"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
You are such a Democrat. You talk about PBS (and probably NPR if I'm not mistaken) like how I gush on about Catholic TV. Aside from baseball, I don't know of television that is more grabbing for me than Catholic television---with a possible exception being this Netflix I'm watching now; just video of an actual wood fire burning, real time, which is honestly just about the best television ever in some ways. I have stared with intense interest at fires my whole life, and even the most gripping television hasn't had a hold on me like one of God's own creations, fire. I can and have watched it for hours. Even Major League Baseball hasn't held my interest like fire does, not even five Patriots Super Bowls, and three MLB World Series (the last of which I didn't even watch, this is how humdrum world championships have become in Boston), can entrain me like how fire does.Watching a PBS World production with Jack and, of course I'm doing rifftrax for the fun of one point the subject is manatees and the narrator is describing how in the winter it's crucial for the manatee to find really warm waters. At first he speaks to the majority heading for hot springs, then...
Narrator: But some manatee are heading for a surprising hot-spot.
Me: A small nightclub on the outskirts of Tampa.
Jack: (giggles)...I get it. And they dance there.
Me: It could happen.
I love PBS.
Oh, the surprising place actually turned out to be the outflow from an electrical power plant.
The other matter wrt which you're a Democrat, along with your penchant (de facto French pronunciation) for 'public' television and radio, is gun control. You believe in an inalienable right to bear arms, I believe, like [MENTION=92]The Barbarian[/MENTION] does, but you don't believe in the Second Amendment, so please stop being dishonest---you think the Second Amendment should be repealed or at least amended.
The only thing that makes you a non-Democrat is that it sounds like you vote Republican on the matter of abortion. You believe that abortion ought to be statutorially outlawed, you just believe in case law to sort out when it ought to be de facto decriminalized. I believe that it ought to statutorially be decriminalized in particular form, like killing people; which is statutorially outlawed as murder among other specific forms, and, in free states, decriminalized in the form of self defense or in defense of other innocent people. And even sometimes, perhaps immorally, in defense of property, even particularly worthless property.
The Catholic Church is Jesus's Church, it's the one He established/founded, and even more importantly than that, because it grounds Jesus Christ in history, she is the Church the Apostles built. The real Apostles. All Twelve of them, including Paul. That Church is the one that spread around the Mediterranean basin from AD 33 to AD 67 or thereabouts, when both Peter and Paul had been immorally put to death in Rome, under Mr. 666 Caesar Nero (gematria). We get the Bible from that Church, who ran largely without any New Testament, with the primary exception being she was pastored by the actual Twelve Apostles, especially once the Apostle James, brother of the Apostle John the Beloved Apostle, was immorally put to death in Jerusalem, the old Jerusalem. The new Jerusalem is the kingdom of God, and the Church is the kingdom of God in seed form, here on earth, in actuality.
Pope Francis said the death penalty is no longer admissible. It was, but it's not any more. Is this a change in Church teaching, in your estimation? Here is what it is. It is what Peter would have done, because he'd have his finger on the pulse of the whole world, which is where the whole Church exists, and he'd know when it's time to change a Church opinion on a matter of public policy, which is not a matter of faith or morals. Pope Francis, the successor of Peter the Apostle, has decided that in an effort to save lives, even lives of murderers and rapists, the Church's official political opinion is that the death penalty ought to be outlawed.
The previous reasoning behind supporting it as admissible is when it is the only thing that can protect innocent lives. Since this is rare now, with the status of prisons, Pope Francis, or Pastor Jorge Mario Bergoglio, or just 'Pastor George,' says that it is no longer moral to permit the death penalty.
If you support the death penalty, then you must realize that Pastor George is right in saying that it is no longer possible realistically for murderers or rapists from murdering or raping again.
As long as Pastor George isn't saying that lethal force is immoral in matters of self defense or defense of other innocent people, then there oughtn't be any difficulty in the Christian agreeing with Pastor George.
America had a President George to begin things, and we had two Presidents George just recently. Pastor George, President George---it's a rank. It's a de jure thing. Among Protestants, it's surely de jure only---they even deny the de jure, something the Orthodox don't, so they're not the same as true, full Protestants.
The Netflix fire is excellent, in part because what you've missed, you feel no need to go back and watch. It's fine right where you're picking it up, right now is a good time to start watching that sucker. It's God's direct creation, fire, and it is like watching Rick Porcello one-hit the Yankees for nine straight innings. There's nothing else like it.