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  1. User Name

    If God created...

    If God created the earth and the universe with "the appearance of age", then what is the "apparent age" of the earth and the universe?
  2. User Name

    Trump betrays his followers...

    Trump betrays his supporters on a regular basis. Incredibly, they still support him as if it never happened. For example: 1) Donald Trump says he is going to appoint a Special Prosecutor to investigate Hilary Clinton's email scandal. 2) Trump supporters chant "Lock her up!" at campaign rallies...
  3. User Name

    Another cause of climate change...

    There is another contributor to climate change, and this one isn't being talked about much in the mainstream media: Here is a link to additional resources:
  4. User Name

    TRANSHUMANISM: The Technological Singularity

    Humanism is a philosophy of life that considers the welfare of humankind. Transhumanism is the idea that the human race can evolve beyond its current physical and mental limitations, especially by means of science and technology. Information technology has been growing at an exponential pace...
  5. User Name

    Christian Art

    Art in all of its various forms has figured very prominently in the history of Christianity. It has even contributed to the conversion of masses of people to Christianity at times. Paintings and statues of Jesus and other biblical figures have inspired Christians to greater devotion to Christ...
  6. User Name


  7. User Name

    Ted Cruz endorses Thump For those on this forum who thought that Ted Cruz was the only bastion of true Conservatism in this presidential campaign, how does Cruz' capitulation to Thump change your opinion of him, if at all? I think it shows that he...
  8. User Name

    Ted: Cruz-ing for prostitutes?

    I heard a story on the news last night that Ted Cruz has been linked to the "D.C. Madam" prostitution case. Here's a link to the dish: Supposedly, the hacker group known as "Anonymous" was able to hack the...
  9. User Name

    Ode to an Onion

    Oh onion, onion, you are the gonest! So green, and yet so honest! Oh onion, onion, like I dig you the mostest, oh green and lovely hostess! Hip, hip, hip, and crazy daisy, Like your breath just leaves me hazy. Oh brave and noble onion, green stem and creamy bunion, your personality is hallion...
  10. User Name

    Who killed the Republican Party?

    Pundits in the media and even some on this forum are declaring the Republican Party to be DOA. If so, who is responsible and why?
  11. User Name

    Donald Trump will LOSE BIG!

    Here's why: Essentially, the argument is that Donald Trump only has a plurality of support in the Republican Party. He does not have majority support. He has yet to win 50% of votes in any state's primary. Nationwide, Trump only has 34% of Republicans supporting him. If Rubio or Kasich...
  12. User Name

    Mike Murdock endorses Trump

    Evangelical Christians helped propel Donald Trump to victory in the South Carolina GOP primary last Saturday. Trump came in with 34 percent of the evangelical vote, beating both Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, who often cite their Christian backgrounds on the campaign trail. Mike Murdock, a prominent...
  13. User Name

    "The Great Work"

    "The Great Work is, before all things, the creation of man by himself, that is to say, the full and entire conquest of his faculties and his future; it is especially the perfect emancipation of his will." -- Eliphas Levi Within Thelema, the Great Work is generally defined as those spiritual...
  14. User Name

    RIP Paul Kantner of Jefferson Airplane

    He was 74. Shown here in his younger days: Seems a generation's celebs are passing away before our very eyes.
  15. User Name

    Mexicans are leaving the USA

    In 2012, net migration between Mexico and the USA was nearly zero, and today, more Mexicans are going back than are coming to the USA. More details here: TCMILw49J9k Does this make Trump's proposed boarder wall between the two countries a bit unnecessary?
  16. User Name

    Michael Cadry call-out thread

    Back in April 11th, 2015, Michael Cadry posted: To which I asked: And Micheal replied: As of today, January 8, 2016, Michael is still posting on this forum, and Armageddon hasn't happened? :wazzup:
  17. User Name

    Gay rights in Israel

    Didn't know about this: Israel became the first in Asia to recognize unregistered cohabitation between same-sex couples, making it the only country in Asia to recognize any same-sex union thus far. Although same-sex marriages are not performed in the country, Israel recognizes same-sex...
  18. User Name

    Cheney predicted ISIS in 1994!

    Back in 1994, Dick Cheney (who had been the Secretary of Defense under President George H.W. Bush during the first Iraq war) explained that the Bush 41 administration did not invade Iraq to remove Saddam Hussein from power for the following reasons: "Once you got to Iraq and took it over--took...
  19. User Name

    Help Mark Armitage

    Mark Armitage has the only creationist laboratory in the world dedicated to recovering soft tissue residuals from dinosaur bone. I think this is interesting work: As Mark mentioned in the video, he has a GoFundMe account up and running. Here's the link: I...
  20. User Name

    Netanyahu slams Trump

    No less a right-winger that Bibi Netanyahu has criticized Donald Trump's proposal to ban Muslims from entering the USA: "Prime Minister Netanyahu rejects Donald Trump's recent remarks about Muslims," Netanyahu's office said in a statement Wednesday afternoon. "The State of Israel respects all...