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  1. E

    Vaccination progress

    In my bloodstream spike protein now prowls "Beware!", O K doser he howls "Dumb Nonsense!" I sings Then my cell phone she rings and I reflexively emptied my bowels
  2. E

    Vaccination progress

    ....and you have the cajones to call other people retards? My cat knows what is wrong with your reasoning.
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    HIV, sperm, placenta code in mrna vaccines

    The simple facts are these: - The "expert" in post 1 is demonstrably a nutter (so it is not "character assassination" to point this out) - Trump did indeed try to overturn the election results in Georgia - so your implication that it is "character assassination" to point this out is manifestly...
  4. E


    They say "a picture is worth a thousand words". In this, it is worth only four: "I am a nut".
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    HIV, sperm, placenta code in mrna vaccines

    Please explain how the fact that the Post lied about one conversation changes these words from another - words we all heard, even you (assuming you have cable under that rock): So what are we going to do here, folks? I only need 11,000 votes. Fellas, I need 11,000 votes. Give me a break This...
  6. E

    HIV, sperm, placenta code in mrna vaccines

    Are you suggesting that this: So what are we going to do here, folks? I only need 11,000 votes. Fellas, I need 11,000 votes. Give me a break ...does not constitute entirely inappropriate, and almost certainly, illegal efforts to undermine what all evidence indicates was an entirely fair...
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    HIV, sperm, placenta code in mrna vaccines

    While many of the readers here are clearly flat-out nutcases, I assume that there are at least a handful of functional neurons encased in those skulls that sport red ball caps, so there is no excuse. The point is that your finding, even if true and I am sure it is true, is entirely irrelevant...
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    HIV, sperm, placenta code in mrna vaccines

    Your dubious source aside, your post is deceptive - what a surprise. Even if it is true that the Post distorted the content of one particular conversation, we still have this smoking gun, a direct quote from those bloated orange lips: So what are we going to do here, folks? I only need 11,000...
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    HIV, sperm, placenta code in mrna vaccines

    All righty-then, let's see what your "source" - - is all about. To whet the appetite: Cosmin Dzsurdzsa is an editor at what has quickly become one of the most widely shared right-wing news websites in Canada. According to the About Us page on The Post Millennial’s website...
  10. E

    HIV, sperm, placenta code in mrna vaccines

    Who said this? Exact quote, please.
  11. E

    HIV, sperm, placenta code in mrna vaccines

    So I suppose the recorded phone calls are fake? To suggest that fantasies about pedophile rings and the rest of the tinfoil-hattery can be compared to hard evidence of Trump malfeasance is laughable. But, of course, par for the course.
  12. E

    HIV, sperm, placenta code in mrna vaccines

    Since when do legitimate questions about the qualifications of this "doctor" constitute character assassination? And you want to talk about "the far left"? Is it the far left who are wearing the tinfoil hats in current American political discourse? That is, who has concocted visions of a...
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    HIV, sperm, placenta code in mrna vaccines

    Carrie Madej? This is like shooting fish in a barrel: Madej describes herself as an osteopathic doctor and a “child of God and a believer in Jesus Christ.” She’s also a QAnon believer who questions why COVID-19 has been a bigger story than what she describes as a “global elite pedophile ring”...
  14. E

    For Those Who Still Insist That There Was Election Fraud

    They say it is poor sportsmanship to "spike the football". But, what the hey......... "Indeed, Plaintiffs themselves characterize the statements at issue as 'wild accusations' and 'outlandish claims.' They are repeatedly labelled 'inherently improbable' and even 'impossible.' Such...
  15. E

    "Science, Politics, And COVID: Will Truth Prevail?"

    Scott Atlas? Surely ye jest. I could have guessed the author of the article in post 1 was someone non-credible. From wikipedia: Atlas's influence on policy has alarmed many doctors and health experts. In September 2020, 78 of Atlas's former colleagues at the Stanford Medical School signed an...
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    "Science, Politics, And COVID: Will Truth Prevail?"

    Bad argument. Here is why masks should still be worn (as well as other measures) Source: Cleveland Clinic. 1. It takes time for the vaccine to kick in. 2. The vaccines do not provide 100% protection. 3. Those who have been vaccinated might be asymptomatic spreaders. 4. We still need to protect...
  17. E

    Vaccination progress

    Consider the absurd claim that ok doser has made to the effect that 3/4 of people who received the AZ vaccine have died of blood clots. It is not humanly possible to be so stupid as to believe this. So, I repent of my assertion that ok doser is a retard - he (or she) is clearly a troll (big...
  18. E

    Vaccination progress

    Lemme guess - white gun owner, not at the top of your class in high school?
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    EMA says Astrazeneca shots "safe" . . .

    Hey Einstein, I am not the imbecile who believes millions have developed blood clots from the AZ vaccine.
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    EMA says Astrazeneca shots "safe" . . .

    Tres droll. What "official" agency ever made such a ridiculous claim?