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  1. Clete

    Clete's POTD 8-2-06

    Context I know this was posted yesterday but who cares. This is post of the WEEK! :first: :BRAVO:
  2. Clete

    Clete's POTD 5-15-06

    Every Christian on the planet should be made to read the following post! Thank you so much Pastor Hill! You have no idea how big an impact this single article had on my life! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Resting in Him, Clete
  3. Clete

    Alpha Omega Home Schooling Curriculum?

    I need to know as much as possible about the Alpha Omega Home Schooling Curriculum. Specifically the Lifepac 2nd grade program. I have a catalog that has quite a bit of good info but the wife and I are currious about a few details. We could, of course call Alpha Omega and ask them these...
  4. Clete

    Clete's POTD 3-17-06

    Jim Hilston asked Philetus... Do you pray for people's salvation? If so, what are you asking God to do? A brilliant and eloquent response, Philetus! :BRAVO: Here's a link to the thread: Open Theism
  5. Clete

    Clete's POTD! 02-21-2006

    First a little context... In response to being blown off by Jim Hilston... And then the muzicman prestented this explaination, which is just flat out brilliant! Originally post by themuzicman In metaphysics, there are three major categories: 1) Ontological, which deals with the state of...
  6. Clete

    Clete's pick for POTD! 1-17-06

    Outstanding post! :BRAVO: Post 1489
  7. Clete

    Clete's POTD 1-6-06

    These are just two exerpts from just an incredibly brilliant post. Here's a link to the post itself. It's a bit on the long side but well worth the read (as long as you can over look the Calvinistic parts ;) ). Battle Talk ~ BR IX Post 599
  8. Clete

    Clete's Pick 12-29-05

    Just excellent! :BRAVO: Context This was actually posted yesterday but that's close enough! Load this guy up with some rep points will ya!
  9. Clete

    Carl Sagan: Prophet of Scientism

    The 20th of this month will mark the 9th anniversary of Carl Sagan's entrence into the eternal flames of Hell. And since the Battle Royale on Evolution which Carl Sagan insisted was a fact and not a theory, is going to begin in just a few days I thought it would be appropriate to post the...
  10. Clete

    Clete's POTD 11-30-05

    This was posted last night but that's close enough! Just excellent! :BRAVO: Here's a link to the post... Post 518
  11. Clete

    Clete's Pick 11-4-05

    :BRAVO: Post #6
  12. Clete

    Clete's POTD 10-22-05

    I love it! :thumb: Post 121
  13. Clete

    Clete's POTD 10-14-05

    Outstanding! :BRAVO: This was post 12 in the following thread... A Discussion between Clete & Hilston
  14. Clete

    Clete's POTD 9-22-05

    Outstanding! :first: Welcome to TOL! :thumb: Context
  15. Clete

    Clete's pick 8-29-05

    Just incredibly brilliant! :thumb: Thread
  16. Clete

    Clete's pick 8-17-05

    This was posted yesterday but I didn't see it until today so it gets POTD today! :thumb: Excellent, excellent post Emo! :BRAVO: CLICK THE LINK TO THE STUDY! Here's the last sentence in the study... "Homosexuals are sexually troubled people engaging in dangerous activities. Because we care...
  17. Clete

    Clete's POTD 8-16-05

    Exactly right! :BRAVO: Talking past one another indeed! :rolleyes: How could you have been talking past the thing which is the very point of the whole discussion? Thread
  18. Clete

    Clete's POTD 8-13-05

    Context Terrific analogy! Just terrific! :BRAVO:
  19. Clete

    Clete's SPotD 7-19-05

    Context :BRAVO: :BRAVO: :BRAVO: Brilliant Brilliant Brilliant! Just an outstanding post!
  20. Clete

    Clete's SPotD 7-15-05

    Post #19 this thread. It was actually posted yesterday but I only just saw it so it gets POTD today. :)