10 reasons why men are superior

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New member
Proof number 2:


(Most women avoid the moral question as the posters here have shown nicely but it had to be put out there as it is sort of a religious issue.)

Probably everyone posting in this, present company excluded, are closet Hillary voters. !
What in the world would make you think anyone on here is a Hillary voter?
Have you been taking vacations in Colorado?

Edit: I posted this before I saw annabenedetti and quip posted on this thread. They are clearly Hillary voters.


Yes it is just to easy to prove that women are inferior. Take for instance the list of the 10 greatest women of the modern era-

10. Barbra Wawa

She has to be the greatest woman talking head of all time.

9. Billie Jean

The greatest athlete. (Even though it is only tennis)

8. Opa Winfry

For giving the world Dr. Phil

7. (To be continue.)


Where did we leave off? Oh yeah number 7. Well you probably get the idea. There are not do many impressive leading ladies to choose from. So why don't we just jump over to number 1?

The number 1 greatest woman of the modern era has to be that famous atheist Madam 0'Hare.

The only true atheist on record who was not also a drug addict. Now check this out/

There has never been a female Pope. And do you know why? Because the Roman Cstholic church uses the Old Testsment model for its church apparatus.

Not only has there never been a female Pope if you read the the Old Testsment the way Judaism reads it then you will realize that there has never been a female High Priest.


Or was there a female High Priest?

Certainly there have been several Popes that one could rate as being effeminate. And we know there have been many imposters. Who is to say whether or not that at least one, if not several of the Old Testament period High Priests were in fact High Priestesses?


Well-known member

...since you are painting with a very broad brush...

We know men are superior.

They were created first.
They were made in the image of God.
They are the head of the woman.
They are stronger, faster and smarter.

They die in battles.
They drive very fast and get very angry at other drivers.
They sire children then leave for greener, younger pastures.
They rape their daughters (says the 6 year old the first time she has sex; "are you sure this is ok daddy?").
They kill things with firearms in the name of "target practice."
They sell infants (read new-borns) into the Thai sex-tours for wealthy businessmen to "use.".
They join gangs and kill each other.

Indeed, men ARE superior to women.

I bow to your superiority.



Sounds like you are an atheist want to be? Why don't you admit that women are responsible for most if not all the evil that takes place. The Bible pins the original sin on Eve. The 'serpant' probably was Eve herself. Or at least the image of a woman with long flowing hair. That kind of hair looks like the hood of a cobra. Besides, Satan as the great deceiver must be a female gender pretending to be a male gender. Part of The devil's deceit package.

Your friend,


Well-known member

Sounds like you are an atheist want to be? Why don't you admit that women are responsible for most if not all the evil that takes place. The Bible pins the original sin on Eve. The 'serpant' probably was Eve herself. Or at least the image of a woman with long flowing hair. That kind of hair looks like the hood of a cobra. Besides, Satan as the great deceiver must be a female gender pretending to be a male gender. Part of The devil's deceit package.

Your friend,


I admit it.

And I know where you live.

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