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  1. The Berean

    I am coming out of the closet

    After reading alwight's post I feel like such a phony, such a liar. So today I decided to not live a lie anymore. I admit that I am left handed. :flamer: I even kick a soccer ball with my left foot. :dizzy: I believe God made me this way. Please don't hate me. I will not put up with...
  2. The Berean

    City of Seattle to raise minimum wage to $15/hr

    This should be interesting. The measure, which would take effect on April 1, 2015, includes a phase-in of the wage increase over several years, with a slower process for small businesses. The plan gives businesses with more than 500 employees nationally at least three years to phase in the...
  3. The Berean

    Classics cars thread

    This caught my eye. I wonder how this Mustang will go for at auction? :think: Rare Shelby Mustang unearthed after 40 years spent gathering dust, only 8,500 miles
  4. The Berean

    Questions for Christian Liberty

    I have some questions for you. If you could set up a nation what form of government would it have? Would this nation have any taxes? Would this nation have a police force? Would this nation have a military? Would it have private property rights for everyone?
  5. The Berean

    Self defense systems

    I was wondering what are the best self defense fighting systems to defend yourself in a real world situation? Have you had to defend yourself from a would be attacker? If so how did it go?
  6. The Berean

    For the TOLers who served in the US Marine Corps

    This made me laugh!
  7. The Berean

    General Sports Thread

    i thought I'd start this thread to discuss any and all sports. :thumb: I'll start. Is Eli Manning a future Hall of Famer? :think:
  8. The Berean

    Your favorite gifs!

    So what are some of your favorite gifs. This made me laugh when I was kid back in the late 1970's and it still makes me laugh today! Any Prince Fielder gif is pretty funny!
  9. The Berean

    The Pittsburg Pirates are back, tetelestai?!

    Fellow TOLer tetelestai is a huge Pittsburgh sports fan. Now, the Pittsburgh Pirates are actually good. :up:
  10. The Berean

    Stuff kmoney Likes

    1. Cows 2. Serena Williams What's next kmo? :idunno:
  11. The Berean

    A virtual homeschooling center

    I was thinking about this recently and I wanted to know if you guys think it would work. I've hear that argument that many parents simply are not qualified to home school their kids because of their lack of education. So I was thinking about the idea of a virtual homeschooling system. Parents...
  12. The Berean

    Science, Engineering, & Technology in the News

    Being a professional engineer and an admitted techno geek, I've decided to start this thread to post interesting news items from the world of science, engineering, and technology. If you see an interesting news item that deals with science, engineering or technology please post it here! Stone...
  13. The Berean

    Questions for drbrumley!!

    Doc, I got like a thousand questions for you but I'll start with a few: 1) What's wrong with the U.S. government? 2) How should the U.S. government be run? 3) Is globalism good or bad? Why? 4) What is the best type of government?
  14. The Berean

    Pastor Bob vs Michael Shermer

    Pastor Enyart, I recently listened to your dicussion with Micheal Shermer. It was a riot! :rotfl: He spent most the time saying things like, "I don't understand. What are you trying to say?" For a supposedly educated and philosophical man he seemed a bit lost. I didn't think your position was...
  15. The Berean

    One-on-One: Biblical Christianity and Evolution, The Berean and noguru

    I wanted to discuss with noguru the topic of Biblical Christianity and evolution. I hope that noguru and myself can flesh out ideas about whether a person can hold a belief in Biblical Christianity and naturalistic evolution (meaning the origin of life). This thread is NOT a debate about...
  16. The Berean

    What is the record for the quickest banishment from TOL?

    I ws curious because Janus got banned in two days. He joined 1/12/05 and got banned 1/14/05 9:29 PM...
  17. The Berean

    Aimiel, can you elaborate on your title as "prophet"?

    Aimiel, you stated this in a previous thread: I'm curious can you elaborate on this further, please. The Berean
  18. The Berean

    Arafat is DEAD!

    Arafat just died. Fox News