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  1. Clete

    The Plot by Bob Enyart

    The purpose of this thread is to discuss Bob Enyart's book, The Plot. The book, I believe, is the best theological treatise written since Martin Luther nailed something on the door of a church somewhere. If you have read his book then your participation here is welcome and encouraged. If you...
  2. Clete

    The Bible Does Not Teach Calvinism!

    Super short video says it all. God is good, therefore Calvinism is false...
  3. Clete

    Questions Calvinists Can't Answer....

    This thread is intended to collect various questions that Calvinists cannot answer without contradicting their own doctrine. I'll update the list below as new questions are posed. 1. If God is immutable, how did He become a man? (John 1:1 & 14) 2. If a child of innocent age, but not one of the...
  4. Clete

    The ONLY Biblical answer to The Age of Accountability

    The following is an essay written several years ago by a poster here that went by the user name "Lion" (if memory serves me correctly!). He was a member of Bob Enyart's congregation at the time and may still be a member of that church. The point being that I am not the author of what follows but...
  5. Clete

    Before Time Began?!

    I've often thought to myself, "I could make stronger arguments against my own doctrine than I've ever seen anyone make on Theology Online!" and, in fact, I'm sure I've even said so in a post here and there over the years, but I've always avoided doing so because I don't like the idea of handing...
  6. Clete

    Real Science Radio: One Way Speed of Light Measurement Proposal

    Real Science Radio: One Way Speed of Light Measurement Proposal In this thread I want to discuss the measurement of the one way speed of light, which virtually all physicists will tell you cannot be done. It would probably be a good idea for you to watch the Veritasium YouTube video on the...
  7. Clete

    Why Do Catholics Say That Mary Remained a Virgin!

    The scripture couldn't be clearer on the issue of Jesus having brothers and sisters... Matthew 13: 54 When He [Jesus] had come to His own country, He taught them in their synagogue, so that they were astonished and said, “Where did this Man get this wisdom and these mighty works? 55 Is this...
  8. Clete

    Our Moral God

    I posted this a long time ago but it doesn't seem to have survived the software upgrade and so I'm posting it again here. Enjoy! Our Moral God The question of God's morality might, to some, seem a ridiculous question. To some the idea that God might not be moral is so ludicrous a thought that...
  9. Clete

    SCOTUS just handed the left every national election from now on!

    The Supreme Court of the United States refused to hear the suit filed by Texas against Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvanian and Wisconsin and they did so without explanation, precedent or right! When a court is THE ONLY court in which a case can be originally brought, that court has no right to...
  10. Clete

    Exhuastive Divine Foreknowledge is False

    The following, more or less formal, argument seeks to prove that the doctrine of Exhaustive Divine Foreknowledge cannot be true. I say that it is a "more or less" formal argument only because there are points within it that have not been formally established for the sake of brevity. You can only...
  11. Clete

    Constitutional Monarchy

    So what happens in such a system when the king hates God and doesn't care about following the law?
  12. Clete

    Something's Wrong With Redshift Theory!

    First, I should start by giving a brief explanation of what redshift is... Instead of merely looking at the bare light coming from distant objects through telescopes, one of the main techniques astronomers use to study distant celestial objects is to spread that light out into a spectrum. This...
  13. Clete

    Total Lunar Eclipse

    I took a bunch of pictures of the lunar eclipse last night. Here's a few of them. (Click on the images for a larger view.) First one was taken at 02:35 UT (8:35 central time) and is the moment when the Moon first entered the Earth's penumbral shadow. You cannot tell at all! It just looks like...
  14. Clete

    ECT The Gospel Proper

    The question, "What is the Gospel?" has come up a few times in various recent conversations I've had both here on TOL and elsewhere and I've been somewhat surprised by the degree of confusion that exists around what seems like ought to be a simple thing. Of course the confusion surrounding all...
  15. Clete

    You Cannot Live the Christian Life

    Every Christian on the planet should be made to read the following post! Thank you so much Pastor Hill! You have no idea how big an impact this single article had on my life! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Here's a [MODERATOR NOTE: The following link is currently broken. Sorry for the...
  16. Clete

    Unconditional Election vs. Total Depravity

    I've recently noticed a contradiction, or perhaps I should say another contradiction inherent within the Calvinist system but I've not found a good opportunity to mention it in other discussions and so I thought I'd give it it's own thread. It has to do with the two Calvinist concepts that are...
  17. Clete

    Evolutionists: How did legs evolve?

    I'm hoping that there is an evolutionist here on TOL who would be willing to give a reasonably brief while still conceptually detailed explanation of how legs evolved. That might sound like a weirdly specific request but I have a reason for asking it. It isn't a trick question. I really do want...
  18. Clete

    Top 10 Reasons the Universe is Electric (Electric Universe Theory)

    Lately, I've mentioned the Electric Universe Theory in several of my posts and I've been thinking about starting a thread to introduce the theory to more people and to discuss the topic in more detail but haven't been able to decide how best to start. Then the folks over at The Thunderbolts...
  19. Clete

    The Ethics of Ayn Rand - John Piper

    Well, I finally found something written by a Calvinist with which I can agree, at least mostly anyway.... The Ethics of Ayn Rand Appreciation and Critique by John Piper June 1, 1979 Revised October 9, 2007 In the late seventies, I went on an Ayn Rand craze. I read most of her works...
  20. Clete

    Take Down the Bird Feeder!

    I bought a bird feeder. I hung It on my back porch and filled It with seed. What a beauty of a bird feeder it was, as I filled it, lovingly with seed. Within a week we had hundreds of birds taking advantage of the continuous flow of free and easily accessible food. But then the birds started...