10 reasons why men are superior

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like marbles on glass

Sounds like you are an atheist want to be? Why don't you admit that women are responsible for most if not all the evil that takes place. The Bible pins the original sin on Eve. The 'serpant' probably was Eve herself. Or at least the image of a woman with long flowing hair. That kind of hair looks like the hood of a cobra. Besides, Satan as the great deceiver must be a female gender pretending to be a male gender. Part of The devil's deceit package.

Your friend,

You sad, sad little misogynist.

Your friend,



So you people want more proof huh? Ok, here goes nothing-

Have you ever wondered why Aaron and his offspring became the High Priesthood and not Moses?

First of all I'm not buying that speech impediment mumbo jumbo. There were only two occasions when Moses was caught stammering.

1. When Pharoh questioned him about the killing of the Egyptian guard.

2. When he said, "i-i-i I duh-duh-duh do!"

Now here is the thing. Probably there has never been any such of a thing as a Levite woman. The idea of a Person being a Levite and a female is an oxymoron. The two terms cannot coincide. Moses couldn't have the High Priesthoid because his wife was not Jewish. Moses didn't marry a Levite and he didn't even marry a Jewish. These people that Moses was dealing with were very racially motivated.

It is possible that there was one female in history that was a Levite. That would be Moses' sister. She obviously wanted the High Priest office. What difference would it make to Moses since he wasn't going to get it? Moses was the fall guy for His poor sister being rejected. In reality the rest of the Levites wouldn't accept her.

Can you blame them?


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3. Child bearing and or motherhood

Women are totally incapable of raising male children. Woman raised males are always juvi's.

Sticky thread for me to get into as I really think women who think they can do everything a man can do are idiots but saying crazy things like this is pretty idiotic too.

My husband and I raised and homeschooled 4 boys. I had a lot to do with them not turning out to be "juvi's." While my husband was and is a great father, he couldn't be around them as much as I was due to him always holding down a job to faithfully provide for us. He couldn't be in the early half of the day of raising and homeschooling them as I was (along with our youngest, a daughter) while working.
But no, no "juvi's" here. All went on to college and are leading successful lives. My 3 oldest are married and my 2 oldest have 2 kids each. My youngest son is still in college and working and I'm still homeschooling my 16 year old.



Oh boy! You just opened a can of worms. Thanks.

The original Tabernacle described in the Old Testament was a tent that can be thought of as a wilderness hunting lodge where people got to rough it. Females don't dig that. So the greatest womanizer of all time built the moonlight bunny ranch.

Would you like for me to give you some bible verses, bible chapters, and entire bible books to prove what I say?


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Oh boy! You just opened a can of worms. Thanks.

The original Tabernacle described in the Old Testament was a tent that can be thought of as a wilderness hunting lodge where people got to rough it. Females don't dig that.

I shot three bears! So, your point is bare of fact, and unable to bear it.


Oh they got rid of many bears back then. What the feminine feline types liked to do with bears was to stuff them. Stuff them in hollowed out logs that is. Then all the feminine feline types would all gather around King Sally's cat house set the logs on fire then sing praises for their circumcision.


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all the feminine feline types would all gather around King Sally's cat house set the logs on fire then sing praises for their circumcision.

Did you work at King Sally's, or were you one of the cats? Did you have mange?



How many false prophets did you say there were?

True or false

Were any of these 'female' prophets Levites?
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