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  1. E

    The long nightmare has ended. Trump leaves the White House

    Do you mean the "America we know" where there are "good people" among the white supremacists? Do you mean the "America we know" where a wall was (partially) built that served as an obscene symbol of xenophobia? Do you mean the "America we know" where your role in facing climate change has been...
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    The long nightmare has ended. Trump leaves the White House

    I am no fan of having a doddering old man in the White House. But, unlike the previous occupant, he is basically a good man.
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    Fiona Hill: "The president was trying to stage a coup"

    From CBC (a mainstream news network): Several thousand people gathered Saturday in downtown Montreal to hear speeches from conspiracy theorists and anti-vaccine activists, in one of the largest demonstrations to date against the Quebec government's response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The march...
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    The long nightmare has ended. Trump leaves the White House

    How about all those Nobel Prize winners who filmed themselves rioting on January 6th? In funny costumes, to boot.
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    The long nightmare has ended. Trump leaves the White House

    It truly is the end of an error.
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    Fiona Hill: "The president was trying to stage a coup"

    It will be difficult - he was such a treasure trove of lunacy.
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    Fiona Hill: "The president was trying to stage a coup"

    Unfortunately, stupidity does not respect national borders - we already have some nitwits in the streets with Qanon posters. Trump's departure is a victory for all humanity.
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    Fiona Hill: "The president was trying to stage a coup"

    What we are seeing is both hilarious and pathetic. Consider this: In the last week of his tenure, Mr. Trump was talking to a pillow manufacturer about things like martial law and the insurrection act. You cannot make this stuff up.
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    Fiona Hill: "The president was trying to stage a coup"

    Well, the freak show that is the Trump administration is in its final hours. I am not an American, but I cannot imagine how unbelievably embarrassing these last 4 years have been for your country. But the realm of Sauron has ended (or will end in about 18 hours). Much respect to those who have...
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    Covid Vaccination: I'm getting my first dose on Thursday

    Ouch. Shots fired.
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    Woman constantly convulsing after taking vaccine

    You are aware you are addressing the "Don't Tread on Me" crowd, right?
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    Covid Vaccination: I'm getting my first dose on Thursday

    Hey eider and chair: it is indeed disheartening to see how so many people are caught up in this odd, highly toxic melange of Trumpism and conspiracy-thinking. In more innocent times, we could shrug our shoulders and be thankful that while other people have the right to believe nonsense, those of...
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    A Nursing Home Had Zero COVID Deaths. Then, It Vaccinates Residents And The Deaths Begin

    And, as is almost always the case from the conspiracy-theorists, important context and supporting information is conveniently omitted.
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    Is President Trump cutting some of his supporters off?

    Where is your evidence that antifa and BLM had anything to do with the events of Wednesday. Vague hearsay is not evidence. Who, exactly, are these witnesses who "saw busloads of antife and blm people dressed as Trump supporters". I guarantee you these people will turn out to be complete wackos...
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    How far are we down the road to totalitarianism

    Given the events of Jan 6 2021, Trump's statement on inauguration day "This American carnage stops right here, right now" is off-the-charts ironic.
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    How far are we down the road to totalitarianism

    That's odd, I just saw some people running up the stairs of the US Capitol like, dare I suggest it, "lemmings" with lead pipes and Trump 2020 signs......
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    JAN. 6! March for Trump

    False. You learn well from your hero - simply invent facts to cohere with your world view.
  18. E

    JAN. 6! March for Trump

    So, how is that "rally" working out for ya?