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  1. E

    Democrats condemn lying, unless the liar is one of their

    Where is there any lie?
  2. E

    Democrats condemn lying, unless the liar is one of their

    Listen you insufferable troll, post 3 most certainly does not demonstrate any lie.
  3. E

    Democrats condemn lying, unless the liar is one of their

    A question I guarantee you cannot, and will not, answer: Where, you ignorant hillbilly, does Kamala Harris lie in the clip provided in the OP?
  4. E

    Democrats condemn lying, unless the liar is one of their

    I believe she never claimed that she had personally been to the border. But, as I have argued, there is no lie here.
  5. E

    Democrats condemn lying, unless the liar is one of their

    I have been to the links - there is no evidence to support the claim. But go ahead, prove me wrong - provide the transcript of the specific part where Harris lied. While we are at it, how is that list of doctors coming - the ones you said supported Dr. Byram Bridle's Covid theory?
  6. E

    Democrats condemn lying, unless the liar is one of their

    In case anyone with more than a couple of brain cells is following this loony exchange, I will, once more, show why the OP is misleading. Harris said "we've been to the border". Not "I have been to the border", "we've been to the border". The difference is crucial, but appears to escapes the...
  7. E

    Democrats condemn lying, unless the liar is one of their

    Again, what exactly is the lie, you insufferable pinhead?
  8. E

    Democrats condemn lying, unless the liar is one of their

    How is that exactly? What does the evidence of this thread show? Let us review: 1. In the first post, the redoubtable marke made a highly misleading claim that Kamala Harris lied. 2. I showed, using actual sound reasoning - something that appears to be unfamiliar to you and your ilk - that...
  9. E

    Democrats condemn lying, unless the liar is one of their

    And, of course, the key outcome is this: the claim that Kamala Harris lied has been shown to be a gross distortion of the truth.
  10. E

    Democrats condemn lying, unless the liar is one of their

    Look, you knuckle-dragging, brain-addled twit, post 3 shows zero evidence of any lie.
  11. E

    Democrats condemn lying, unless the liar is one of their

    I can keep this up indefinitely: WHERE..........IS..........THE.........LIE,..............EINSTEIN?
  12. E

    Is there a risk of death from the covid vaccine?

    You mean the thousands and thousands of them who went to real medical schools and have real, responsible jobs, and have published peer-reviewed studies? As contrasted, of course, with a retired anesthesiologist in his basement blowing smoke rings through a mask? (your guy).
  13. E

    Democrats condemn lying, unless the liar is one of their

    If you want to continue being publicly embarrassed for being caught in yet another falsehood, I am more than happy to oblige. I will go slowly for you...
  14. E

    Democrats condemn lying, unless the liar is one of their

    Code for: There is no evidence that Kamala Harris lied as was asserted in the OP. What a shock.
  15. E

    Democrats condemn lying, unless the liar is one of their

    Where, exactly, did she lie? I listened to the whole clip and could discern no lie.
  16. E

    Democrats condemn lying, unless the liar is one of their

    What on earth is the logic here? This is utter nonsense. The facts are these: 1. Your claim that Kamala Harris lied falls apart when we examine what she actually said, as opposed to the violent spin you imparted to what she said. 2. Donald Trump is a pathological liar - of this there is no...
  17. E

    Is there a risk of death from the covid vaccine?

    Falsehood - the science shows that masks reduce transmission.
  18. E

    Once again Fauci is proven wrong by science

    More misleading material. First, is the vaccine risky? Of course it is! But, as you always do, you ignore the other side of the issue - the risk to life and limb of not taking the vaccine. Now about HCQ: Your argument here takes advantage of the lack of sophistication of your audience. You are...
  19. E

    Finally! The courts have ruled masking mandates unconstitutional.

    Lest there be any misunderstanding, the fact that masks mandates have been ruled unconstitutional does not mean they are not a wise public measure that will save lives. The Constitution, for all its merits, is an imperfect document written by imperfect human beings. The sad thing is that the...
  20. E

    Democrats condemn lying, unless the liar is one of their

    First, your suggestion that Donald Trump never lied will induce paroxysms of laughter in all who are in any sense living on this planet. Second, how does your post address the fact that your post was profoundly misleading, as I have already explained in grisly detail.