18% of people don't know Ted Cruz's name!


New member

this was said on Fox News earlier

well, I think we have confirmation that there are far more low info voters than high info. I mean, GEEZ, they didn't even know who Ted Cruz is?

and then there are those who have heard his name, know who he is, but... still low info... Are we in big trouble (again)?

but this 18%.. is almost like NO info voters... well, No info people, I mean.. not sure whether Fox meant those 18%ers were voters or not... definitely hope not




New member
Or John Boehner, etc.

no wonder the pres wants everyone to vote.. He knows most of those who are not currently voting will, if forced to vote, vote for ineptitude..

that's how the Ds win...

But even the low info voters can see a disaster when it is right there in front of them (as in: not on the dreaded NEWS channels):

namely Obamacare so called


Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
The people that vote for Democrats are uninformed. Of course they do not know who he is. And I mean the base voters, not the machine when I say they don't know who he is.

Because the machine knows. Look at how Rusha, The Barbarian and others recently comment about him. You would think he is Adolph Hitler.


New member
Not quite *that* bad ... :)

Someone is always comparing an American politician to Hitler. Cruz is not as bad as Hitler. Neither is Obama or Bush. No American politician today is as bad as Hitler. Except Dick Cheney. :banana:


That means 82% know that Cruz was born in Calgary Alberta and therefore inelligible to become president - unless the "birthers" have conveniently forgotten the past 6 years.
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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Not to worry, the 82% who do are enough to get him elected POTUS.
Ted "If I can get enough money out of it heck yes corporations can buy speech" Cruz?

Not a living chance he's going to win the center or win the White House without it.

no wonder the pres wants everyone to vote.. He knows most of those who are not currently voting will, if forced to vote, vote for ineptitude..

that's how the Ds win...
No, they win by courting the middle, galvanizing their own base and because people like you keep putting up people like him instead of someone with a real chance of winning.
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That means 82% know that Cruz was born in Calgary Alberta and therefore inelligible to become president - unless the "birthers" have conveniently forgotten the past 6 years.

It's funny how US citizenship is now all of the sudden important to the Obama lemmings.

Cruz's mother was a US citizen. Both of his parents were working in Canada on visas when Ted was born.

Legal duo says Texas Sen. Ted Cruz eligible to seek presidency


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Not to worry, the 82% who do are enough to get him elected POTUS.

Ted "If I can get enough money out of it heck yes corporations can buy speech" Cruz?

Not to worry TH, your candidate very well might make his 10,000th Executive Order of the month and declare himself El Presidente' for life and you won't have to worry about Tea Party favorites like Ted Cruz legitimately occupying the White House.


New member

Trump is among the “birthers” who doubt the authenticity of President Barack Obama’s Hawaiian birth certificate. But even if he was born in Kenya, as some conspiracy theorists still maintain, his own mother’s American-by-birth background would have made him eligible in the same way Cruz’s does.


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Not to worry TH,
The last thing that will ever happen when you begin to write is my worrying. :)

your candidate very well might make his 10,000th Executive Order of the month and declare himself El Presidente' for life and you won't have to worry about Tea Party favorites like Ted Cruz legitimately occupying the White House.
And then tell me about the rabbits...

Didn't vote for the current office holder. My guy was Huntsman. He didn't make the cut in the doofi Republican push for the wrong Mormon.

And the only way Ted lives in a white house is if he white washes his own.

The Barbarian

18% of people don't know Ted Cruz's name

Tell them to look in "Who's Who in Canada."

BTW, there was a way to make Ted a U.S. citizen, if his parents had done it:

A child born abroad to a U.S. citizen parent or parents may acquire U.S. citizenship at birth if certain statutory requirements are met. The child’s parents should contact the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate to apply for a Consular Report of Birth Abroad of a Citizen of the United States of America (CRBA) to document that the child is a U.S. citizen. If the U.S. embassy or consulate determines that the child acquired U.S. citizenship at birth, a consular officer will approve the CRBA application and the Department of State will issue a CRBA, also called a Form FS-240, in the child’s name.

It appears that they neglected to do this. If so, Ted is not an American citizen, according to the laws of the United States. On the other hand, if he is, it is incumbent on him to make public the long form of his Form FS-240, which would qualify him to vote or to hold public office.

Any chance of us seeing that form anytime soon?

Edit: Cruz was brought to the United States when he was four years old, and had no say in it. The United States is the only country he has known, and other than his actions as a senator, he's been a responsible and self-supporting person, like so many other dream kids. He's here illegally though no fault of his own. I say we should give him and the others like him, a path to citizenship.



Trump is among the “birthers” who doubt the authenticity of President Barack Obama’s Hawaiian birth certificate. But even if he was born in Kenya, as some conspiracy theorists still maintain, his own mother’s American-by-birth background would have made him eligible in the same way Cruz’s does.


Then why did Barry Soetoro aka Barack Hussein Obama go to all of the trouble to have fake documents drawn up to show that he was born in the US?


It appears that they neglected to do this. If so, Ted is not an American citizen, according to the laws of the United States. On the other hand, if he is, it is incumbent on him to make public the long form of his Form FS-240, which would qualify him to vote or to hold public office.

Any chance of us seeing that form anytime soon?

If Ted Cruz needs some forgery experts I'd highly recommend that he not use the ones B. Hussein Obama used, as they were real amateurs.


:mock: birthers

(You often times have to ask Libertarians the same question numerous times before they can come up with a lame answer).

If Barry Soetoro aka Barack Hussein Obama was eligble to be El Presidente' even though he was born in Kenya, why did he and his peeps go to all of the trouble to have fake documents drawn up to show that he was born in the US?


It's funny how US citizenship is now all of the sudden important to the Obama lemmings.

Cruz's mother was a US citizen. Both of his parents were working in Canada on visas when Ted was born.

Legal duo says Texas Sen. Ted Cruz eligible to seek presidency
It wasn't the "Obama lemmings" that made this an issue, its the conservative "birthers" who've been riding this "hobby-horse" for the last 6 years.

If the Dallas Morning News hadn't brought it to Cruz's attention in August 2013, the Republicans could have nominated a presidential candidate in 2016 who still retained his Canadian citizenship.

As it was Cruz remained a dual citizen until May 14, 2014 - an inexcusable mistake for a candidate with a doctorate in law and presidential aspirations.