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  1. Catholic Crusader

    President Trump's approval rating hits its highest point

    President Trump's approval rating hits its highest point According to a May 2019 Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll President Trump has a 48 percent approval rating.
  2. Catholic Crusader

    The Supreme Court could intervene in attempt to remove Trump from office, Dershowitz

    The Supreme Court could intervene in attempt to remove Trump from office, Dershowitz says
  3. Catholic Crusader

    The Racist Democrats are at it Again

    NYC public school educators allegedly told to favor black students over whites — in name of 'racial equity' New York City's public school educators allegedly have been instructed to...
  4. Catholic Crusader

    Leftwing Politician Harassing Women in Street

    My teen girls were filmed, harassed by a lawmaker for praying outside Planned Parenthood SNIPPET: .....We were praying a rosary at the corner of the Planned...
  5. Catholic Crusader

    Who says you can't abstain from homosexuality

    200 ex-LGBT people say publicly: We exist! WASHINGTON, D.C., May 27, 2019, LifeSiteNews – Ex-homosexual and ex-transgender people from around the country descended upon the Nation’s Capital this weekend for the Second Annual ‘Freedom March’ where they proclaimed the freedom they've found in...
  6. Catholic Crusader

    Judge Suspended Without Pay for Anti-Trump Comments in Court, Social Media

    Judge Suspended Without Pay for Anti-Trump Comments in Court, Social Media MY COMMENT: Who remembers when Trump got slammed for talking about "their" judges and "our" judges suggesting that judges take sides, and another...
  7. Catholic Crusader

    Oscar winner calls Trump the greatest president since Lincoln

    Oscar winner calls Trump the greatest president since Lincoln (CNN)- Oscar-winning actor Jon Voight has posted a pair of videos to Twitter in which he affirms his long-held support for President Donald Trump and...
  8. Catholic Crusader

    The Next Liberal Fantasy: The "Cover Up"

    After years, Mueller shattered the Liberal fantasy of Russian collusion. Noe come the next fantasy as voiced by that imbecile Pelosi: The Cover-up. She says Trump is involved in a cover-up. A cover-up of what!!! Mueller said there was no collusion and the Trump administration gave him...
  9. Catholic Crusader

    Liberal journo tweets fabricated Trump quote

    Liberal journo tweets fabricated Trump quote, Dems and media fall hook, line, and sinker A political scientist and author, a man who is a contributor to Time and has almost half a million Twitter followers, fabricated a quote...
  10. Catholic Crusader

    The Real Criminals - The Lying Democrats

    Its all going to come out soon, the attempted overthrow of a legal election by the criminal Democrats.
  11. Catholic Crusader

    When Leftists Clash

    Feminist speaks out against trans movement Julia Beck weighs in on the trans debate and the argument against trans people in female-only spaces after she was ousted from a Baltimore LGBTQ committee over her views.
  12. Catholic Crusader

    McCabe Claims DOJ Discussed A COUP Against Trump

    Fired Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe Claims DOJ Discussed A COUP Against Trump Fired former deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe reportedly told CBS's "60 Minutes" that he and other Justice...
  13. Catholic Crusader

    McConnell is pulling a Trump, God bless him

    McConnell is pulling a Trump, exposing the Green New Deal in the Senate. Rush nailed it on his broadcast. He explained that this stupid deal was probably supposed to be Cortez's big splash as her first legislative attempt, and that McConnell decides to do something about that. This excerpt...
  14. Catholic Crusader

    Top ICE official slams Dem proposal to limit number of beds in immigration detention

    Top ICE official slams Dem proposal to limit number of beds in immigration detention centers The deputy director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement on Monday slammed a Democratic proposal to limit the number of beds at immigration detention centers, calling the idea “extremely damaging to...
  15. Catholic Crusader


    >> They have found NO COLLUSION BETWEEN TRUMP AND RUSSIA!': Trump again touts GOP panel findings on Russia probe after complaining media ignored them President Trump's...
  16. Catholic Crusader

    Democrats, Antisemitism, Mass Murder

    When you think of mass murder and antisemitism, who comes to mind, Nazi's or Democrats? Answer: BOTH! "Rashida Tlaib wrote column for Louis Farrakhan publication in 2006"...
  17. Catholic Crusader

    'Stalin-like' Cover-up of Ocasio-Cortez's Green Stupidity

    YES Comrades: Cotton says media was 'Stalin-like' in Ocasio-Cortez Green Deal cover up Arkansas Republican Sen. Tom Cotton unloaded on Rep. Alexandria...
  18. Catholic Crusader

    Rep. Omar Wants to Defund Homeland Security Department

    Rep. Omar Wants to Defund Homeland Security Department Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar on Friday called for the Department of Homeland Security to be completely defunded. In a Friday evening tweet, the Somalia-born...
  19. Catholic Crusader

    Just When you Thought Democrats Could not get any more STUPID

    Rebuild every single building in America Phase out air travel in 10 years Government jobs and health care for everybody If we don’t have the money for it, no big deal, just print some Sound Crazy? Yes! It is also the Green New Deal that the Democrat presidential hopefuls signed onto. Yes...
  20. Catholic Crusader

    United States is now the number one producer of oil and natural gas in the world

    While Fake News CNN has been lying about their fake fantasy Russia witch hunt, has anyone noticed that the United States is now the number one producer of oil and natural gas in the world? We are now a seller and not a buyer? Not to mention all the jobs that go with that? As I said in another...