2007 TOL Fantasy Football League

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The HTML version works fine and there is a way to set the Rankings automatically to CBS Gurus top 200 picks.

You guys know we're holding my draft tomorrow?



New member
Hall of Fame
Hey Doc

Might I suggest that we either push up the deadline for naming Keepers, or push back the draft a couple days?

Reason being, we need to rank our players and all the players currently on a team are considered 'Keepers'.

It will take some time for all of us to set our rankings.

Know what I'm saying?

Has this been addressed yet??? I'm not available for the live draft (no one ever asked when would be a good time for me) so I need to rank them.


Has this been addressed yet???

Not that I'm aware of. We might just have to roll with it, Lucky. There is no way to get 12 people to co-ordinate their schedules.

If you'd like, I'll write you a note to your boss asking that he excuse you early Tuesday night. :D


Well-known member
Im pushing the draft back to Friday and it will be autopick. There is no way for me to do it (live draft) being I work all day Friday. :sigh:

Well, I should say I want this done by next WED, not this WED, so I can test the scoring system in real time.


New member
Im pushing the draft back to Friday and it will be autopick. There is no way for me to do it (live draft) being I work all day Friday. :sigh:

Well, I should say I want this done by next WED, not this WED, so I can test the scoring system in real time.
This is the post I saw, BB.


Well-known member
Hey Doc, we did a live draft in the other league, it only took an hour and a half.

I understand that.

But time is an issue right now. We need 3 more players to step up. Everyone needs to be on the same page since don't have alot of time.
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