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  1. Bright Raven

    Theology Club: The Gospel to the Gentiles

    Isn't MAD the gospel of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles according to Paul?
  2. Bright Raven

    Theology Club: Is MAD doctrine correct?

    Slice it any way you want. Is the more than one Gospel position of MAD correct?
  3. Bright Raven

    Theology Club: What exactly is Openness?

    Please explain.
  4. Bright Raven

    Theology Club: The Gospel of the Kingdom and the Gospel of Grace

    Are they different or are they the same Gospel to different people groups?
  5. Bright Raven

    Theology Club: What determines the Omniscience of God

    Is God totally omniscient or are there some things for which He does not have foreknowledge. If so, what?
  6. Bright Raven

    Mid Acts Disponsationalism

    Do you believe in MAD. Please participate in the poll