payment in on time when love grows cold.
Are you saying your "love" has grown cold?

But the deity of the Bible does not always speak to men... sometimes there is nothing to hear, even if he were to exist.

If you're an example of "Christian life" it appears a poor bargain to me. ;)
You have no clue what you're missing.


New member
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"You get defensive when I take a shot at you. Or when anyone does."

Look who's talking.

"Any other reason you think it's wrong?"

You honestly need a book to tell you murder's wrong? Paul said the law is written on the hearts of men, correct?

"You have no clue what you're missing."

I do and I don't miss it.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by lighthouse

Yes, Christ was in me, keeping me righteous in spirit, despite my actions in the flesh. However, when I was addicted to porn, it was when I believed that I had to be holy in the flesh, and I couldn't do it. I believed that I was still a slave to my sin, and that I was condemned for my sins. It was when I learned the truth that my addiction disappeared.

It was only when I knew that I was holy that I lived it outwardly. Christians are in the light, period. Because we can not be in the light, and in the dark. And when Christ is in us, we are in the light. End of story. If we believe that we can be in both, at the same time, or even beleive that we can be in the dark when Christ is in us, then we will live like that. It is only when we know the truth that we live it. You don't know the truth, and that is why you don't see how it is lived. It is not lived by voliton, it is lived by Christ...and it is merely us being us. We live, and what we live is right. When we are in Christ we will not have to choose right over wrong, because we won't even desire that which is wrong.

There is truth to what you say, but it is simplistic. The Greeks wrongly assumed the body was evil. Paul taught that it was the temple of the Holy Spirit for believers. Our hands can help or kill. This is volitional. Our eyes can look lustfully or compassionately in purity. We have some control of where we look. Arguing for the reality of will (which is inherent to being human and in the image of God) does not mean it is trying to be holy in the flesh. Romans 6, etc. talk about obedience, yielding, resisting, etc. There is an interplay between our spirit/body and the Spirit. It is not unilateral on God's part and passive on our part. Love is volitional. Sin is volitional. What we actively feed our mind can affect our choices, habit, and character. An artificial divorce between spirit and flesh is more Greekish than biblical. We are to yield our neutral members for the glory of God, rather than sin and selfishness. We have responsibility and that is why we are accountable. This is practical Christian living, not works or self-righteous justification/sanctification.

We are not slaves to sin and condemned by sin like when we were outside of Christ. This does not mean that we cannot sin because we are in Christ. You try to dodge the obvious. You agree that Christians commit adultery, yet you are reticent to say they are sinning or responsible. This is not defensible. You seem to confuse a general truth about those who are living in victory with the specific case of a believer who does not live up to the truth. Your life and mine are examples that can be multiplied by the thousands.

We cannot be in the light and in darkness at the same time. We cannot have mixed thoughts, motives, acts, words. Any given choice is praiseworthy or blameworthy. If we yield to Christ and His truth we will be free and live a life pleasing to Him. If we deviate (no excuses), we are in a different mode on that one area/choice. If I live self-controlled by the Spirit (Paul exhorted us to live lives of self-control, submitted to the Spirit...e.g. steal, lust, etc. no more, implying some Christians still were doing these things), then I will not sin.

Flesh is a metaphor for sin. It is not a metaphysical, mystical thing in our genes. We either yield our body for the glory of God and good of man, or we yield our members wrongly. The Spirit is involved profoundly, but our spirit/soul (will, intellect, emotions) are also a factor. If they were not, we would not be accountable/responsible, nor would we be human, created in the image of God (vs robots).

Paul exhorted believers to chose right over wrong. You would have to excise considerable passages to favor isolated proof texts that say we have not responsibility. You admitted as a believer that you desired wrong over right and yielded to the flesh. My whole point is that it is possible to do so. Your life demonstrated this possibility, yet your theory seems to preclude or contradict this possibility. You have discovered the key to victorious Christian living ( do not assume I do not understand this because I am arguing on an academic basis about the possibility of struggling). Christ in us, the hope of glory. The Spirit works mightily in us, but it is not apart from our responses and choices. The Spirit can convict, warn, empower, draw, persuade, influence, but the reality is He does not hit the pastor with lightning who has an affair. Your theology must have a cogent explanation for this exception (the NT does).

"We won't even desire that which is wrong". This should be normative and possible, but it is not an absolute fact. You once lusted and desired what is wrong. All I am trying to say is self-evident that believer's are not immune to temptation and can even yield to it. I John pride of life, lust of flesh, etc. (world, sin, Satan) are warnings for believers. We are expected to submit to God, resist the devil, and He will flee (James). We are to put on the whole armor of God (Ephesians). The Christian life is more than mental assent to proof texts. It is an active, dynamic relationship with God where He enables and empowers us to live a life pleasing to Him. He gets the glory. He makes it possible. IT is not self-righteous works apart from God. Most believers and scholars would recognize the active words in Scripture to yield, resist, obey, love, do not (Eph. many times), do (Eph.). This does not contradict the other truths about Christ in us, the saving and sanctifying work of the Spirit, etc. It is not either/or, but both/and.


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by lighthouse

You get defensive when I take a shot at you. Or when anyone does.
When fired upon, I return fire. :Grizzly:

If that bothers you, quit shooting. ;)

Remember, I'm not a Christian. I'm not required to turn the other cheek or follow any of your other silly rules of conduct...

I'm not talking about knowing personally. I'm talking about knowing Him the way best friends/siblings know each other. Satan does not know Christ as Christians do.
Then you should be more specific in your writing. It would clear up a lot of misunderstanding.

Any other reason you think it's wrong?
If one reason is sufficient to guide my behavior, then I don't need any other reasons...

Why not? Because of the promise you made, or something more?
See above. The promise is enough.

Are you saying your "love" has grown cold?
No. But I'm a human, not a seer; so it's always a possibility.

It works much better if you spell it correctly. :doh:

You have no clue what you're missing.
Been there, done that, had the T-shrit before you were born. Let me tell you, there's not a single positive thing I'm missing... :D


The Dark Knight
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Originally posted by granite1010

"You get defensive when I take a shot at you. Or when anyone does."

Look who's talking.
I don't get pissed off like some people do.

"Any other reason you think it's wrong?"

You honestly need a book to tell you murder's wrong? Paul said the law is written on the hearts of men, correct?
Did I say I needed a book? I was asking Zakath if the law, or his not wanting to hurt people needlessly was his only reason for not murdering. I'm curious if he think's it's just plain wrong, and immoral, or not.

"You have no clue what you're missing."

I do and I don't miss it.
Well, seeing as how you never knew Christ, you're lying when you say you know what you're missing.:doh:
Last edited:


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by godrulz

There is truth to what you say, but it is simplistic. The Greeks wrongly assumed the body was evil. Paul taught that it was the temple of the Holy Spirit for believers. Our hands can help or kill. This is volitional. Our eyes can look lustfully or compassionately in purity. We have some control of where we look. Arguing for the reality of will (which is inherent to being human and in the image of God) does not mean it is trying to be holy in the flesh. Romans 6, etc. talk about obedience, yielding, resisting, etc. There is an interplay between our spirit/body and the Spirit. It is not unilateral on God's part and passive on our part. Love is volitional. Sin is volitional. What we actively feed our mind can affect our choices, habit, and character. An artificial divorce between spirit and flesh is more Greekish than biblical. We are to yield our neutral members for the glory of God, rather than sin and selfishness. We have responsibility and that is why we are accountable. This is practical Christian living, not works or self-righteous justification/sanctification.
The point you're missing is that we need to not feed our minds, but let Christ feed us...feed our spirits.

We are not slaves to sin and condemned by sin like when we were outside of Christ. This does not mean that we cannot sin because we are in Christ. You try to dodge the obvious. You agree that Christians commit adultery, yet you are reticent to say they are sinning or responsible.
Quit spewing your vile putridness, just because you disagree with me. Stop accusing me of saying things I've never said. I don't call it sin because the Bible says it's not sin, for we are not transgressing the law. And I have never, not once, said that we are not responsible when we do something wrong.

This is not defensible. You seem to confuse a general truth about those who are living in victory with the specific case of a believer who does not live up to the truth. Your life and mine are examples that can be multiplied by the thousands.
Yeah. And the problem is because people preach what you preach.

We cannot be in the light and in darkness at the same time. We cannot have mixed thoughts, motives, acts, words. Any given choice is praiseworthy or blameworthy. If we yield to Christ and His truth we will be free and live a life pleasing to Him. If we deviate (no excuses), we are in a different mode on that one area/choice. If I live self-controlled by the Spirit (Paul exhorted us to live lives of self-control, submitted to the Spirit...e.g. steal, lust, etc. no more, implying some Christians still were doing these things), then I will not sin.
Paul was exhorting us to submit, yes. But you don't do that. You exhort people to work to be good enough.

Flesh is a metaphor for sin. It is not a metaphysical, mystical thing in our genes. We either yield our body for the glory of God and good of man, or we yield our members wrongly. The Spirit is involved profoundly, but our spirit/soul (will, intellect, emotions) are also a factor. If they were not, we would not be accountable/responsible, nor would we be human, created in the image of God (vs robots).

Yet, the "flesh" is human nature, truthfully.

Paul exhorted believers to chose right over wrong. You would have to excise considerable passages to favor isolated proof texts that say we have not responsibility. You admitted as a believer that you desired wrong over right and yielded to the flesh. My whole point is that it is possible to do so.
I never said we don't have responsibility! I said, that when one knows the truth, then one's desires change. And one no longer desires the desires of the flesh, because one is submitted to the Spirit. Yes, there are still times when one submits to the flesh, and we are responsible for those times. But we are not condemned, and if we realize this, then we will not "wallow in the mud." We will get up, and walk away from the submission to the flesh.

Your life demonstrated this possibility, yet your theory seems to preclude or contradict this possibility.
My belief does not contradict this possibility. My belief says that this scenario does not have to be.

You have discovered the key to victorious Christian living ( do not assume I do not understand this because I am arguing on an academic basis about the possibility of struggling).
The problem is that you don't preach that victory is how a Christian should live, and can live. My belief does not say that struggling is impossible. it says that struggling does not need to happen, and that all can live in victory and freedom.

Christ in us, the hope of glory. The Spirit works mightily in us, but it is not apart from our responses and choices. The Spirit can convict, warn, empower, draw, persuade, influence, but the reality is He does not hit the pastor with lightning who has an affair. Your theology must have a cogent explanation for this exception (the NT does).
The pastor who has an affair is not walking according to the truth. And, if He is casually having an affair, and not caring, then he is not in Christ. And if he is not in Christ, then he never was. And I never said anything about being hit with a lightning bolt.

"We won't even desire that which is wrong". This should be normative and possible, but it is not an absolute fact.
You're right, it should be normative. But it's possibiloity is not a should, it is an is. It is possible.

You once lusted and desired what is wrong. All I am trying to say is self-evident that believer's are not immune to temptation and can even yield to it.
They are not immune, if they don't believe they are. That's my point. If they know the truth, they will be. Not completely immune, but they will know victory, and they will grow in it, instead of being stagnant in the desires of the flesh, as I once was.

I John pride of life, lust of flesh, etc. (world, sin, Satan) are warnings for believers. We are expected to submit to God, resist the devil, and He will flee (James).
How do we resist the Devil? By our own willpower? No! We resist him in the name, and by the blood, of Christ!

We are to put on the whole armor of God (Ephesians).
And that armor is what? Salvation, faith, Word/Spirit, Peace, Righteousness, and Truth. All those things are gifts of God, and none of them are from us. We don't simply put them on, we allow God to outfit us.

The Christian life is more than mental assent to proof texts. It is an active, dynamic relationship with God where He enables and empowers us to live a life pleasing to Him. He gets the glory. He makes it possible. IT is not self-righteous works apart from God. Most believers and scholars would recognize the active words in Scripture to yield, resist, obey, love, do not (Eph. many times), do (Eph.). This does not contradict the other truths about Christ in us, the saving and sanctifying work of the Spirit, etc. It is not either/or, but both/and.
It is mental assent to the truth, for by knowing the truth are we made free...and how is it that we do what we should, and do not do what we should not? It is by Christ!


The Dark Knight
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Originally posted by Zakath

When fired upon, I return fire. :Grizzly:

If that bothers you, quit shooting. ;)
Doesn't bother me at all, but if you're going to tell me it's wrong for me to take a shot, then you're going to turn around and take on, you're a hypocrite.

Remember, I'm not a Christian. I'm not required to turn the other cheek or follow any of your other silly rules of conduct...
I'm not required to turn the other cheek, either.:doh:

This is what makes me sick. Non-Christians thinking Christians are supposed to be goody two-shoes, and all nicey nice.:vomit:

Then you should be more specific in your writing. It would clear up a lot of misunderstanding.
Well, when I'm talking to someone who should know scripture, like, say, a former pastor...I expect them to know what I mean. And since I've made my point, numerous times, on TOL, then I also expect people to know what I mean, when I repeat myself...so I don't have to repeat the explanation.

If one reason is sufficient to guide my behavior, then I don't need any other reasons...
I contend that the law, or promises, should not be factors. Love should be the only factor, the only reason, for not needlessly hurting people.

See above. The promise is enough.
You see above.

No. But I'm a human, not a seer; so it's always a possibility.
Not if you make up your mind that it won't.

It works much better if you spell it correctly. :doh:


Been there, done that, had the T-shrit before you were born. Let me tell you, there's not a single positive thing I'm missing... :D
You were never there. Like I told granite, you never knew Christ, so you're a liar.
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