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  1. Catholic Crusader

    How Corrupt and Evil Hillary's Campaign Is

    James O’Keefe Gets Another Scalp: Subject of Undercover Video Ousted Scott Foval, one of the subjects of a recent James O’Keefe exposé broken exclusively by Breitbart on...
  2. Catholic Crusader

    Clinton Supreme Court a Threat to the Bill of Rights

    Clinton Supreme Court a Threat to the Bill of Rights Liberal shift on the bench could wipe out Americans’ most fundamental rights >> "Beth Miller, one of the audience questioners during the second...
  3. Catholic Crusader

    Local GOP office in North Carolina firebombed

    Gotta' love the "tolerance" crowd....... Local GOP office in North Carolina firebombed Washington (CNN)A GOP office in Hillsborough, North Carolina, was firebombed over the weekend, with a swastika and the words "Nazi...
  4. Catholic Crusader

    Bribery: More Hillary Email Cover-Up

    An Attempted Hillary Email Coverup? A senior State Department official repeatedly pressed the FBI to change the classification of emails stored on Hillary Clinton's private server, according to FBI interview...
  5. Catholic Crusader

    Peter Thiel to Donate $1.25 Million in Support of Donald Trump

    Peter Thiel to Donate $1.25 Million in Support of Donald Trump By DAVID STREITFELD OCT. 15, 2016 - SAN FRANCISCO — Peter Thiel, true to his reputation as the most contrarian soul in Silicon Valley, is doubling down on...
  6. Catholic Crusader

    Hacked Emails Show The DNC Consider Hispanics as Nothing More than a “Target Consumer

    Hacked Emails Show The DNC Consider Hispanics as Nothing More than a “Target Consumer” In yet another insulting and damning email released by Wikileaks, as part of their series...
  7. Catholic Crusader

    #WomenWhoVoteTrump: These are the women who support Trump

    #WomenWhoVoteTrump: These are the women who support Trump (CNN) Suburban moms, first-time voters and well-educated women are taking to Twitter to explain exactly why they want Donald Trump to be the next president...
  8. Catholic Crusader

    The Press Buries Hillary Clinton’s Sins

    Best recent article I have read. I strongly recommend that everybody read it: The Press Buries Hillary Clinton’s Sins As reporters focus on Trump, they miss new details on Clinton’s rotten record. If average voters...
  9. Catholic Crusader

    HYPOCRITE ALERT: Michelle Obama’s Misogyny Hypocrisy

    Can anyone deny this utter, disgusting hypocrisy? Michelle Obama’s Misogyny Hypocrisy Michelle Obama put on a truly Oscar-worthy performance in New Hampshire Thursday afternoon, criticizing Donald Trump for a...
  10. Catholic Crusader

    Wolves Among the Sheep

    Lord have mercy these people are evil: United Methodist and Episcopalian Church Clergy Lead Prayer Rally to “Bless” Abortion Clinic In Ohio, United Methodist Church...
  11. Catholic Crusader

    Clinton Campaign Staffers Trash Conservative Catholics

    Clinton Campaign Staffers Trash Conservative Catholics In a new Wikileaks disclosure, key figures in the Clinton campaign reveal a visceral anti-Catholicism, attacking...
  12. Catholic Crusader

    Martha Raddatz is the Worst Moderator of All Time

    Question from the OP, who agrees with this besides almost everyone on Social Media: I'M NOT GONNA LET YOU FINISH: MARTHA RADDATZ IS THE WORST MODERATOR OF ALL TIME
  13. Catholic Crusader

    Hillary Clinton's website removed promise to 'believe' all sexual assault survivors

    Is there no low that this slimy, corrupt lying criminal will not stoop to? Hillary Clinton's website removed promise to 'believe' all sexual assault survivors after return of allegations that Bill Clinton raped Juanita Broaddrick and Hillary threatened her to keep quiet Clinton's website said...
  14. Catholic Crusader

    Perspective on Trump's 8 year old Comments

    What Trump only spoke about 8 years ago, Bill Clinton actually did, and worse. So if someone likes Bill Clinton, but snivels and cries about an 8 year old comment by Trump, then they are a hypocrite and a liar. If someone lets their kids list to wrap music that is far more vile in its lyrics...
  15. Catholic Crusader

    If you see something, pretend it's everything except what it looks like

    PURPOSE OF THIS THREAD: To demonstrate how liberals never want to call terrorist acts what they are, and to begin a dialogue on that topic.. The Democrats motto: If you see something, pretend it's everything except what it looks like ‘Intentional explosion’ is the new ‘workplace violence’...
  16. Catholic Crusader

    "How Can Mary be God's Mother" - Tim Staples

    Another great article by Tim Staples How Can Mary Be God’s Mother? By Tim Staples - SOURCE LINK (Used with permission) For many in the more traditional Protestant communities, believing Mary to be the Theotokos (Greek, "God-bearer") or Mother of God, is an area of agreement with Catholics...
  17. Catholic Crusader

    ‘Washington Post’ Confirms Hillary Clinton Started the Birther Movement

    ‘Washington Post’ Confirms Hillary Clinton Started the Birther Movement story link "New analysis from the Washington Post removes any doubt that the anti-Obama Birther movement was started in 2007 and 2008 by Hillary Clinton, her campaign, and her Democrat supporters....."
  18. Catholic Crusader

    Actor Jon Voight Reveals a Surprising Fact About Hollywood

    Actor Jon Voight Reveals a Surprising Fact About Hollywood VIDEO >> During an interview with the FOX Business Network’s Stuart Varney, Actor Jon Voight, currently starring in Showtime’s Ray...
  19. Catholic Crusader

    Co-Leader/Founder Black Americans For Trump Explains Why He is Voting for TRUMP

    Cory Co-Leader/One of Founders Black Americans For Trump Explains Why He is Voting for TRUMP
  20. Catholic Crusader

    Fun With Trump

    Donald Trump on Jimmy Fallon: (NOTE: TOL only allows one video per post so the 4 videos are spread out into 4 posts.)