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  1. The Berean

    How many languages do you speak?

    I speak English and Spanish on a conversational level. I'd like to learn more languages starting with Italian and Portuguese.
  2. The Berean

    White Privilege thread

    The term "white privilege" has become a popular term recently. I've started to study the term trying to understand the history and origin of the term and concept. This recent letter got me thinking even more. A Letter from a White South African to White Americans White privilege wiki
  3. The Berean

    Cousins and children

    I had a question about family connections. If you have first cousins who have children, do the children address you as "cousin" or "aunt/uncle". I know technically the children are first cousins, once removed. My wife and I had a discussion about this. She insists that the children address her...
  4. The Berean

    Having a large family is now a status symbol?

    For the past decade of so I have read many articles and reports about younger people not wanting to have many children or any children due to various reasons. Western Europe, especially, is going through a significant population decline due to young couples not having large families. Yet...
  5. The Berean

    Restaurant to Hold 'White Appreciation Day' and Offer White People a Discount

    I am part European. Do I qualify? :p Restaurant to Hold 'White Appreciation Day' and Offer White People a Discount
  6. The Berean

    2015 NBA Playoffs thread

    Ok, let's talk NBA playoffs! :banana:
  7. The Berean

    CEO Slashes $1 Million Salary To Give Workers A Raise

    Obviously, this guy must be a :Commie: . :p CEO Slashes $1 Million Salary To Give Lowest-Paid Workers A Raise ...Price, the founder and CEO of Gravity Payments in Seattle, decided to raise the minimum salary at his 120-person payment processing company to $70,000. At a company where the...
  8. The Berean

    Have you ever shot another person?

    Gun politics is a very popular discussion here at TOL. So it got me thinking. Have you ever actually shot another person?
  9. The Berean

    ECT The importance of the Holy Bible in your life

    I wanted to asked fellow Bible believing Christians about the importance of the the Holy Bible in your life? Some questions to ponder. -How often do you read the Bible? -How do you read the Bible? Which version of the Bible do you read? -Can you give an example of how the Scriptures have...
  10. The Berean

    Man forced ex-girlfriend to miscarry after secretly feeding her abortion pills

    This made me sick! :mmph: I'm not a violent person but given the chance I may punch this guy in the face! Wicked, evil bastard! :box: Man forced ex-girlfriend to miscarry after secretly feeding her abortion pills in a smoothie A man who induced his ex-girlfriend’s miscarriage in her twelfth...
  11. The Berean

    Woman on the $20 bill?

    There is petition to have a woman on the $20 bill. A campaign to get a woman on the $20 bill is gaining serious traction If you had the power to make it happen what woman would you select to be on the $20 bill? :think:
  12. The Berean

    Finland fined driver $60,000 for going 14 mph over the limit

    Socialism at its "best"! :rotfl: Finland fined this driver $60,000 for going 14 mph over the limit Unlike in the United States, where the flat fine is based on location and speed over the limit, Finland bases the penalty also as a percentage of daily income, according to the previous year’s...
  13. The Berean

    Is there a rise in neo-fascism in Europe?

    I wanted to ask the European TOLers a few questions. Do you see a rise of neo-fascism in your country? If so, do think it will gain significant political power in the future? If so how much does this concern you?
  14. The Berean

    King of Jordan sent out photo in response to ISIS

    Wow! :jawdrop: King of Jordan sent out photo in response to ISIS Jordan's King Abdullah II, a former commander of his country's special forces , angrily vowed to bombard the Islamic State until his military runs "out of fuel and bullets" after the release of a brutal video showing a captured...
  15. The Berean

    France's Secularism Is Driving Young Muslims Out Of School, Work And French Culture

    This is an interesting article. It seems France is headed for a major cultural war. Muslims refuse to become secularized. France's Secularism Is Driving Young Muslims Out Of School, Work And French Culture
  16. The Berean

    Intel commits $300 million to workplace diversity

    Intel commits $300 million to workplace diversity LAS VEGAS -- Under fire along with other tech companies for its lack of diversity, Intel on Tuesday said it plans to dramatically increase the number of women and minority workers it employs within five years and will commit $300 million to the...
  17. The Berean

    Undocumented immigrants crowd California DMV offices for new licenses

    :sigh: My home state continues to lose its mind. :nono: Undocumented immigrants crowd California DMV offices for new licenses Thousands of immigrants in the country illegally on Friday took a big step into California life -- and its clogged freeway commutes -- by completing an American rite...
  18. The Berean

    Man Saw Fellow Fan’s Pregnant Wife Texting Another Man, Does Something About It

    This interesting story caught my eye. At a football game a fan notices a pregnant woman texting another man. The fan decides to tell the man who is with the pregnant woman. Did the fan do the right thing? :idunno:
  19. The Berean

    Apple, Inc. interview

    Ok, so tomorrow (11/07/14) I have a telephone interview with a hiring manager at Apple, Inc. Ironically other than my old iPhone 3 that I have I don't use Apple products. :rotfl: I haven't used an Apple computer in probably 20 years. So I have been studying up on the latest Apple products. The...
  20. The Berean

    How important is space travel to mankind?

    With all the things going on in the world how important is/should space travel be to humanity?