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  1. User Name

    Hagee claims Sep. 28 marks 'Hugely Significant Event'

    Two Christian preachers with huge followings in the US claim the date of the last of four 'blood moons' over the past 18 months, due to occur on September 28, and following a papal visit to the US, will signal the second coming of Jesus Christ. At the same time, the world as we know it will be...
  2. User Name

    Noah's Ark & post-flood speciation

    According to Genesis 6:19-20, Noah was instructed to take male and female pairs of every "kind" of animal that walked the face of the earth. Several questions came to my mind about this, and I am wondering how those who take this story at its literal face value can answer them: 1) How many...
  3. User Name


    I was inspired to start this new thread based on this quote that Ask Mr. Religion posted in another thread (my reply follows): And what of gravity? There are obvious problems with geocentrism. For starters, as of 10 July 2015, 1932 planets in 1222 planetary systems have been discovered...
  4. User Name

    Wastewater injection causes earthquakes

    From the journal Nature: Two new studies provide the strongest evidence yet that oil and gas companies have caused a rash of earthquakes in the central United States by injecting wastewater into underground wells. One study, in Science, finds that the extraordinary increase in quakes took...
  5. User Name

    Are We Really 99% Chimp?

  6. User Name

    10 Vaccines That Saved The World

    "Since its creation in 1796, vaccination has been saving millions of lives from gruesome infectious diseases like smallpox and measles. Deadly pustules, internal bleeding, pneumonia, and coughs so hard that you'll break ribs. Discover the vaccines that helped you escape death from loads of...