The human concepts were naturally drawn from the best existing bodies (texts) of that time period. The best sources in human language were logically used, paraphrased, expanded on and put within the greater cosmological context of an enhanced revelation of knowledge.
Matthew Block's research...
truth is far as it can be 'related'
truth is far as it can be 'related'
Universal values and meanings are already realities...cognizant to man because they have their origin in his Creator, the source of all truth and reality. Also there is in man a fragment of...
Back to point of view. The UB used the then present day scaffolding of human knowledge and expanded it within a greater cosmic field of actuals and potentials. The universe values and meanings still hold, and are further unfolding in our progressive experience, and this is what is key when...
The revelators admitted to using the existing base of human knowledge at that time, they borrowed those concepts and expanded on them...and only some parts of the papers reflect that. Dont forget much of what is original to the UB itself, and its vast expansions on religious philosophy and...
Awesome :)
I gather you've seen our ACIM Q & A thread? (I was continuing a chronological commentarial there, but havent taken it back up recently - it usually depends on what directive flow I'm in,.... where Spirit leads).
Our unfolding Universe........
Our unfolding Universe........
A synopsis from The Spiritual Fellowship.
Also see Encylopedia Urantia
perception and knowledge......
perception and knowledge......
Indeed, no matter what system of language-symbols, mythology, or religious concepts we entertain, 'God' remains the central or primal reality behind all that is, since 'God' is the core and final value of all existence, both...
new directions.....
new directions.....
A thought to consider -
(5:5.12) The experience of God-consciousness remains the same from generation to generation, but with each advancing epoch in human knowledge the philosophic concept and the theologic definitions of God must change...
Thats part of the challenge of dialogue,....interpretation, context, point of view :)
I brought up the question as to how something is 'verified', but such would depend on the criteria and terms of what determines any kind of 'verification', however its defined or qualified, becomes a...
concepts and principles of value
concepts and principles of value
Like any other book of religious or philosophical significance or value,....the content is the vehicle in which principles or ideals are shared. Hence the 'content' counts.
'Reality response' was from a quote from the UB...
Some are listed below. Your claim however that the cosmological, philosophical and religious concepts are all plagiarized is laughable, since the papers are presented as an epochal revelation,... accentuating, adding to and expanding man's knowledge-base. That is what epochal revelations do...
Seems doubtful, or you would have remembered what it actually teaches, have a familiarity with its cosmology, philosophical content, theology, special terms, integrity of principles, values, meanings.
I see none. The content speaks for itself.
Copyright issues vary in their complexities -
Copyright on religious works
They are necessary in some cases in publishing, especially if the integrity of the writing is to be protected.
What is essential......
What is essential......
But the revelators would have no interest in obtaining a copyright (such would be more of a human interest, for publishing purposes, etc.) - their primary interest would be in the preservation of the material as it came thru, for the benefit of...
Can you show or prove where the revelators directed anyone to get copyrights for the papers?
I dont recall this being the case,...any directives or intentions for a copyright of the papers were probably sponsored by humans. I'm aware of some controversy over the copyright issue, lawsuits...
I've yet to read all of Matthew Block's work on the papers on 'religion', so my statement of which subjects the revelators drew from human sources did not include 'religion' which I acknowledge could be the case. Since the scrutiny seems to be mostly on 'science' recently, I accentuated that...
See former post to you Here. Without a knowledge of what the Papers actually teach, your analysis is less than perfect.
If you did read it, you would probably remember significant aspects of the teaching, philosophy and cosmology, especially the first 12 Papers which is the core-context and...
one accepts what has value to him........if such is recognized
one accepts what has value to him........if such is recognized
Good point, for the value of the material stands using human knowledge of that time period (early 20th century) as a base, from which to elaborate from. Anyone with a...