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  1. Catholic Crusader

    Dick Morris: Trump Ratings Up, Dem Chances Down

    Dick Morris: Trump Ratings Up, Dem Chances Down Things are looking better for President Donald Trump and the Republican chances of holding the House and gaining in the Senate. It’s a trend you’ll never see in the...
  2. Catholic Crusader

    President Trump Renews the Promise of the American Dream for Small Businesses

    President Trump Renews the Promise of the American Dream for Small Businesses NEW YORK, NY – President Trump proclaimed this National Small Business Week, marked by a Virtual...
  3. Catholic Crusader

    Trump-Pence: Keep America Great
  4. Catholic Crusader

    Supporters Chant ‘Nobel!’ for Donald Trump Success in North Korea

    Supporters Chant ‘Nobel!’ for Donald Trump Success in North Korea President Donald Trump’s supporters believe that he deserves the Nobel Peace Prize, in response to the peace...
  5. Catholic Crusader

    Trump Just Can't Stop Winning

    Trump: Greatest President in History! The rapist Clinton gave them nukes..... The Kenyan Socialist let them develop their nukes..... TRUMP BRINGS PEACE! This would not have happened if it were not for The Donald! MAGA! Two Koreas Agree to End War, 'Complete Denuclearization' North Korean...
  6. Catholic Crusader

    Candace Owens 2024 I love Candace Owens. She is my new favorite person. This lady is smart as a whip and just totally right on everything. I hope she runs for office. Here is a recent video of her taking on Black Lives Matter disruptors at a college event:
  7. Catholic Crusader

    Trump Is Winning, and I'm not Tired of it yet

    Trump Is Winning Are you sick and tired of it yet? By MATT LATIMER February 25, 2018 source link >> QUOTE: Donald Trump is on track to win reelection to the presidency of the United States. Yes...
  8. Catholic Crusader

    Trump's Approval Higher Thank Obama at Same Time

    Trump boasts after approval rating hits 50%, says it's higher than 'Cheatin’ Obama' From Newsweek: QUOTE: President Donald Trump celebrated a poll that showed an upswing in his job approval rating...
  9. Catholic Crusader

    Trump: Greatest President Ever

    Jobs are BACK! The economy is BACK! ISIS is Gone! And now North Korea is being brought to heel! God bless Donald Trump, the greatest modern American president!
  10. Catholic Crusader

    Consumer Spending Update: Confidence Rockets to New Four-Year High

    Thank you President Trump Consumer Spending Update: Confidence Rockets to New Four-Year High Friday, February 09, 2018 Economic and consumer...
  11. Catholic Crusader

    Sequel to 'The Passion of the Christ' will be biggest film in history: actor

    Can it live upto the hype? What do you think? I am not sure. Sequel to 'The Passion of the Christ' will be biggest film in history: actor A sequel to Mel Gibson’s 2004 film "The...
  12. Catholic Crusader

    President Trump Holds a Listening Session with High School Students and Teachers

    While the fake news vermin at CNN were holding their Hate Meeting about guns, Trump was the adult in the room, just listening to people, their ideas, and their experiences. As usual, the real Trump is the exact opposite of the fake Trump that liberals and Democrats try to portray. God bless...
  13. Catholic Crusader

    According To The FBI, Knives Kill Far More People Than Rifles In America

    According To The FBI, Knives Kill Far More People Than Rifles In America – It’s Not Even Close Knives kill far more people in the United States than rifles do every year. "In the wake of the horrific school shooting in...
  14. Catholic Crusader

    On tax cuts, Trump is the modern day JFK

    Oh my, CNN accidentally posted a somewhat factual article online. I better post it here before it disappears. Would JFK be a Republican today? I say yes. What do you say. He was strong on building nukes and the military, he was against abortion and gay marriage, and here we see him on tax cuts...
  15. Catholic Crusader

    President Trump closed the week with his highest favorability rating since mid-June

    If you had one word to say what would it be?I say, "Winning"! What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls "President Trump closed the week with his highest favorability rating since mid-June...
  16. Catholic Crusader

    TRUMP BUMP: The President’s Approval POPS TO 50% as Economy Soars

    Just imagine what his numbers would be if the lowlife scum in the media did not lie about him on a daily basis!! TRUMP BUMP: The President’s Approval POPS TO 50% as Economy Soars President...
  17. Catholic Crusader

    See Ya, Wouldn't Want to Be Ya'

    Lord I love my president!! SEE YA! Trump TOSSES LIBERAL HECKLER from Fiery CPAC Speech "President Trump gave a left-wing heckler the boot from his highly-anticipated speech at the 2018 Conservative...
  18. Catholic Crusader

    CNN is the Anus of Cable News

    As far as I am concerned, on the world of news, Fox News is the brain and CNN is the anus. (I hope it's okay to say "anus".) CNN has become nothing but a leftwing extremist propaganda machine, and the Faux Townhall they just had on guns is no different. Who agrees? Did CNN Try To Stack The Deck...
  19. Catholic Crusader

    NY Times columnist praises Trump for winning against ISIS

    Not long ago the socialist Kenyan coward Obama was letting ISIS win. Trump said he would bomb the hell out of ISIS and Trump has pulled victory from the jaws of defeat: NY Times columnist praises Trump for winning against ISIS, hits media for not giving credit...