ECT A D'ist explains "A Bigger Mistake than the rejection of Christ"


Well-known member
For those new to the D'ism problem (I should say cult, but more on that later), perhaps a good way to introduce the problem is this story from the past year.

When I debate D'ism, I focus on 2P2P because that is an actual driving mechanism in this theological abberation, and because people will always find or take exceptions to a 'name.' (Preterism is even less accurate than D'ism right now, in my view). 2P2P is the doctrine that God has two programs and peoples going in the Bible. They never merge or overlap, they are dealt with alternately, back-and-forth, there are two realms, faiths, ways of salvation, etc.

Over the past year, then, I was not surprised to hear this: that they were saying that people who did not think there was any dealings with Israel coming up were making a bigger mistake than the rejection of Christ when he first came! If I did not attach Ps 83 or Ezek 38-9 to the daily middle-east geo-political news feed, I was going to 'miss the boat' the way the Pharisees did in the 1st century.

All this because of the belief that two programs are running distinct from each other.

It is sufficient for me to say that the problem with this view is that the NT says that the sacrifice of Christ is such an enormous event that angels wish they could peer into it but somehow can't. I see nothing supplant the Gospel event in the NT. In heaven, in the Rev, we do not see the mighty multitudes singing 'Worthy is the Lamb who defeated Israel's enemies and has set up a theocratic kingdom on earth!'


TOL Subscriber
Obsession isn't healthy.
Do you have any hobbies?

Your mission is to distract from the central emphasis of the Holy Scriptures, and that is the sacrificial love and saving grace God has provided for His Elect people. Romans 8:28-39

However, you do not succeed . . .

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
The opposite of Eisegesis. Eisegesis is what Darby followers do.

Eisegesis [ < Greek eis- (into) + hègeisthai (to lead). (See 'exegesis'.)] A process where one leads into study by reading a text on the basis of pre-conceived ideas of its meanings.

Is sloppy exegesis really eisegesis?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
The opposite of Eisegesis. Eisegesis is what Darby followers do.

Eisegesis [ < Greek eis- (into) + hègeisthai (to lead). (See 'exegesis'.)] A process where one leads into study by reading a text on the basis of pre-conceived ideas of its meanings.

And anti-Semites, Josephus, Russell, Wiki, Hanegraaf followers, like yourself, hate the Jewish people, and dispies, so much, being so obsessed, they pose as "the Greek" scholars, to allegedly "prove" their satanic Preterist anti-Semitism,even though they would not know the difference between a gyros, and a "Hebrew National," and can't spell English very well, by plagiarizing from other websites, this non existing "the" Greek scam.

You wicked, little arms anti-Semite.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member

Saint john w the great and I both graduated "thank the laude" from:

The Institute of Eisegesis and Sloppy Exegesis of Akron Ohio. We spent years under the tutelage of Dr. Herman Eutic.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
The opposite of Eisegesis. Eisegesis is what Darby followers do.

Eisegesis [ < Greek eis- (into) + hègeisthai (to lead). (See 'exegesis'.)] A process where one leads into study by reading a text on the basis of pre-conceived ideas of its meanings.

And this is also what Preterist anti-Semites do-accuse the brethren, attempt to divide them, per their daddy devil's orders, as an accuser of the brethren, admitted anti-Semite, Tellalie, asserts that all those who take a dispensational viewpoint, are anti-Christ-on record:

"All dispensationalists are Darby followers."-Tellalie

"Darby followers don't believe that. Darby followers claim there will be animal sacrifices for sin in the future.You are anti-Christ when it comes to what was accomplished at the cross."-Tellalie

patrick jane

And anti-Semites, Josephus, Russell, Wiki, Hanegraaf followers, like yourself, hate the Jewish people, and dispies, so much, being so obsessed, they pose as "the Greek" scholars, to allegedly "prove" their satanic Preterist anti-Semitism,even though they would not know the difference between a gyros, and a "Hebrew National," and can't spell English very well, by plagiarizing from other websites, this non existing "the" Greek scam.

You wicked, little arms anti-Semite.

Craigie's little arms are like spaghetti noodles, and his body is a ravioli