30 Days, A beginning to the end of mass shootings.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
...how about the suicide factor that plays a big role in these shootings?

So much for the problem of rampage murders being solved by public executions.

Meaning either they have an escape route planned or they were planning on dying either by being shot by responding police officers or taking their own lives via suicide.

Based on this wiki article that I posted earlier, the latter two seems to be a popular route with mass murderers.

A swift execution upon conviction isn't a deterrent in a culture that embraces death.

A swift execution upon conviction would be a product of a culture that embraces life.

Nah, for the very few mass killers that did come out alive after their shooting rampage a public execution would only serve as a spectacle for the barbaric culture that made them.

In the stands, tens of thousands of Roman citizens waited with half-bored curiosity to see what would happen next and whether it would be interesting enough to keep them in their seats until the next part of the "big show" began.
With a flourish, trapdoors in the floor of the arena were opened, and lions, bears, wild boars and leopards rushed into the arena. The starved animals bounded toward the terrified criminals, who attempted to leap away from the beasts' snapping jaws...The crowd of Romans began to laugh at the dark antics before them. Soon, they were clapping and yelling, placing bets on which criminal would die first, which one would last longest and which one would ultimately be chosen by the largest lion.



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A muderer, rapist, adulterer, or capital perjurer, after being put to death never commits any crime ever again, and

Thus, putting to death criminals guilty of capital crime deters would-be criminals from committing those crimes, and reduces the overall amount of crime, because there are fewer criminals in the world.

A thief who is made to pay restitution to those he stole from is not likely to steal again.

Thus, forcing thieves to pay restitution deters would-be thieves from committing the crime, and reduces the overall amount of crime.

Someone who assaults someone, after being flogged, is not likely to assault anyone else.

Thus, flogging attackers reduces the overall amount of crime, and deters would be attackers from committing the crime, thereby reducing the overall amount of crime.


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Suicide bombers aren't intimidated by the thought of death, in fact they cherish the thought.
Going out in a blaze of glory, being talked about on the news, regarded as a hero or tragedy case


Publicly executed, swiftly, painfully, and shamed for what he did, with no mention of his name


Suicide bombers aren't intimidated by the thought of death, in fact they cherish the thought.

Going out in a blaze of glory, being talked about on the news, regarded as a hero or tragedy case


Publicly executed, swiftly, painfully, and shamed for what he did, with no mention of his name

"A suicide attack is any violent attack in which the attacker accepts their own death as a direct result of the method used to harm, damage or destroy the target...
Suicide attacks have been described as a weapon of psychological warfare[7] to instill fear in the target population,[8] a strategy to eliminate or at least drastically diminish areas where the public feels safe, and the "fabric of trust that holds societies together", as well as demonstrate the lengths to which perpetrators will go to achieve their goals.[4]"


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Suicide attacks have been described as a weapon of psychological warfare to instill fear in the target population,

It seems to have worked on you, so much so that you can't think straight.

In a society that punishes would be murderers the same as murderers, by putting them to death swiftly and painfully, publicly but without being named, that inherently assumes that such people would be found out PRIOR to them committing crime, and that includes suicide bombers, even if it's just being taken out by a person near the would-be crime scene.

Currently, there's hardly a chance of that, so the former option I gave is the only really possibility.

Introduce a well armed society, and harsh punishments for crime, and the latter becomes not only possible, but also likely, more likely than the former.

Which means that no longer is a would-be criminal going to act presumptuously. Instead, he will likely weigh those two options and realize that the latter is far more likely, and so he won't want to do it, because shaming someone for a failed crime is far worse than going out in a blaze of glory and being talked about by news outlets for weeks, and if he manages to kill a lot of people, he'll probably even go down in history as one of the deadliest.

So again, the choices for, yes, even a suicide bomber are the two presented above, and even if he isn't caught beforehand, having his actions dragged through the mud, not being named, would hardly seem worth the effort of killing oneself.

When you remove the harsh stigma against suicide, as has been done by our nation, then suicide bombers become more common.


"A suicide attack is any violent attack in which the attacker accepts their own death as a direct result of the method used to harm, damage or destroy the target...

In a society that punishes would be murderers the same as murderers, by putting them to death swiftly and painfully, publicly but without being named,

Again, you're assuming that mass murderers (who I compared to suicide bombers) care if they live. They don't.

that inherently assumes that such people would be found out PRIOR to them committing crime, and that includes suicide bombers, even if it's just being taken out by a person near the would-be crime scene.



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Again, you're assuming that mass murderers (who I compared to suicide bombers) care if they live. They don't

Sure they do. They would rather live then be shamed and put to death.

Everyone has the innate desire to preserve their own life. It's called self-preservation.

In some people, it may have been suppressed, but it's still there.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Again, you're assuming that mass murderers (who I compared to suicide bombers) care if they live. They don't.

They don't care if they die, correct

What you seem to be incapable of understanding is that they do care, very much, HOW they die, HOW they are remembered

Deny them that and you deny them their motivation


Again, you're assuming that mass murderers (who I compared to suicide bombers) care if they live. They don't.

Sure they do...

They don't care if they die, correct

I'll let you and JudgeRightly argue this topic out, as you two are in disagreement.

In the Libertarian culture of death, be it death from recreational drug use, homosexual behavior, or being killed or taking one's own life during a murderous rampage, life isn't important and death is considered inevitable.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I'll let you and JudgeRightly argue this topic out, as you two are in disagreement.

In the Libertarian culture of death, be it death from recreational drug use, homosexual behavior, or being killed or taking one's own life during a murderous rampage, life isn't important and death is considered inevitable.

And once again, you refuse to address the argument presented

I do believe you're a bigger troll than barbie


I'll let you and JudgeRightly argue this topic out, as you two are in disagreement.

In the Libertarian culture of death, be it death from recreational drug use, homosexual behavior, or being killed or taking one's own life during a murderous rampage, life isn't important and death is considered inevitable.

And once again, you refuse to address the argument presented...

I must have missed it. How do you go about deterring what amounts to a suicide bomber that doesn't respect human life including his own?

Let me guess: You threaten him with death if he isn't killed by police or doesn't commit suicide during the murdering rampage and tell him that hundreds of millions of people will see his face during his public execution.

Yeah, it really sounds like a deterrent to me (sarcasm).


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Let me guess: You threaten him with death

No. Threatening does no good.

Rather, we would actually put him to death.

if he isn't killed by police or doesn't commit suicide during the murdering rampage and tell him that hundreds of millions of people will see his face during his public execution.

And that he would be shamed in front of them, shamed and condemned for his crime.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I would not broadcast it or allow it to be recorded - a crowd of people to witness it and to witness to it

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

I would not want a person executed in this manner to be remembered - not his name, not his face, except by those hundreds or thousands who witnessed his execution - they would be the memory of him, otherwise, wiped clean and forgotten, besides official records

In the public consciousness, all I would want remembered would be the justice rendered


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I would not want a person executed in this manner to be remembered - not his name, not his face, except by those hundreds or thousands who witnessed his execution - they would be the memory of him, otherwise, wiped clean and forgotten, besides official records

In the public consciousness, all I would want remembered would be the justice rendered
So why not just blur out his face or something?