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  1. Catholic Crusader

    A Thanksgiving Message from President-Elect Donald J. Trump - 11/23/16

    A Thanksgiving Message from President-Elect Donald J. Trump - 11/23/16 "President-elect Donald J. Trump asks everyone to join together under the shared resolve to Make America Great Again for all people."
  2. Catholic Crusader

    Trump Names Former Opponent As UN Ambassador, Replacing Anti-Putin Samantha Power

    Trump Names Former Political Opponent As UN Ambassador, Replacing Anti-Putin Samantha Power In the first woman appointment to Trump's administration, South Carolina...
  3. Catholic Crusader

    Trump Offers Ben Carson HUD Secretary Job

    Me: Everyone thought Carson would be tapped for SG because he is a doctor. But this.... ...this is yet another brilliant Trump move. Trump is a winner in every sense of the word. Trump Offers Ben Carson HUD Secretary Job...
  4. Catholic Crusader

    Stunning! Dow hits new high of 19,000 as Trump rally continues

    CNN calls it the Trump Rally. Take THAT never-Trump idiots Stunning! Dow hits new high of 19,000 as Trump rally continues The Dow Jones Industrial Average hit a new record high Tuesday, closing above...
  5. Catholic Crusader

    Immigration Officer: Border Deluge of Illegal Aliens ‘Is The Worst We’ve Ever Seen’

    EXCLUSIVE — Immigration Officer: Border Deluge of Illegal Aliens ‘Is The Worst We’ve Ever Seen’ The flood of illegal aliens pouring across the southern...
  6. Catholic Crusader

    Illegal immigrants pose as families, tell tales of woe to gain entry to U.S.

    Illegal immigrants pose as families, tell tales of woe to gain entry to U.S. Illegal immigrants are trying a bold new strategy to sneak into the U.S. — pairing up with unrelated children and...
  7. Catholic Crusader

    Thanks, Trump: DJIA just hit 19,000 for the first time ever

    Thanks, Trump: DJIA just hit 19,000 for the first time ever So that financial apocalypse that was supposed to happen once Donald Trump got elected seems to have been postponed as the Dow Jones...
  8. Catholic Crusader

    ECT Forgiveness of Sins

    Forgiveness of Sins Source: LINK Used with permission
  9. Catholic Crusader

    Clinton Foundation Donations Plummeted by 37 Percent

    Clinton Foundation Donations Plummeted by 37 Percent Donations to the Clinton Foundation tanked in 2015 amid allegations that Hillary Clinton used the billion-dollar charity to siphon...
  10. Catholic Crusader

    Jeff Sessions, a Fitting Selection for Attorney General

    Jeff Sessions, a Fitting Selection for Attorney General Donald Trump has appointed Alabama senator Jeff Sessions to be the next attorney general. It’s a sensible pick that...
  11. Catholic Crusader

    Happy Thanksgiving to all

    Happy Thanksgiving to all Thanksgiving Day.—A civil holiday observed annually in the United States of America on the last Thursday in November. The president issues a proclamation, calling on the citizens, all Federal officials, and others subject to Federal authority to observe the day as one...
  12. Catholic Crusader

    Federal Crime is OK if Your Intention is Good?

    I had to make a thread out of this post. I won't front off the poster, but in another thread, regarding Trump's proposed "wall", he said: ".....I doubt a wall is going to stop people from doing what they have to to feed their families......" This is so typical of Leftwing thinking. So now a...
  13. Catholic Crusader

    Trump's Election a Foreshadowing, Not an Echo

    I was interested to learn recently that soon after Ronald Reagan was elected, drunk Teddy Kennedy actually contacted the Soviets and told them that Reagan's politics would be a passing thing and that soon they could get back to business as usual. Well, history has certainly proven quite the...
  14. Catholic Crusader

    Liberal Hypocrisy - 1

    While illegal immigrants account for about 3.5 percent of the U.S population, they represented 36.7 percent of federal sentences in FY 2014 following criminal convictions, according to U.S. Sentencing Commission data. Now, it is always liberals who complain about the size of prisons and that we...
  15. Catholic Crusader

    Keith Ellison Headlined Fundraiser For Muslim Activist Jihadist

    From CC: More proof that Democrats and Liberals are hypocrites and lowlifes: This is the scum that the Democrats are wanting to make the Chairman of the DNC: Keith Ellison Headlined Fundraiser For Muslim Activist Who Called For Palestinians To Embrace “The Jihad Way”...
  16. Catholic Crusader

    British Government's "Counter-Extremist" Unit Shuts Down Milo Yiannopoulos Speech

    British Government's "Counter-Extremist" Unit Shuts Down Milo Yiannopoulos Speech Oh man, the Left is unhinged. The guy is a homosexual and generally a Liberal. But he was a Trump supporter this election, so we have this amazing headline: British Government's "Counter-Extremist" Unit Shuts...
  17. Catholic Crusader

    A Message from President-Elect Donald J. Trump - 11/21/16

    "The President-elect shares an update on the Presidential Transition, an outline of some of his policy plans for the first 100 days, and his day one executive actions.
  18. Catholic Crusader

    Donald Trump’s media summit was a "(blank) firing squad"

    Donald Trump’s media summit was a "(blank) firing squad" Donald Trump scolded media big shots during an off-the-record Trump Tower sitdown on Monday, sources told The Post. “It was like a (blank) firing squad,”...
  19. Catholic Crusader

    Central Americans now pouring in near Yuma; Haitian detainees released in response

    Central Americans now pouring in near Yuma; Haitian detainees released in response Latest surge of families, children coming to U.S. has forced immigration officials to release 900 Haitians from detention centers...
  20. Catholic Crusader

    ‘Rape Melania’ sign at anti-Trump protest

    ‘Rape Melania’ sign at anti-Trump protest draws strong rebuke, sparking Twitter trend Some Twitter users saw “Rape Melania” in their trending-topics boxes...