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  1. E

    Proof the leftists lie

    Who? Who are these people?
  2. E

    Proof the leftists lie

    If you want to see some real lying, I suggest you need look no further than your many posts. Come on man, as has been pointed out, this is not an issue of lying, it is an issue of being mistaken (at worst).
  3. E

    Over 10,000 COVID-19 Infections Recorded in Americans Who Received Vaccine

    Ok, you asked for it. The publication championed Trump's Spygate conspiracy theory in its news coverage and advertising, and the Epoch Media Group's Edge of Wonder videos on YouTube have spread the far-right, pro-Trump QAnon conspiracy theory,[18] and embraced false "QAnon" claims.
  4. E

    Over 10,000 COVID-19 Infections Recorded in Americans Who Received Vaccine

    If I am dim, I am not dim enough to not notice your little trick of slipping in the word "prove" here - more deception. Of course, it cannot be proven that shutdowns work anymore than it can be proven that OJ killed his wife. But there is a very strong case indeed that shutdowns do indeed work.
  5. E

    Over 10,000 COVID-19 Infections Recorded in Americans Who Received Vaccine

    Whataboutism. It is understandable that you are embarrassed by my expose of the extremely dubious credibility of your source - you should be. So, of course, you deflect.
  6. E

    Another death friom the covid vaccine leftists cannot hide

    The Gateway Pundit? Surely ye jest: The Gateway Pundit (TGP) is an American far-right[2] fake news website.[1] The website is known for publishing falsehoods, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories.[21] The Gateway Pundit is known as a source of viral falsehoods and hoaxes.[9][36][37] It has been...
  7. E

    Another death friom the covid vaccine leftists cannot hide

    Give your head a shake man!!! This in no way supports your groundless claim that Fauci bears any responsibility for Covid. You are moving the goalposts.
  8. E

    Over 10,000 COVID-19 Infections Recorded in Americans Who Received Vaccine

    An idiot (or a liar) is one who is either too dumb (idiot), or too dishonest (liar) ,to acknowledge that there is another important aspect to this issue other than the hardship conferred by the shutdowns - the lives saved by the shutdowns.
  9. E

    Over 10,000 COVID-19 Infections Recorded in Americans Who Received Vaccine

    From the Moron Times (oops, I mean Epoch Times) source you cite: COVID-19 is a disease caused by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus. Yeah, right.
  10. E

    Over 10,000 COVID-19 Infections Recorded in Americans Who Received Vaccine

    You bear false witness (as you do in most of your posts). You are fortunate that telling lies is not against forum rules. What Fauci said, if you actually read the article is this: “The typical mask you buy in the drug store is not really effective in keeping out virus, which is small enough...
  11. E

    Another death friom the covid vaccine leftists cannot hide

    You, of course, have provided zero evidence that Dr. Fauci bears any responsibility for Covid. It must be nice to have no filter- to say whatever you want and believe your words become truth simply in the uttering thereof.
  12. E

    Over 10,000 COVID-19 Infections Recorded in Americans Who Received Vaccine

    You never tire of the falsehoods do you? I see that you have been called out on this by others as well. It is manifestly untrue that people who die of Covid are "already dying of other illnesses" in the sense you imply. This is a gross distortion of the truth, as you surely know. Yes, most...
  13. E

    Over 10,000 COVID-19 Infections Recorded in Americans Who Received Vaccine

    You know, I could not live with myself if I posted a claim and did not defend with evidence. Apparently, you are not burdened with such a demanding conscience. You are, of course, wrong about masks.
  14. E

    Over 10,000 COVID-19 Infections Recorded in Americans Who Received Vaccine

    What are you talking about? It is not a "hope" that shutdowns help - it is a fact. You use the term "idiot". Yet what would you call someone who thinks that preventing people from meeting in buildings, restaurants, bars, and sports venues - that is, a shutdown - would not reduce the spread of a...
  15. E

    Over 10,000 COVID-19 Infections Recorded in Americans Who Received Vaccine

    You misrepresent (as you guys invariably do) the situation when you assert that "If one life is lost due to the shutdowns, it's not worth it". Clearly this is not correct since you overlook the other side of the coin - lives saved as a result of lockdowns. You guys always do this - you screen...
  16. E

    Over 10,000 COVID-19 Infections Recorded in Americans Who Received Vaccine

    Your point here only has merit because I chose my words carelessly. I agree that a shutdown cannot stop a disease. But it can, and has, greatly reduced its spread and impact.
  17. E

    Over 10,000 COVID-19 Infections Recorded in Americans Who Received Vaccine

    Your are evading. If God can deliver us from sickness without medical care, He can also deliver us from bad guys, with no need for guns. Your post is just a long-winded way of demonstrating that you are being inconsistent in the way you treat these two issues.
  18. E

    Over 10,000 COVID-19 Infections Recorded in Americans Who Received Vaccine

    More deception. Here you are trying to gain illicit leverage off the term "prove". Of course, science cannot prove this in a 100% sense. But science can, and has, mounted a strong case that shutdowns work.
  19. E

    Over 10,000 COVID-19 Infections Recorded in Americans Who Received Vaccine

    Misleading and wrong. Misleading: you are no doubt hoping that people will not realize that the truth is that only a small number of young people have had serious reactions to the vaccine. Yes, it has made many young people "sick" in the sense of sore arms, feely blah, etc. Your statement...
  20. E

    Over 10,000 COVID-19 Infections Recorded in Americans Who Received Vaccine

    From The Lancet. This, unlike some of the frankly loony sites some of you guys use (example: ""), is a respected, established, medical journal. Perfect, no. But at least not laughable: As of April 16, 2021, more than 13 700 people have died from COVID-19 in Sweden. The country has...