Search results

  1. Bright Raven

    Is Jesus the only way to salvation?

    What say you?
  2. Bright Raven

    Is Jesus God?

    What do you think? Present Scripture for your answer whether negative or positive
  3. Bright Raven

    Work out your salvation with fear and trembling

    What does Paul mean here?
  4. Bright Raven

    Are women suppose to be Pastors?

    What say you?
  5. Bright Raven

    Eternal Security

    Can you loose your salvation?
  6. Bright Raven

    Is Jesus God?

    What say you? If not, why not?
  7. Bright Raven

    What is the difference between the Gospel of the Jews and the Gospel of the Gentiles

    Is there a difference? Point it out.
  8. Bright Raven

    Is dispensational theology correct?

    Is Romans through Philemon written specifically to the church, the Gospel of the Grace of God or is the Gospel of the Kingdom for us?
  9. Bright Raven

    Theology Club: Romans through Philemon

    Is Romans through Philemon the basis for teaching in the Body of Christ?
  10. Bright Raven

    Theology Club: Does MAD detract from the single Gospel concept?

    Does MAD question the idea of a single Gospel?
  11. Bright Raven

    Theology Club: Does Open Theism Question/dispute the Omniscience of God

    Does Open Theism question the total omniscience of God?
  12. Bright Raven

    The Rapture

    Will the rapture be pre-tribulation, mid-tribulation or post-tribularion?
  13. Bright Raven

    Is the Bible the inerrant Word of God?

    Yes, "Sanctify them by the truth, thy Word is truth". John 17:17
  14. Bright Raven

    Is Jesus the Father?

    Enter your reply and defend with scripture
  15. Bright Raven

    "The Resurrection"

    Mel Gibson is working on a sequel to "The Passion of the Christ". Will you go to see it?
  16. Bright Raven

    Eternal Security

    Do you believe in it?
  17. Bright Raven

    Is Jesus the Father?

    What say you?
  18. Bright Raven

    Can a Christian walk away from their salvation?

    What say you?
  19. Bright Raven

    Who Loves Jesus

    I do, do you?
  20. Bright Raven

    Can a person loose their salvation?

    What do you think?